Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 357 Good news, carnival, the natives will also be annexed

Chapter 357 Good news, carnival, the natives will also be annexed

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't you all feel the good news?"

"Yes, thank you, boss!" Someone said perfunctorily.

Xiao Yi shook his head with a smile, and said, "You should have seen the stone house next to the resort!"

"I see!" Everyone responded.

Although they spend most of their time in the resort, there are still quite a few people who go out for a walk!
"Those stone houses are prepared for you, and it can be regarded as having a home on the shore!" Xiao Yi said.

"Thank you, big brother!" Many people burst into tears.

After drifting at sea for so long, the boss gave them a home when they docked for the first time.

"Qiu Sheng talked to me before, that is, your deputy patriarch. He knows that you are not professional fishermen or sailors. You must not be used to drifting at sea for a long time, so he gave you the opportunity to let you choose for yourself. Continue to follow. Qiu Sheng and the others are going to ship by sea, but they are still planning to settle down on the shore!" Xiao Yi continued.

As soon as this remark came out, the members of the strong-mouthed clan hesitated!
"You don't have to make a decision now, today is just to eat and have fun!" Qiu Sheng interjected.

"Yes, what I want to say is that even if you choose to settle down on the shore, you still need to go fishing at sea, but you will rest on the shore at night." Xiao Yi said, "And fishing at sea requires what I just said The issue of sharing air routes is related to your future lives."

"Boss is too thoughtful, there are no safety issues on the route, and you can fish with confidence!"

"Yes, I really want to thank the boss for sharing the route!"

Xiao Yi pressed down with both hands, and everyone became quiet. He continued: "The last thing, I announce that all C-level foods and B-level potatoes will be opened. As long as you have money, you can buy them from me. .”

Everyone exclaimed, which means that they may eat high-level food every day!

This sentence seems very grand, but what Qiu Sheng and the others don't know is that Xiao Yi basically doesn't have any C-level crops, only some C-level fish and C-level animals spawned in the forest!
The reason for opening B-grade potatoes is that the production of potatoes is too large, and it is better to increase the physique of one's own people than to sell them to other survivors.

"Long live the master Yiranpin!" Everyone shouted in unison.

When they calmed down, they immediately reacted, and someone asked, "Boss, you just said that as long as you have money? How can we have any money now? Besides, isn't the money in the previous world just waste paper now?"

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "Of course not the previous money, we will issue the currency on our island as soon as possible, and then we can exchange the cornerstone for the currency on our island, so that everyone will have money!"

"But we don't have a foundation stone!" The man said while looking at Qiu Sheng anxiously.

In the past, they all lived in big pots, and all the cornerstones they earned were kept with Qiu Sheng. If they needed to apply to Qiu Sheng, they were considered public expenditures anyway.

Before Qiu Sheng could speak, Xiao Yi said: "Don't look at him anymore, he has already handed in all the cornerstones, and I will distribute them to you according to your contribution! I have mine. The distribution consideration method, when the time comes, you don't have any opinions!"

"No, no!" Everyone responded one after another.

The boss took back the cornerstone and distributed some to them. They are already very grateful.

Even if Xiao Yi takes all the cornerstones as his own, they can't say anything. In this world, the weak are prey to the strong, and Xiao Yi is willing to take them in, and they are already very satisfied!
"Okay, that's all I want to say, let's start!" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

The beer brewed by Du Kang was already consumed by these people. Fortunately, he still kept some for Xiao Yi's side at this time.

The barbecue lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening, and everyone ate their stomachs and lay on the beach.

There is still the residual temperature of the sun on the beach during the day.

"Everyone wash up and go to bed early!" Xiao Yi got up and walked towards the villa.

Anyue greeted the newcomers and told them that they could take a bath in the bathing place in the resort, or go to the public restroom to take a bath.

"Remember, the public restroom is the deepest place you can go deep into the island!" Anyue urged.

"Understood!" Qiu Sheng responded. "Wei Bo, please stay here tonight and go back tomorrow!" Anyue said, "Stay in the resort!"

There is also a small hotel with only ten small rooms in the resort.

"Okay, thank you!" Wei Bo replied.

After arranging all this, Anyue also went back.

The people lying on the beach began to chat.

"Come on, go take a shower?"

"Wait a little longer, what's the hurry, I can't even bend my waist now."

"That's right, lie down for a while, this beach is very comfortable!"

After a while.

"Let's go?"

"Why don't you wash it today? Do it tomorrow morning?"

"That's right, just sleep here, anyway, the weather is getting hotter and hotter!"

"good idea!"

"Although it's hot this week, it's not that hot, right?"

"That's right, if it was like the second week we just arrived, it would have been too hot to live!"

"Do you think such hot weather will happen again?"

"Probably not, you can see that it hasn't been too hot this week!"

"I hope so, then sleep here?"

"Sleep here!"

Qiu Feng brothers, and Wei Bo, the three of them went directly to the small hotel to rest.

Although it is only a small hotel, the things in the room are very complete.

"Brother, looking at this hotel room, I don't even want to go out!" Qiu Sheng said directly throwing himself on the bed.

"Although it was only the most basic hotel in the previous world, it is simply luxurious to be placed here!" Qiu Feng said with emotion as he looked at the air-conditioning TV and other household appliances.

"Where do you think the boss got so much electricity?" Qiu Sheng said with a frown.

"Didn't the boss say that he drove a wind or hydraulic generator?" Qiu Feng replied.

"But that generator definitely can't carry so many electrical appliances. If nothing else, we will consume a lot of electricity for playing today! But the boss doesn't seem to worry about electricity at all!" Qiu Sheng said.

Qiu Feng shook his head, and said: "I don't want to think about such a thought-consuming thing, and I can't think clearly about the boss's affairs. It's better to have a good sleep. I haven't slept in bed for a long time!"

Qiu Sheng nodded, and replied: "That's right, wash up and go to bed!"

Xiao Yi returned to his bedroom and found that You had sent him a message.

"My lord, the Cocoon tribe sent people over to ask me to surrender and merge with them. I asked them to give me time to think about it, but they only gave me one day! By the way, they have firearms in their hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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