Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 431 Another Great Victory in the West, The Killer Whale

Chapter 431 Another Great Victory in the West, The Killer Whale

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Pay attention to their battle situation, and report in time if there is any abnormality!"

"Yes!" Yuanshi replied, and left the resort.

"After being repelled by our joint team last time, can they finally bear it?" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

"I'm afraid they came prepared!" Xiao Yi replied, "Let's see what tricks they have this time!"

"No matter what they have prepared, five trebuchets with three bursts are enough for them to drink a pot." Jiang Yuntian said.

Xiao Yi nodded.

An hour later, Round Stone came over again.

"Island owner, the west side has been taken care of. Five three-shot catapults set all the indigenous ships on fire in one attack. In addition, seven or eight people on the island continued to attack with heavy crossbows and other weapons. The indigenous people decisively chose Retreat." Pebbles Hui reported.

Xiao Yi said: "It seems that the combination of routes and weapons is still very useful!"

If there is no route, no one will be willing to take risks to support other islands. Although everyone knows the truth of death, everyone has a sense of luck that the natives may not be able to find themselves.

Now there is an absolutely safe route, coupled with three bursts of catapults, it has increased the self-confidence of each Qiusheng.

"By the way, did the natives launch an attack?" Xiao Yi asked.

"No, the other party didn't launch any attack at all, so they retreated!" Yuan Shi replied.

"Okay, go back and keep watching!" Xiao Yi replied.

Yuan Shi nodded and said, "Yes!"

After Yuan Shi left, Bai Qi came over and said, "Island owner, I want to apply for a medium-sized sailboat!"

Xiao Yi frowned, and asked, "What is it for?"

"Training, the future direction of our tribe is to fight!" Bai Qi said seriously, "I hope to bring out an elite sea team, and at the same time increase the probability of encountering pirates and snatch pirate treasure chests."

"Fighting? What about your daily source of livelihood?" Xiao Yi asked.

Now there are biochips, and the island also has its own digital currency, so they need money for daily living expenses.

Bai Qi obviously thought about this question, and immediately replied: "Except for a few people in the logistics support, the rest of the staff are hunters. Hunting in the forest is also a kind of accumulation of combat experience."

Xiao Yi nodded. When hunting wild animals, he can trade with other tribes, which is also a source of income.

"What about your fields?" Xiao Yi asked.

They were given 20 soil improvement cards from the supply box earlier, a total of [-] square meters of arable land!
At this time, Anyue walked over from the side and replied for Bai Qi: "Let it out to the Fuxi tribe for farming."

"That's fine, as long as you discuss it." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Just now I discussed with each of their tribes. The Fuxi tribe focuses on agriculture, the Xiong tribe focuses on animal husbandry, the Wang tribe focuses on other sideline businesses, Baiqi focuses on forestry, and the Zuiqiang tribe focuses on fishery. Of course this It's just the focus, each tribe can also get involved in other industries besides the focus, there is no absolute limit." Anyue said.

"Well, yes, it can be regarded as a division of labor!" Xiao Yi said.


Suddenly there was a slightly sharp screaming sound in the sea!

Everyone looked at the sea surface curiously, wondering what kind of creature it was making the sound.

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Everyone, don't be surprised, it should be the orcas that brought their group back!"

"Is the legendary overlord of the sea screaming so loudly?" Anyue said in surprise.

"Yeah, isn't it cute?" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

These killer whales should have left around 150 or [-]pm, and it was already past [-]pm.According to their speed, this group should have been in the sea about [-] kilometers away from here.

"Now Qinglong won't be so busy!" Xiao Yi said.

This time, there were eleven more killer whales, and one A-level one. Although they would eat more than half of the marine life near the island, it was worth it to have so many more thugs.

After the barbecue, Sun Yao left directly because he was still a little worried about the situation on his island. Although the two natives had been subdued by him, he was still worried.

Using another city portal stone, Sun Yao returned to her island with some food.

Looking at the outdated buildings on his island, Sun Yao sighed, and traded the return stone back.

Xiao Yi prepared several buckets of ice cubes for him, which could also cool down his room.

When Sun Yao returned to his island, Wu Na and the two were still diligently observing the situation on the sea surface.

Although it was already night and the view was not good, they did not dare to relax.

It's just that they haven't eaten for a long time, and their stomachs are starting to growl.

"Chief, he doesn't want to starve us to death, does he?" a native said, rubbing his belly.

Wu Na shook his head and said, "Probably not, we still have some uses!"

While discussing, Sun Yao came over.

When the two saw Sun Yao, they immediately shut their mouths. They still had a deep memory of the previous stick meal.

"This is food. Let's take turns in the evening. After eating, go to the island monument!" Sun Yao suddenly realized that they could not understand his words, so he had to point to his stone house.

Wu Na and the two nodded immediately.

Sun Yao shook her head and walked back.

Wu Na and the other two opened the barbecue that Sun Yao had brought back, and a scent wafted out.

"Smells so good! Leader, what is this?"

"It should be barbecue. There are some things on it that make it so delicious. Eat it quickly, and you have to go there after eating!" Wu Na said.

The two of them immediately turned into gluttonous meat, quickly finished the barbecue, and their stomachs finally bulged.

"This food is so delicious. The food we ate before was simply unpalatable!" the native said with a burp.

Wu Na nodded and said, "Well, maybe being captured is not a bad thing!"

While talking, Wu Na took his younger brother to the stone house.

After returning to the stone house, Sun Yao thought about it, and applied for a stone house from Xiao Yi.

The resources needed for a stone house now are almost negligible to Xiao Yi, who is rich and powerful, so he quickly made a stone house template and traded it over.

Wu Na and the two knocked on the door, and Sun Yao immediately chose to communicate with the professional translator of the video, and then communicated with Wu Na.

"Tonight, the two of you will be assigned, and one of you will be on duty in the middle of the night. The main thing is to watch out for big ships coming from the sea!" Sun Yao said.

"Yes!" Wu Na replied.

"I will set up a stone house by the sea in a while, and you two will live there!" Sun Yao continued.


(End of this chapter)

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