Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 323 Broken Mouth Du Kang, The Reason Why The Killer Whale Chased Himself

Chapter 323 Broken Mouth Du Kang, The Reason Why The Killer Whale Chased Himself

Du Kang immediately replied: "Yes, boss, I'm just a talkative person, I don't have any bad intentions."

"Get to the point!" Xiao Yi emphasized again.

"Yes, I found that big ship when I was fishing for supplies this morning, and then I rented your heavy crossbow. Not to mention, your heavy crossbow is really a good thing. Just look at the appearance." Du Kang looked at the unkind expression. Xiao Yi immediately stopped talking and continued to explain the situation, "I used a heavy crossbow to attack the big ship and found that it was completely unable to break through the defense. Looking at the sailboat that was twice as big as my sailboat, there must be a lot of indigenous people on board. , I decisively chose to retreat strategically!"

Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "Have you ever been attacked by indigenous people before?"

"No, this is the first time." Du Kang replied, "At first I thought I was a lucky star because I didn't encounter any attacks from the natives. Now it seems that they are preparing a big surprise for me!"

"Arranging a large sailboat for the first attack, what does that mean?" Xiao Yi frowned and muttered.

One must know that even Xiao Yi had never encountered this kind of attack.

The level of development of indigenous people with large sailing ships must be higher than that of indigenous people with medium-sized sailing ships!
Xiao Yi's island has not received such treatment with such a high level of development.

Could it be that the rules of the world considered Du Kang to be more of a threat than Xiao Yi?
Looking at Du Kang, who has only C-level physique in front of him, no matter how he looks at it, there is no threat!

This problem will not be clear for a while, maybe it is just a random event.

"Go on!" Xiao Yi shook his head slightly and said.

"Then I randomly found a direction, took my belongings and escaped. Because I moved the island monument and recovered the foundation stone, they didn't even touch a hair, and some of the natives who landed on the island fell into the sea!" Du Kang said slightly proudly, "They must have been dissatisfied, so they chased me by boat. Their boat was faster than mine, and they were about to be overtaken. I happened to meet you, the boss!"

Xiao Yi nodded and asked, "You really know how to make wine?"

"Really, I know a thing or two about all the brewing techniques from ancient times to the present. After all, four years of university are not for nothing!" Du Kang said confidently.

"Okay, use the contract card, follow me from now on, otherwise, I'll just leave you behind!" Xiao Yi said.

"Don't stop, I'll use the contract card!" Du Kang said immediately.

Asking Yuan Nong to trade a contract card, Xiao Yi used it on Du Kang.

Used successfully.

Du Kang said happily: "I have finally become the younger brother of the boss!"

Xiao Yi asked in surprise: "You like being a little brother so much?"

"It's not that I like to be the younger brother, but I like to be the younger brother of the boss!" Du Kang replied, "If my former classmates know that I have become the younger brother of the Yiranpin boss, I think I will be envious of them!"

"To be my little brother is to work, we don't support useless people!" Xiao Yi said.

"Of course, don't worry. When I return to the island, I will immediately carry forward the spirit of hard work and develop the winemaking business as soon as possible!" Du Kang said immediately.

"Okay, let's eat first!" Xiao Yi said.

After tossing around for so long, Xiao Yi and the others didn't even have time to eat lunch.

An Ran heated up the lunch and brought it out to Xiao Yi.

A smell of food filled the yacht.

The natives all worked hard to wiggle their noses. They had never smelled such a fragrant smell.

"It smells so good!" You said, swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Pebbles said on the side: "What does this mean? This is just the most basic food on Adult Island!" After hearing Pebbles and You's conversation, the other natives on the deck immediately asked in a low voice: "Were you also captured? "

Yuan Shi glanced at them, and said with some pride: "I have surrendered to my lord, and I am his subordinate."

Just after finishing speaking, Jiang Yuntian came out with two lunch boxes, handed them to Yuanshi, and signaled him to eat!

"Thank you!" Yuan Shi said in a slightly blunt Xia Guoyu.

Jiang Yuntian gave him a thumbs up!
Pebbles and another native who came with him each had a box, opened it and started eating.

A group of natives around him swallowed their saliva.

"I am also willing to surrender!" A native suddenly said.

"I am willing too!" The other natives followed suit.

Yuan Shi raised his head, looked at them and said, "If you are willing to surrender, it depends on whether the adults accept you, but since you are not killed, you should have a chance, it depends on your performance!"

The eyes of the natives lit up, and they had to behave well just for the delicious food.

Jiang Yuntian ran to the stern to have a look, then walked back to the cabin and said, "Xiao Yi, we should get rid of that killer whale!"

"It should be thrown away, the speed of the yacht completely crushes the killer whale!" Xiao Yi replied, "However, I have been wondering why the killer whale keeps staring at me."

Xiao Yi had already told him about the situation just now, if Xiao Yi was on that ship, which ship would the killer whale attack!
"It should be related to the treasure!" Jiang Yuntian said.

Xiao Yi nodded, and replied: "Nine times out of ten, I have used the treasure map. When we rescued Du Kang just now, we deviated from the original sailing route!"

"That is to say, if we sail completely according to the route, then we should return home very smoothly!" Jiang Yuntian said.

Xiao Yi said: "But now we have no way to verify whether this is the case!"

"There is a way!" Jiang Yuntian said, "Ask the God of Death!"

"Good idea!" Xiao Yi reacted immediately, and then sent a message to Killing God on the island tablet.

"Killing God, have you returned to the island?" Xiao Yi asked knowingly.

"No, have you finished the last treasure?" Killing God asked.

"Well, although it was a bit difficult, it went smoothly!" Xiao Yi replied.

Killing God sighed in his heart: "This Yiran product really deserves its reputation! It can even handle the last treasure!"

You must know that Shashen chose to give up after opening only one treasure chest!He is alone, and he will never be the opponent of the second treasure chest guardian beast!
"What do you need from me?" Killing God asked proactively. He didn't believe that Yi Ranpin sent him a message just to care whether he had returned to the island or not.

"Yes, I want to ask you, did you go back according to the route on the treasure map, or in a straight line?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Of course I went back according to the route on the treasure map. I think this treasure route is much safer than going back in a straight line!" Killing God replied.

"Great, I didn't follow the treasure map route, I just encountered a large marine creature, and now I can't verify the safety of following the treasure route, so, when you arrive on the island, can you tell me about the route situation?" Xiao Yi said.

"No problem!" Killing God replied, "So far, everything is going well, sailing along the route, without encountering any danger or interference!"

(End of this chapter)

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