Chapter 419 Huyou, comfrey paste, double start
While everyone was thinking, Uncle Chen continued: "Think about it, if 1 people come to join the young master, our island area will become millions. How prosperous such an island will be when it develops, and you They are the first batch of heroes. And with 1 people supporting each other, why are there any worries about the natives attacking?"

This sentence immediately moved many people, and now the area of ​​our islands is about [-] square meters.

When 1 people come, Xuanyuan Wuwei's island will immediately increase in size by 100 million square meters, which is unimaginable for a single person.

And the first batch of pioneers will most likely be reused.

Of course, these are just tricks by Uncle Chen. According to the current rate of one person per day, it will take at least 1 years for 30 people. 30 years is too long, who knows what will happen!
And these chats in the Xuanyuan group soon reached the ears of Xiao Yi and Di Lintianxia.

"It can guarantee absolute safety without staying at sea? Could it be that they have issued a scroll to return to the city?" Although Di Lintianxia doesn't play games much, he still knows about this thing!
Xiao Yi thought for a while, and thought to himself: "They should have opened an item from the pirate's treasure chest that can transfer people back in an instant."

"It's a pity, I don't have the key, otherwise I wouldn't have to guess!" Xiao Yi felt helpless looking at the pirate treasure chest placed aside.

Today's supply box still has no key!
It seems that the probability of this key being opened is pitifully small, of course it cannot be ruled out that it is because Xiao Yi's face is too dark!
After fooling around in the group, Chen Bo contacted Chen Si again.

"Chen Si, you should be on your own island!" Chen Bo asked.

"There's still a long way to go, it's almost there!" Chen Si replied.

Uncle Chen frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong. According to the time, Chen Si should be here.

No one would paddle a boat and float on the sea with peace of mind, and would try every means to get back to land as soon as possible.

But Chen Si seems very laid back!
Uncle Chen thought for a while and immediately initiated a video call with Si Chen!

The younger brother who was in front of Chen Sidao's stele immediately panicked, he just responded to Xuanyuan Wuwei's inquiry according to Chen Si's request.

Chen Si didn't tell him what he would do if the other party sent a video!

The younger brother immediately jumped off the small wooden boat and ran to the island.

When Uncle Chen saw that the other party did not connect to the video immediately, he immediately knew that something must have gone wrong!

Because I was still chatting just now, if I send a video call, the other party should be connected immediately!
After Chen Si got the notification from his younger brother, he immediately ran to the small wooden boat, facing the island monument to the sea, scratched his messy hair a few times, and connected the video call!

"Uncle Chen, a sea creature attacked my small wooden boat just now, and just beat it away, what's the matter?" Chen Si said pretending to feel infinite vicissitudes.

"It's nothing, I'm afraid you'll be lonely, so I'll chat with you!" Uncle Chen said calmly.

"Uncle Chen, I have to continue rowing here and want to return to the island quickly. I'll talk to you when I get back to the island. Do you think it's okay?" Chen Si said with some embarrassment.

"Okay, be careful!" Uncle Chen hung up the call.

After hanging up the call, Chen Si let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, Uncle Chen didn't let his boat turn around, and he could see his island by turning around!
But Uncle Chen was a little puzzled: "Could it be that I'm really suspicious?"

Chen Si's performance just now was impeccable, fully expressing the feeling of a person who has been floating on the sea for a day and is eager to go back.

Uncle Chen shook his head, and then began to deal with those members who were going to join Xuanyuan Wuwei.

The members of the Yi Tian group also had a strong interest in the treasure that Chen Bo said.

"Tell me, everyone, what exactly did Xuanyuan Tortoise acquire that dare to say that?"

"Blindly guessing that the first move is returning to the city! Except for returning to the city, everything else does not match!"

"Could it be the direction stone?"

"I think it should be the direction stone, but didn't the natives just attack them? Are they going to do it again so soon?"

"It shouldn't be the direction stone. The cooling time of the direction stone is too long. It will take seven days. Taking a person to your own island in seven days is more touching than using a sailboat!"

"Whatever it is, go to bed if you feel like it, and take advantage of the cooler weather!"

"Current weather has nothing to do with coolness. I came up to chat because I couldn't sleep due to the heat!"

"It doesn't sound like anyone else!"

"I'm not. I'm worried that I'll be picked up by the natives while I'm asleep!" "I have already contacted several survivors near the route. We take turns on duty. Although we are not on the same island, we have a good view of the nearby sea. Patrol the route, maybe help keep an eye on it!"

"That's a good idea, I'm also looking for friends nearby!"

"It's so hot, I want to peel off my skin!"

"I'm going to dig a cellar tomorrow, I can't hide in it!"

"Won't you make a big wooden basin and get some water in it?"

"It's cooler in the woods, move your bed over there to sleep!"

"Lying grass, brother upstairs, don't say I didn't remind you, all kinds of creatures will spawn in the woods, poisonous insects and snakes, which bite can you resist now?"

"Don't scare me, I'll go back right away!"

"Worried about mosquito bites? Please try my wormwood, just fumigate it, and sleep well at night!" The drug seller jumped out again.

"Wucao, you seller of fake medicine, were you beaten by the natives because you were so naughty?"

"I'm serious, okay?" The drug seller replied, "If you've been bitten by a mosquito, I still have comfrey ointment here, think about it!"


"Why did you lie to you?" The drug seller replied, "Now I'm doing these things all day long, can I not?"

"Made, give me one, I seem to have been bitten by a mosquito!"

"One piece of comfrey paste and one piece of wormwood, one cornerstone, no fool!" said the medicine seller.

"I chatted with you privately, let's trade!"

Xiao Yi looked at the mugwort and comfrey ointment that the medicine seller gave him, smiled and shook his head.

After a night of nothing, the next day, just as Xiao Yi woke up, the familiar system beep sounded.

"Drip, trigger the double harvest effect, the effect lasts for one day!"

Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, and he said to himself, "Double happiness is here again!"

So, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Let me come for today's harvest!"

Hearing these words, Yuan Nong and the others immediately understood that Xiao Yi was in a double state today!

"Anran Suwan, go and count the grade food we have in stock, and give me a list later!"


"Uncle An, please arrange for the natives to help catch the fish in the fresh water river on our island!"


"Mr. Yuan, the amount of grain in the manor is also provided, and the seeds will be sold at the same time today!"


"Aunt Li, you have also produced a lot of cloth and clothes, and they are also for sale today!"

"Yes, I will count the quantity and give it to you!"

After ordering everything, Xiao Yi washed his face and said to himself, "System, sign in!"

"Sign in successfully and get reward:."

(End of this chapter)

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