Chapter 371 Encountered Marine Animal Attack
Xiao Yi didn't know how far this directional stone teleported. It would be embarrassing if one of their ships was teleported away with a piece of it.

One-on-one, except for Xiao Yi who might escape completely, the rest of them are absolutely dead!
After everyone heard this, they immediately stayed away from the indigenous ship!
A few minutes later, the vision disappeared, and with it the indigenous ship!
Xiao Yi immediately called Peng Diao and asked him to go west to search for the large indigenous ship that had just teleported away.

If the energy of the opponent's direction stone is relatively small, then the teleportation location will naturally not be too far away.

"It's a pity that he ran away!"

"Yeah, we almost crippled that ship just now, so we should be able to take it down by forcing boarding, right?"

"I have to ask Yi Ranpin's team about this."

Xiao Yi said in the group: "There was an S-rank wizard on that ship just now, if you want to try, you can catch up and try!"

"S-level wizard? Is the level so high?"

"Fortunately I didn't, I heard that wizards have a very powerful mental attack!"

"Who said you were going to board the ship just now? Hurry up and see how high your level is?"

"I just slapped my mouth just now, you just think I farted!"

"Brother, you have a very strong taste, do you want to hit it with your mouth?"

"It's always a man who has to solve it, everyone understands!"

"Get out, I think you are the old drivers in the group, always driving!"

"Boss, what should we do now? Withdraw?" someone asked.

Before Xiao Yi could answer, his boat was bumped and rocked.

"There are marine life attacks on my side!" Xiao Yi said immediately.

"Trough, I also have it here!"

"I have it here too!"

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and said, "It's possible that the person on the small wooden boat fell into the sea just now and attracted some carnivorous marine life. Everyone retreat to the route first, which is where we gathered before!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded one after another, and then started their sailboats to the assembly point.

But those sea creatures seemed to be very excited by the blood, chasing Xiao Yi and their boat to attack!

All of the boats were operated by one person, while the rest of the crew watched the water from the side of the boat, trying to find what kind of sea life was attacking their boat.

Suddenly a tentacles protruded from the sea, directly engulfed a survivor and pulled him down.


The voice for help was pulled into the bottom of the water before he finished speaking!
"Boss, it should be an octopus on my side, who pulled my companion down just now!" One person said in a panic.

"Don't be nervous, I'll go to support you!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice, "Keep moving forward, hide in the cabin and don't come out yet!"

"Thank you, sir!" The man replied excitedly.

Xiao Yi immediately said: "Let's go to that boat, everyone, don't get too close to the boat!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Soon, Xiao Yi caught up with the boat, and he carefully observed the sea surface.

"Bang!" The stern of his boat was hit by something in the sea again, and the island monument already indicated damage.

Bai Qi stood in front of the island monument and immediately repaired it.

Suddenly, two tentacles stretched out from the sea, grabbing the side of the medium-sized sailboat!
"Giant octopus (Grade B): A huge octopus with a moderate level of danger. When grilled, the octopus meat is also delicious!"

"It's a B-level octopus, go help him out!" Xiao Yi said.

"Okay!" Jiang Yuntian responded, and then jumped directly onto the medium-sized sailboat.

At this time, the medium-sized sailboat was pulled by the two tentacles and was about to turn over.

After Jiang Yuntian landed on the deck, he slid towards the tentacles and swung the B-level dagger in his hand!

A large section of the octopus' tentacles were cut off by Jiang Yuntian, and they landed on the deck and were still wriggling!

With one tentacle missing, the crooked medium-sized sailboat immediately returned to normal!

The octopus in the sea immediately counterattacked and stretched out another tentacle to try to sweep Jiang Yuntian away!
Jiang Yuntian easily dodged the approaching tentacle, and slashed back, leaving another tentacle behind!
Now the octopus was scared, and hurriedly recovered the other tentacle that was pulling the boat.

Jiang Yuntian snorted coldly, took two quick steps, and cut off the tentacle before it retracted!
The octopus had three tentacles broken by Jiang Yuntian, and hurriedly retreated to the bottom of the sea, not daring to appear again!

Jiang Yuntian picked up his severed tentacles and jumped back onto his large sailboat.

"Getting three tentacles is only enough for supper!" Jiang Yuntian said helplessly.

No one knows what's going on under the boat now, and Jiang Yuntian naturally didn't dare to go directly into the water to leave all the octopuses behind.

"It's fine to have supper!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, and then walked towards the stern, where there was a sea creature constantly attacking his hull!
Then under the bright moonlight, Xiao Yi saw a fish fin exposed on the water!
"Great White Shark (Class A): A predator in the sea, it is slightly dangerous, but as long as it doesn't enter the water, it can't do anything to you!"

Xiao Yi looked at the system's prompt and said, "Dabai, go down and solve it? An A-level great white shark has the same name as you!"

Dabai nodded, without making any sound, he approached the stern!
When the great white shark was about to hit Xiao Yi's boat again, the great white shark jumped off the boat.

Dabai fell into the water and sat on the body of the great white shark. Its claws were firmly stuck in the flesh of the great white shark like steel nails!
The severe pain on his body caused the great white shark to writhe violently, and the surrounding sea quickly turned red!

One of Great White's paws held the great white shark tightly, and the other paw kept hitting the great white shark's head.

But the resistance in the water is too great, and the head of the great white shark is no longer painful or itchy!
Dabai immediately changed his strategy and used its steel claws to scratch continuously.

In this process, the great white shark is equivalent to being lingering!
It struggles constantly, but it can't get rid of Dabai's clutches no matter what!

Three minutes later, Dabai emerged from the water and yelled at the boat twice.

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Look, it's better to understand it!"

Then he greeted Jiang Yuntian, and netted the great white shark that had been killed by Dabai with a fishing net.

"The polar white bear killed a great white shark in the water. No one will believe it!" Jiang Yuntian looked at the great white shark that was pulled up, and said helplessly.

"Fortunately, it's a large sailing boat, otherwise it might not be possible to put it down!" Xiao Yi looked at the huge carcass of the great white shark, and said, "Fuxi, arrange for someone to divide it!"

"Yes!" Fuxi didn't care about being shocked, and immediately arranged for someone to pick up the chainsaw in the toolbox and start cutting!
Because they rescued another medium-sized sailboat, Xiao Yi and the others fell to the rear, and the battle took place at the stern. The rest of the boats did not see the process of Great White killing the Great White Shark.

But Di Lin Kuimu, who was always paying attention to Xiao Yi's situation, saw the process of Jiang Yuntian solving the octopus!
"How could this person be so powerful!" Dilin Kuiki thought in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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