Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 339 Surrounding the spot to fight for aid, the training effect is good

Chapter 339 Surrounding the spot to fight for aid, the training effect is good

The natives behind were chasing after them. Suddenly, their feet were empty, and the five of them fell into a deep pit.


There were screams from the deep pit!
The natives following behind immediately stopped and looked around warily.

In the deep pit, the bodies of the natives were pierced by sharpened bamboos!
For a while, he still couldn't die, so he kept wailing there!

The natives chasing behind them heard their screams and began to scream.

"Arrange some people to pull them up!" Someone shouted.

Several natives immediately came out of the team and lay on the edge of the pit trying to pull them up.

Whoosh whoosh!
Several bamboo arrows flew out from the woods!
The few natives lying on the edge of the pit were immediately shot through the head and died on the spot.

"Pay attention to protection and save people!" a native shouted, "You guys go in that direction and find them!"

A few natives holding shields immediately blocked the direction in which the bamboo arrows were flying, and then a few more natives came out to continue saving people!

There is also a team of 20 people rushing in the direction of the bamboo arrow!
After Jiang Yuntian and the others killed those rescuers, they immediately shifted their positions!

Whoosh whoosh!
Then he shot a dozen bamboo arrows from another direction, killing the natives who were rescuing him!

"Be careful, everyone, there are also here! Be careful and protect!"

The natives immediately formed a circle and surrounded the deep pit!
And the 20-member team sent out was completely killed by Jiang Yuntian alone.

After the natives rescued the people from the pit, they immediately evacuated to the seaside.

They don't know how many traps there are in the woods, and they don't want to watch their companions die one by one.

Seeing that the natives wanted to retreat, Jiang Yuntian and his men began to pursue them.

Jiang Yuntian and the others used B-level bamboo arrows and C-level strong bows, and their equipment completely overwhelmed the indigenous equipment that came to attack.

Just like this, they fought and retreated. By the time the natives retreated to the seaside, the more than 200 people who pursued them had already lost more than 60 people!
The wizard standing on the deck saw them retreating in embarrassment, and immediately shouted loudly: "What's going on?"

"They set traps in the woods!" replied the rushing leader.

"Hmph, a group of trash, so many people are stopped by more than 40 of them!" The wizard shouted, "Divide into three teams and rush towards the island from three directions!"

"Yes!" The leader replied.

The natives quickly divided into three teams of about 50 people and rushed in from three different directions.

This time they no longer fought with Jiang Yuntian and the others, but went directly to the island monument.

The wizard has seen Xiao Yi's disadvantage in numbers, even if you are powerful enough to wipe out a team, it will not affect your occupation of the island monument!
Thinking of this, the wizard also jumped off the boat and followed a team to the island.

"I'll deal with the wizard team, you go and deal with the first team, and let them practice the rest!" Xiao Yi ordered through the intercom.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied, and then conveyed Xiao Yi's order.

The natives who had just arrived on Xiaoyi Island couldn't understand, but Bu and the others helped translate, and communication was no problem.

After Jiang Yuntian issued the order, he immediately chose the direction in which an indigenous team was advancing and followed it!

After a few vertical leaps, Xiao Yi came to the front of the team. Just as he was about to make a move, a tiger jumped out and stopped the team.

It's the Beast King! "Roar!" The Beast King roared at the team!
The wizard frowned and said to himself, "It's really unlucky to meet a beast!"

The Beast King had no intention of chatting with them and immediately pounced on the natives.

The natives immediately fired arrows into the open space in front of them!

The beast king immediately dodged to the bushes aside, then jumped out from the side, bit a man by the neck, and dragged that man into the bushes!
The wizard was shocked. Fortunately, he was in the middle of the crowd. If he was the target of the beast king just now, he might not be able to escape!
Beastmaster moves too fast!

"How could there be such a powerful beast here!" the wizard secretly thought!
Xiao Yi was not in a hurry to take action, so he sat on a branch nearby and watched the battle between the Beast King and the natives.

"Ah!" A native on the periphery screamed and was dragged into the bushes, making no sound.

"It's absolutely impossible to go on like this!" the wizard shouted, "Everyone rush to the island!"

If you stay here, you will die. If you run, you might survive. The natives immediately ran to the island desperately.

But how could ordinary people like them be the opponents of A-level Beastmasters.

The beast king kept following behind and eating away at the native team.

Suddenly, the wizard yelled: "Turn back, kill!"

At the same time, the wizard used a mental shock on the beast king who appeared again in a surprise attack!

The Beast King's entire body stagnated, and the surrounding natives immediately attacked the Beast King with their bows, arrows and iron spears.

Xiao Yi tapped his feet lightly, and arrived in front of the Beast King, dancing the Xuanyuan Sword airtightly.

Those arrows and iron spears were all blocked by Xiao Yi!
"There are still people helping beasts!" The wizard couldn't understand at all, humans and beasts should be opposites!

But now was not the time to delve into the matter, the wizard yelled, "Keep on attacking!"

Xiao Yi glanced at the Beastmaster behind him. It seemed that he hadn't woken up from the mental shock attack, so he couldn't leave the Beastmaster's side and could only defend passively.

Xiao Yi blocked another wave of arrows. At this moment, the aura of the Beastmaster behind him suddenly became violent.

"Roar!" The Beastmaster raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, and the animals in the woods trembled when they heard the roar.

Xiao Yi was overjoyed: "You have finally advanced to S rank!"

After all these battles and the spiritual impact of the wizard, the Beastmaster finally broke through the shackles!

"Roar!" The Beastmaster slowly walked in front of Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "Okay, I'll leave it to you. Those who surrender don't have to be killed. If they resist, it's okay to kill them all!"

Feeling the aura of the beast king soaring, the wizard's face changed drastically, and he immediately ran to the beach without looking back. He never wanted to occupy the island monument again!
With such a ferocious beast, even if it snatches the island stele, there is no way to take it away!

Besides, this ferocious beast seems to be in the same group as these outsiders, which is even more impossible to fight!
"Roar!" The beast king immediately chased after the wizard like the wind.

The wizard turned his head and thrust out a sword, and the Beastmaster directly slapped it with his claws!

The dagger in the wizard's hand was snapped off by the beast king's claws!
"How is this possible!" The wizard was completely stunned.

But the Beastmaster rushed forward without any hesitation, and held the wizard under his claws.

"Forgive me, don't kill me, I surrender!" the wizard immediately shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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