Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 398 Just a Paper Tiger, Pirate Treasure Chests and Keys

Chapter 398 Just a Paper Tiger, Pirate Treasure Chests and Keys
Qiu Sheng didn't have time to think about whether they were ignorant or fearless, or they had a special way to deal with the fireballs. Those fireballs had landed on the pirate's ship!

Bang bang bang!

In Qiu Sheng's stunned expression, the pirate ship was hit by the fireball and damaged!

"Is this pirate's ship made of paper?" Qiu Feng was in disbelief.

You must know that the weight of the fireball is not as heavy as a stone. The fireball is wrapped in oil paper and other inflammable materials, which is not as heavy as a pure stone.

This kind of fireball can smash the ship of the pirate ship. Although it is only slightly damaged, it is enough to show the fragility of the pirate ship!

Qiu Sheng shook his head. At first he got the reminder from the island monument and thought he had encountered some powerful pirate, but he didn't expect it to be a paper tiger!

The fireball burst and set the pirate ship on fire!
Now the pirates began to panic, and many people jumped directly from the boat.

Looking at the reactions of those pirates, Qiu Sheng finally realized that they just didn't know anything about fireballs before, but their sturdy temperament made them fearless!

Now the ship was on fire, and seeing that it could not be extinguished, they jumped into the sea one after another!

Qiu Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "Just keep one or two alive, and kill the others!"

The crew on the ship responded one after another, then drew their bows and arrows, and began to shoot and kill those pirates!

Seeing that they could not escape the shooting of the crew on board, the pirates raised their hands and surrendered.

"Okay, leave the rest!" Qiu Sheng said when he saw that there were only five or six people left.

Only then did Qiu Feng give the order to stop shooting.

"Catch them all!" Qiu Sheng said, and then controlled the ship to approach the burning pirate ship!
Leading a few people to jump directly onto the pirate ship, Qiu Sheng reminded: "Everyone be careful!"


Several people entered the cabin and searched again, but there were no other pirates, and they all replied: "Safe!"

Qiu Sheng nodded, walked into the cabin, and found a treasure chest, but the treasure chest was locked!
Qiu Sheng took the treasure box back to his ship, and then traded the burnt pirate ship to Xiao Yi.

"[Broken Pirate Ship] * 1 transaction None."

When Xiao Yi saw this deal, he immediately understood that Qiu Sheng had dealt with the pirate, and after agreeing to the deal, he put the pirate ship in the port.

"How strong is this pirate?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Weakness!" Qiu Sheng replied, "We don't need fireballs at all, we can take them down too! I was scared by the reminder of the island monument at the beginning! However, after defeating the pirate, I got a locked treasure chest, Just now, when I was interrogating the few remaining survivors, a person who claimed to be a pirate leader said that the key fell into the sea in a hurry!"

"Sure enough, this pirate is another wild monster!" Xiao Yi said.

Qiu Sheng was stunned for a moment, and replied: "You mean this is another leveling object arranged for us by the rules of the world?"

"Nine times out of ten, they suddenly appeared near you. The island monument still has reminders, and they basically didn't run away. That's why I asked you to fight and try. Since it was arranged for us, it must be limited in combat power and will not surpass it." Too much, if it exceeds too much, there will be no point in exercising!" Xiao Yi analyzed.

"No wonder!" Qiu Sheng said, "It's a good thing you let us go back and fight them, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of a chance to level up! We would miss this treasure chest too!"

With that said, Qiu Sheng sent the treasure box over.

"[Pirate's Treasure Chest]*1 transaction None."

Xiao Yi looked at the treasure chest and said, "The treasure chest with no level means that these pirates should not be of high level, so this time it may be just a simple level. If you encounter other pirates in the future, you should try it out first. Don't be careless!"

"Understood!" Qiu Sheng responded.The transaction was completed and Xiao Yi got the pirate's treasure box.

"Pirate's Treasure Chest: All the treasures of the pirates are hidden in it. There may be surprises, but you must find the key. If you destroy it forcibly, the treasures inside may be damaged!"

Looking at the system's prompt, Xiao Yi felt a little helpless. Originally, he planned to use his own toolbox to violently disassemble this treasure chest, but now it seems that he can't do it!
"But the pirates said that the key was lost in the sea, how can we find it!" Xiao Yi shook his head and looked at Yi Tianqun again.

"Haha, everyone, look at a new gadget I opened! 【Treasure Chest Key】*1."

"What the hell is this? Could it be that treasure chests will be refreshed on our island?"

"Probably not, I patrol my island every day, and I haven't seen any treasure chests!"

"That only shows that your island is too small!"

"Since the keys have appeared, maybe we will have other ways to obtain the treasure chest."

"It should be. Every time there is a new situation, some abnormal things are opened in the material box. Maybe this is a reminder, and we may get a treasure box later!"

"By the way, could it be that the treasure box was opened from the supply box?"

"Who can tell, I don't think it should be that simple."

Xiao Yi saw the description of the treasure chest key on the island tablet.

"[Treasure Chest Key]: The key to open the treasure chest once, disappears after use!"

Xiao Yi didn't see the actual treasure chest key, so he could only learn about the key through the description of the island monument.

"It looks like this is used to open the pirate's treasure chest!" Xiao Yi speculated, "Maybe, as long as the pirate is defeated, the pirate will lose the key for various reasons!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi asked in the group: "Do you want the key to this treasure chest?"

"I'm sorry, boss, I want to keep this thing for myself, so I won't sell it!" The treasure chest key owner replied.

"It's okay, if you want to make a move, you can contact me!" Xiao Yi said.

"Boss, do you know what this key is for?" Someone couldn't help asking in the group.

Xiao Yi replied: "Just now our fleet encountered pirates. After winning the battle, we obtained a treasure chest, but it was locked. That key should be used for this!"

Sooner or later, this situation would be encountered by others, so Xiao Yi didn't hide anything, and directly told the truth.

"What? Will we meet pirates?"

"It's difficult to deal with just the indigenous people. Why are pirates showing up again?"

"Look, I knew that this world would come up with something that would give us a chance to get the treasure chest, but it wouldn't be particularly easy!"

"Boss, tell me what pirates are like? Be prepared if you encounter them in the future!"

"Yes, yes, sir, tell me!"

Xiao Yi said: "I'm not at the scene, but according to the feedback from our fleet, if you encounter pirates, the island monument on the ship will have a reminder!"

(End of this chapter)

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