Chapter 318 Firearm template, waste handgun

"Two templates, one manufacturing drawing, and 1000 yuan cornerstone!" Xiao Yi replied.

"So many cornerstones?" Jiang Yuntian asked in shock.

Xiao Yi nodded, and replied: "It's worthy of a B-level tiger guard."

"What are those two templates?" An Ran asked.

"One is a crossbow rocket template, and the other is a fireball template!" Xiao Yi explained.

An Ran could understand these two words, but she didn't know what they were.

Jiang Yuntian, a combat madman, also couldn't understand what these two templates were used for.

Seeing that the two were puzzled, Xiao Yi had no choice but to explain according to the system instructions.

"Bow and crossbow rocket (fireball) template: After using it at the island monument, collect enough materials to make infinite crossbow and crossbow rocket (fireball)."

"These two things are weapons and ammunition used in ancient wars. Bow and crossbow rockets bind gunpowder near the arrow and launch them at the enemy, burning the enemy's troops, horses, food and grass. Fireballs use gunpowder as the center of the ball. The outside is wrapped with flammable and combustion-supporting substances, which can be mixed with other ingredients, such as a large amount of smoke after burning, or poisonous gas and other substances, which are mainly used to burn the enemy's fortifications, vehicles and ships, killing and disturbing the enemy. "

Jiang Yuntian's eyes lit up, he prefers hot weapons to cold weapons!

"Then do we have gunpowder now?" Jiang Yuntian asked the important point.

Although these templates look very powerful, if there is no main material to make these things, these templates are really just a look.

"I've already developed the formula for gunpowder, as long as the raw materials are found, it can be produced indefinitely!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"That would be great!" Jiang Yuntian said happily.

Seeing that they were chatting happily, the wizard at the side secretly moved down the mountain slowly.

About three meters away from Xiao Yi and the others, the wizard immediately turned around and ran down the mountain!
Unexpectedly, just as he started running, a foot in front of his eyes was infinitely enlarged!

The sorcerer flew upside down, fell into a mess, stared at him.

"I haven't spoken yet, how could you just leave like this?" Xiao Yi glanced at him and said.

There was a size 42 footprint on the wizard's face!

The wizard wanted to cry, but the survivors he met before were simply vulnerable, and the survivor in front of him was completely different from before!
"Is there another manufacturing plan?" Jiang Yuntian asked curiously.

Since those two templates are thermal weapons, this manufacturing diagram should also be a thermal weapon!

Xiao Yi replied: "It's the handgun manufacturing drawing!"

"It seems that we are about to enter the era of hot weapons!" Jiang Yuntian said happily, "But the hand gun is too useless!"

Xiao Yi looked at Jiang Yuntian suspiciously. He was not familiar with hot weapons. From Jiang Yuntian's words, he must know this thing very well.

Jiang Yuntian continued to explain: "According to the development history of weapons, the accurate range of hand guns is only more than 20 meters, the effective range is about 50 meters, and the penetration is limited. It can be blocked by any armor. It may not be as good as our B-level guns. The penetrating power of bamboo arrows! Holding this thing is better than carrying a bow and arrow!"

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "If it's just like this, it's really useless!"

"Also," Jiang Yuntian continued, "it's very troublesome to load the gunpowder and bullets into the hand gun. In a real fight, I guess it can only be fired once, and then it will be used as a hammer! Unless there is an established hand gun unit taking turns Shooting, there may be a little bit of use, but this is just a manufacturing map, not a template!"

"It seems that the worst treasure this time is the manufacturing plan!" Xiao Yi said, then looked at the wizard and said, "Hand over everything!"

The wizard had no choice but to take out all the cornerstones and scrolls he had obtained.

An Ran has already collected the scrolls in the hands of Yitongguo warrior. "Everyone is searching. It's hard to come here. Don't leave any good things behind!" Xiao Yi said.

Jiang Yuntian went to look over the corpse again, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he said, "Everything has been searched!"

Xiao Yi waved his hand and said, "Let's go back!"

"Then can I go?" the wizard asked cautiously.

Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "No, follow me, or stay here!"

The wizard said with a bitter face: "Okay, I'll go with you, don't kill me!"

Xiao Yi looked at the sorcerer who was extremely afraid of death in front of him, and sighed secretly in his heart: "Sure enough, sorcerers are still different from sorcerers. The sorcerer from the Wang tribe was willing to perish together and not surrender, but this one in front of him seems very cowardly!"

Being escorted by Jiang Yuntian, he followed Xiao Yi down the mountain.

"My lord, since I want to follow you, will I bring my boat with me too!" the wizard asked.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Of course, where is your ship?"

"Northeast!" replied the wizard.

"Okay, then go and collect his boat first!" Xiao Yi decided.

As long as that ship is captured, Xiao Yi can use the trading function to trade his ship back directly!
Uncle Chen, who abandoned the cornerstone and the three scrolls, ran to the beach in embarrassment, looking at the vast sea, a little dazed!

"How do I go back?" Uncle Chen thought to himself, and then reacted, "Should we sail when we came? Otherwise, everyone will have no way to go back! Mad, must have been tricked by the rules of this world again!"

Chen Bo thought for a while, and immediately walked along the coastline!
I don't know if it was God's blessing, but the direction he sent was due north, and he walked east along the coastline, and soon discovered the large indigenous ships that ambushed them.

"There is a boat!" Uncle Chen looked at the big boat in the distance in surprise, and he immediately ran!
At this time, there were only two natives on the large native ship!

Seeing Uncle Chen running over, he immediately yelled at him!

Without the slightest hesitation, Uncle Chen drew out a wooden arrow and shot it at the guard!


The native guard was accidentally shot in the arm and screamed!
Another guard immediately threw out the iron gun in his hand, and Uncle Chen easily grabbed the iron gun in his hand!

Running to the shore, Uncle Chen put his bow on his back and jumped onto the boat with an iron gun in his hand.

Uncle Chen held onto the side of the boat with one hand, exerted all his strength with his arm, and got on the boat with his whole body!
At this time, the uninjured native rushed over immediately.

But these natives with ordinary physiques are no match for C-level Uncle Chen.

Uncle Chen easily subdued the native, tied him up, and rushed to the cockpit of the ship.

"Great! There is an island monument!" Uncle Chen's eyes lit up, he immediately occupied the island monument and the big ship, and then sailed the boat away from the island!

"My lord, it's just ahead!" said the wizard.

Xiao Yi and his party walked out of the woods and were stunned when they saw the empty sea.

Jiang Yuntian looked at the wizard, and asked in a serious tone: "Are you kidding us?"

(End of this chapter)

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