Chapter 334 Carnival returns, freshwater fish, clothes

"Boss, you are so awesome, you can get such a good weapon template!" Qiu Sheng came up and complimented.

Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "Okay, let's get to the point!"

"Hey, you don't know what I want?" Qiu Sheng replied with a playful smile.

Xiao Yi knowingly asked: "I'm not the roundworm in your stomach, how do I know what you want?"

Qiu Sheng had no choice but to say, "Boss, of course I'm doing it for weapons! There are so many people in our fleet, we can only buy one set, which is not enough!"

"How much do you need?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Strong bow, hand crossbow, and that sling, ten each!" Qiu Sheng replied.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, then said, "Okay, a total of 80 cornerstones."

Without the slightest hesitation, Qiu Sheng directly initiated the transaction: "[Corner Stone]*80 Transaction None."

Xiao Yi agreed to the deal, and at the same time traded back the weapons he wanted.

"Thank you, big brother!" Qiu Sheng said, "If you have such advanced weapons in the future, don't forget to save some for us!"

"Don't worry!" Xiao Yi replied, and then ended the call.

He took Jiang Yuntian and a few natives to the north of the wall.

Not far from the north gate, there is a big river nearly 20 meters wide!

"It seems to be wider again?" Xiao Yi said, "We can't pull the net from both sides like before, let's cast the net freely!"

Jiang Yuntian and the natives began to cast a net in the freshwater river, while Xiao Yi brought the fully automatic fishing net over.

Now the marine fish resources need to recuperate, just in time to catch freshwater fish resources!

After setting up the non-target fishing and the fishing path, the fully automatic fishing net starts to operate.

Xiao Yi and his team tossed until eight o'clock in the evening, and finally fished roughly once.

"Get materials: freshwater fish., trigger double harvest, get materials: freshwater fish (level B) * 2196kg, freshwater fish (level C) * 34900kg, freshwater fish"

Xiao Yi, an ordinary freshwater fish, didn't look at it at all, and put it aside to exchange for some ordinary resources.

Now that there was no time to deal with these freshwater fish, Xiao Yi thought about it for a while, and decided to sell the whole fish in units.

A fish has about [-]% of its weight after removing its scales and internal organs.

I don't care about losing money or not, and put it on the shelves directly at [-]%!
Xiao Yi first said in the group: "My compatriots, hello everyone, our team is going to come back to the level food carnival again. This time, all the comebacks will be put on the trading floor. Those who need it in the group can go to the trading floor to buy!"

Because the cornerstone of the group was basically drained by Xiao Yi, even if there were still some, there shouldn't be many!

So I don't put them on the shelves in the group, but put them all on the trading floor!
"This time the return is mainly freshwater fish and some wild fruits. Freshwater fish can only be sold whole because they have not been processed. The weight of the edible part is calculated based on 1% of the whole weight. For example, a C-grade blackfish is 700kg, then It is equivalent to 3.5g of C-grade freshwater fish meat, according to the previous price, it needs 4 cornerstones to exchange, and it is rounded up to [-] cornerstones here."

After explaining, Xiao Yi directly put all the graded freshwater fish and wild fruits on the shelves.

The Yi Tian group became lively again.

"It feels like the boss's warehouse is a Qiankun bag! You thought he was done taking out his stuff, but he took out so many things in the end!"

"Big Brother Cliff did it on purpose. Our cornerstone is gone, and he still used this kind of thing to lure us!"

"Freshwater fish, I'm not used to eating sea fish. I didn't tell you earlier if there were freshwater fish, ugh!" "Just watch, I still have the cornerstone in my hand, I'll get two for a change!"

Most of the people in the group were moaning, but the public channel was full of joy!
Before, Xiao Yi only spent [-]% on the trading floor, which was not enough to feed the people of the world!
Now another batch has come out, and the people of all countries are rejoicing!

As soon as Xiao Yi was put on the shelves, all of them were dropped immediately
"Trigger double harvest, get materials: cornerstone*419960."

Continue to expand, the area of ​​the island has reached 720 million square meters!

"It seems to be a bit aggressive. If you take a big step, it's easy to pull the egg." Xiao Yi looked at the island that was bigger again, and muttered to himself, "Next, we need to be steady, develop the infrastructure on the island, and people, In such a big place, there are still too few people!"

Including the more than 30 natives brought back from the treasure hunt, there are only more than 120 people on Xiaoyi Island.

Compared to survivors, Xiao Yi still prefers to recruit natives to develop on his island.

Aboriginal people are like blank sheets of paper, you can cultivate them however you want.

But the survivors are all thoughtful and educated people who have gone through the nine-year compulsory education, so they are not easy to control!

Coupled with the fact that the contract cards currently in hand are all ordinary-level, Xiao Yi always feels that meeting certain conditions will lead to the invalidation of the contract, which is why he doesn't want to recruit too many survivors to the island!
Xiao Yi shook his head, and continued talking in Yi Tianqun. "Finally, there is one more item. I will list it in the group first. If no one wants it, I will put it all on the trading floor!"

"Lying grass, can you speak up if you have something to say?"

"Boss still has good things, I really doubt that boss has opened more than one treasure map!"

"Hurry up and take a look, anyway, I don't have a cornerstone in my hand, so let's get through the eyes first!"

Xiao Yi put the clothes and trousers sent by Lu Pinger on them.

"[Linen Shirt]*10, [Linen Pants]*10, [Cotton Shirt]*15, [Cotton Pants]*15. There are 25 sets of clothes and pants in total, one set in our group is 20 cornerstones, and the set in the trading hall is 30 A cornerstone." Xiao Yi explained.

"I'm really going to cry. If I know that the big brother has clothes to sell, what food do I want! It's not that I can't eat enough! I'm already naked!"

"Yeah, my clothes are smelly, torn and torn, and there is no way to wash them!"

"Boss, give me all these!" Someone said suddenly.

Xiao Yi replied: "One ID can only buy one set, I've put it on the shelves, go and take pictures by yourself!"

This time I just took a few pieces to test the water. When Li Yan expands the scale of spinning and weaving and trains the indigenous spinning and weaving techniques, clothes will definitely be produced continuously.

The 25 sets of clothes were also sold out in an instant. With the double bonus, Xiao Yi got 1000 cornerstones.

Xiao Yi got up and stretched, then walked downstairs, patronizing the transaction, he hasn't had dinner yet!

When he came downstairs, everyone was waiting for him.

"Eat!" Xiao Yi said with a big wave of his hand, and An Ran and the others immediately opened all the covered meals.

Du Kang on the side was still stroking the clothes he had just changed, as if he had never seen clothes before.

"Don't touch it, you will ruin it in a while!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

Du Kang picked up the bowl and chopsticks embarrassingly, and said with emotion: "I haven't worn new clothes for a long time!"

Hearing Jiang Yuntian's teasing, Xiao Yi glanced at Du Kang, which almost made his eyes pop out!

(End of this chapter)

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