Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 362 Blocking, useless firearms, be careful to be surrounded

Chapter 362 Blocking, useless firearms, be careful to be surrounded

The arrow flew out from the hand of the killing god, and one person fell immediately on the indigenous side!
"Big brother's archery skills are really good!" The two gave Shashen their thumbs up.

At this time, there was an impact from the shields on the two people's backs, but that was all.

"The attack power of this firearm is really just like what Mr. Yi Ranpin said, its power is very limited!" said the younger brother.

"Yes!" Another replied, "With this turtle shell, it's completely painless!"

"In this case, let's start a guerrilla war with them!" Killing God said with a smile, "Continue to retreat!"

Killing God led the two of them to continue to retreat.

"Haha, they were scared away by us, go!"

"The weapon that the wizard took out is really powerful!"

"These outsiders are really vulnerable!"

The natives immediately became excited.

The wizard who was still on the boat frowned and shouted: "Stop!"

The natives who were about to rush out immediately stopped and looked at the wizard on the boat in confusion.

The wizard saw that the attack just now did not hurt the other party at all, and they were all blocked by the shield on their backs!
"Could it be a shield made of iron!" the wizard thought secretly, "It seems that I still need to collect more iron resources!"

Although he has seized the island monument of a survivor, that survivor's development is very poor, and the resources on the island are extremely few. Of course, it is not ruled out that he will distribute all his resources to other survivors!

In two or three days, only three units of iron were sold, which was not enough at all!

"Master Wizard, why don't we just go up and kill those three people?" asked a native.

"Killed?" The wizard snorted coldly, "The round of attack you just did not hurt those outsiders at all. If you rushed in like this, you might lose your own life!"

Hearing what the wizard said, the natives immediately shrank back!

"Load the ammunition, move forward slowly, and protect yourself!" the wizard ordered.

"Yes!" The natives immediately began to load gunpowder into their muskets.

They wanted to rush up without even loading the gunpowder just now, which really made people speechless.

After all, I am new to this weapon, so it is already amazing to be able to fire it!

The retreating God of Death naturally noticed this detail and said with a smile: "Maybe we won't be able to use our retreat. These natives are nothing to be afraid of!"

"Well, they are probably new to firearms, and they don't know how to make the best use of firearms!" The younger brother replied, "But that wizard on the boat is a problem!"

After hearing his younger brother's words, the God of Death also stared at the unique native on the boat.

"I heard from Yi Ranpin that the indigenous wizards have special skills. It seems that we need to keep a distance from him and not let him get close!" said the God of Death.

"Well, I understand!" The other two replied.

It took the natives a full five or six minutes to load the gunpowder behind the stone, and then they carefully touched the front.

Although the island of Killing God is not very big, a lot of trees and stones have been refreshed now.

These are all natural bunkers, and the three of them can hide their bodies in any place they choose!

"Attention, they are coming!" Killing God said.

"Don't worry, boss, we will definitely make it impossible for them to come back!" The God of Death nodded and said, "You two, be sure to pay attention to safety. I'll go for a walk!"

"No problem!" The two replied.

Killing God immediately walked aside!
"Boss is working too hard, he doesn't even wear a shield!" Seeing the figure of the killing god disappear, a younger brother said.

"With the skills of the boss, the firearms in the hands of these natives are really useless. Just pay attention to the wizards!" Another younger brother replied, "Besides, wearing an iron shield will still affect his agility. !”

"That's right, they're here, let's fight!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

Knowing that the survivors were very skilled in archery, the firearms team was accompanied by a few natives holding wooden shields to help them block some directions.

But there will always be flaws in the process of marching!

A wooden arrow flew out and hit a native in the neck. The native covered his neck and struggled!
The other natives immediately became nervous, then put their shields up in the direction of the wooden arrow, and began to check the injuries of the natives hit by the arrow!

An iron arrow flew out from the opposite direction!
Kill a native again!
Now the natives panicked.

"Aren't there just three of them? Are they still separated?"

"Let's get out quickly, we will be killed by them before we find them!"

"But the lord wizard hasn't ordered the retreat yet. If we retreat, we will die!"

"Then let's find a place and stay where we are!"

The natives immediately reached a consensus, found a huge stone, hid behind it, and then asked the natives holding shields to form a circle.

Everyone is nestled in the circle and dare not make any changes!

When the natives are in a state of complete defense, there is really no good way for them to kill God.

They didn't dare to get too close. After all, they had firearms in their hands. If they shot randomly, if they were hit, they would just GG.

Seeing that they didn't intend to move for a while, Shashen touched the two younger brothers again.

"Boss, what should we do now?" the younger brother asked.

Killing God replied: "Dig a few traps first, maybe it will be useful, try attacking with a sling!"

"Okay!" The two replied.

One person took an engineer shovel imitated from an island monument, and started digging traps on the spot!
Shashen and another person started to use the sling.

This weapon is one of the weapon sets that Xiao Yi sold before, but it requires too much skill to use.

Killing God threw several of them, and the stones didn't know where they went!
He simply gave up, and started digging traps in other locations, extending to the vicinity of the boat. This road is almost full of traps!
After digging near the boat, Shashen got on the boat and spoke to Xiao Yi.

"Boss, these natives are not familiar with firearms at all. Although they have firearms, they were frightened by the bows and arrows of the three of us and did not dare to move forward. They stayed in place because they were worried about what would happen to the wizard. If there were no wizards, this island defense battle would definitely be very difficult. Easy!" said the God of Death.

After receiving the news of Killing God, Xiao Yi thought for a while, and said, "Be careful that they will launch crowd tactics and surround you no matter the cost!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's reminder, Killing God's heart tightened.

The current style of play of the indigenous people is still based on the dominance of their weapons. If the wizard never sees the advantage of his weapons, he will definitely use people to destroy the island!
If they were really surrounded, the three of them would not even have a chance to escape!

(End of this chapter)

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