Chapter 435 Test, the western natives are coming again
"Items obtained: milk (SS grade) * 250ml."

"It's amazing!" Xiao Yi looked excitedly at the half glass of milk in front of him, "It can improve the strength of the people on the island as a whole!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi drank the synthesized milk in one gulp, and then walked towards the manor.

"Old Yuan, how much grain do we have in stock?" Xiao Yi asked.

"A lot were sold yesterday, so there are not many left!" Yuan Nong replied, "However, with the growth cycle here, we will be able to accumulate it soon."

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Okay, let's accumulate for a few days first!"

"Breakfast is ready, come back and have breakfast!" An Ran greeted.

Xiao Yi and the others responded, and then walked towards the villa with Yuan Nong.

After everyone arrived, Xiao Yi said while eating breakfast: "I found a problem to improve our physique, and we need to do some experiments."

Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

Xiao Yi continued: "Chen Si has successfully terminated the contract with Xuanyuan Wuwei."

"In other words, Chen Si has successfully promoted to B-level?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

Xiao Yi nodded.

Yuan Nong frowned and said, "He has been promoted to B-level so quickly, so he is faster than us?"

"In an instant, I feel that we are so useless!" Anyue said helplessly.

"Is it because of his talent, like Du Kang?" Su Wan asked the same.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "The high-level food on our island is definitely much richer than Chen Si's. Why can he be promoted to B-level so quickly? I have a bold guess, that is, the one with a low physique People who eat high-grade food cannot absorb the high-grade energy in it.”

Everyone was stunned, and Anyue said, "Doesn't that mean we wasted so much high-end food?"

"This is just my speculation, so I need to do an experiment to verify it!" Xiao Yi said, "Divide all ordinary people into four groups on average, one group only eats ordinary food, one group only eats C-grade food, and one group only eats Grade B food, one group only uses Grade A food!"

"In this case, we will need a lot of ABC three-level food. Our current three-level food is a bit monotonous, and it is not easy to operate!" Su Wan said with a frown.

For example, now the only crops in B-level are potatoes, is it possible to let others eat potato stew every day?
Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "Don't worry, we won't be short of food of all levels now, I got a good thing, I can use low-level food to synthesize high-level ones!"

Now everyone who was eating breakfast stopped their movements and looked at Xiao Yi in shock.

"You mean, as long as we have the most basic food, you can even synthesize food of SSS level?" Jiang Yuntian asked uncertainly.

Xiao Yi nodded affirmatively.

Everyone was ecstatic.

Du Kang's eyes widened, and he said: "This is really a cow going to heaven, it's so awesome!"

Xiao Yi glared at him, and continued: "The B-level and C-level people are divided into two groups, and they eat food of the same level and a higher level respectively. Uncle An, you are in charge of this matter, and the rest of the people must cooperate .”

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Anyue is the most familiar with the personnel situation on the island, so it is most convenient for him to organize this matter.

After talking about this, Xiao Yi said again: "By the way, I have to announce one more thing. An Ran has officially become my wife!"

Xiao Yi's idea was very simple, since An Ran had become his own woman, she should be given a title, and she couldn't be so vague.

Of course, there is another point, so that in the future, we can live together in the same room openly!

Hearing this, Su Wan's eyes dimmed slightly, she lowered her head and took a sip of milk, then smiled and said, "Congratulations, Sister An Ran!"

An Ran was stunned for a moment. She was not even ready, but Xiao Yi announced the news in front of everyone.Anyue and Li Yan were extremely surprised. Their daughter found a strong man, so they were naturally very happy!

"Island owner, this is a great joy, let's organize a wedding!" Du Kang suggested.

An Ran finally recovered from her panic, glared at Xiao Yi, and then replied with a smile: "Now is not the time, just wait!"

As long as Xiao Yi admits his identity, the wedding is just icing on the cake.

Xiao Yi touched his nose, and said to himself, "Why are you staring at me?"

"Island owner, there is another indigenous invasion in the west!" At this time, Pebble's voice sounded on the intercom.

Xiao Yi picked up the walkie-talkie and asked, "Just found out, or have we started fighting?"

"I just found out, but this time there are three big ships!" Yuanshi replied.

"Okay, I got it!" Xiao Yi said, then walked to the island monument in the living room, and began to look through the chat messages in Yi Tian Group.

"Is our western region so attractive to indigenous people? Why do they come here every day?"

"Yeah, didn't you just beat them back yesterday?"

"Can you calm down for a while and deal with the natives all day long? There is no need to do other things!"

"Yeah, I still want to grow some crops, which makes me afraid to do so."

"It's better not to plant it first. I planted a piece of land and it died. I don't know if it's because the weather is too hot or something else."

"Hurry up and consult Mr. Yuan. In this case, you can only find a professional."

"How did I know that farming here is so difficult? It wasn't so difficult when I was farming at home before!"

"Everyone is digressing. Have the brothers in the west gathered together to prepare for the coming natives?"

"Already assembled, just like last time, five three-shot catapults are waiting for them!"

"It seems that there are more ships coming this time than last time. It may be difficult to deal with them in one round! You need to prepare more."

"We've already bought some fireballs from the boss. We've got enough. We'll see if we can keep them today!"

"It seems that you are full of confidence!"

"That's right, we won a big battle yesterday, and we already have experience. As the saying goes, the first time is born and the second time is familiar!"

Xiao Yi looked at the discussion in the group and reminded: "Pay attention to whether there are any special preparations on the indigenous ships. They suffered a loss yesterday, and they must be well prepared today."

"The boss has spoken, you should be careful, if you fail, then the problem will be solved!"

"Yes, the natives here are very smart and will not come here again for no reason."

"Yes, every time they came over in the past, they would make targeted defensive changes!"

"Okay, don't worry everyone, we will definitely be careful, and wait for the news of our victory!"

On an island in the west, nine people gathered on an island. Five three-shot catapults were neatly placed by the sea, and two heavy crossbows were placed on both sides.

"I said that boss Yiranpin was too careful. Since he was able to repel them easily yesterday, he can definitely do it today!"

"Everyone, be careful. If they really develop a targeted defense against catapults, the nine of us are really not enough for them to see!"

"That's right, drive the Ten Thousand Years Ship carefully!"

(End of this chapter)

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