Chapter 3125 Attacking survivors and framing them

Hearing the driver's surprise, everyone was stunned for a moment.

"What do you mean by this? Is Bayio star missing?" someone asked.

"According to the marks on our star map, this should be the location of the star Bayio, but I didn't see the star Bayio!" the pilot replied.

"Huh? Could it be that you saw it wrong?"

"Impossible, you can see for yourself that this is how it is marked on the star map."

"Is there something wrong with our star map? It's not accurate enough?"

"Probably not. If it's in other unknown galaxies, it's possible. But Bayio is an affiliated planet of the Dragon Kingdom, and its position on the star map is still very accurate!"

Hearing their discussion, Hei Pao also became confused. He immediately released his mental power to explore the surrounding situation.

Suddenly a miniature spaceship flashed out, but disappeared in an instant.

The black robe accurately captured the opponent and ordered in a deep voice: "Immediately carry out a covering attack at a position thirty degrees to the left and front!"

Upon hearing this order, the weapons hand was a little dazed, but he quickly reacted and controlled the weapon to cover the position indicated by the black robe.

Most of his attacks landed in the air.

Everyone looked at the black robe in confusion.

"Why do you want to beat me like this?"

"Yes, with such energy consumption, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for long!"

"We haven't found Bayio Star now, and there is no place to resupply even if we want to!"

The black robe ignored them at all, but stared at the area covered by the firepower.

Suddenly a laser attack hit an object and caused sparks!

A miniature spaceship appeared in everyone's sight.

"Fake, what is going on? Why did a miniature spaceship suddenly appear?"

"Yes! Wasn't it still blank there just now?"

"Is this a spaceship of an advanced civilization?"

"It's very possible! Only the stealth technology of advanced civilizations can avoid our detection!"

"No, if the other party is an advanced civilization, it won't be able to defend against our normal attacks."

"Look! The spaceship that was destroyed by us just now was repaired in an instant!"

The miniature spaceship that was hit by them was intact in an instant.

Everyone was stunned. They had never heard of technology that could repair damage instantly.

"What's happening here?"

"This must be the spaceship of an advanced civilization. It's over. We've provoked an advanced civilization and we're definitely dead!"

"If it's an advanced civilization, why doesn't the other party fight back at all?"

"Yeah, don't panic yet, continue attacking and see the other party's reaction!"

The weapons hand glanced at the black robe, and the black robe nodded.

The weapons hand immediately attacked.

The miniature spaceship had already fled far away, but its speed could not be compared to the star-class battleship on Blue Star.

Soon, the attack fell on the miniature spaceship again.

This time it hit the energy capsule. The satellite spacecraft lost power and could not continue to accelerate.

"Why didn't the other party recover completely this time?"

"And he seems to be afraid of us, otherwise there would be no need to run!" "The other party is definitely not an advanced civilization!"

"It doesn't matter if he is, we have to fight now, let's take down this micro spaceship first!"

At this time, the public channel of Bayio Galaxy was already busy.

"No! Why do you want to provoke advanced civilization? Do you feel that you have a long life?"

"I didn't. I don't know what happened. A space crack suddenly appeared near me, and then a fleet ran out, and then started shooting at me."

"Didn't you take the initiative to attack them?"

"Of course not! Now is not the time to discuss this. Who can come and save me?"

"Because of the Masked Star Fleet, the Yiranpin Alliance has not launched a rescue service in our galaxy. I can only say that you are asking for blessings!"

"By the way, will this survivor encounter the Masked Star Fleet?"

"It's very possible that there is only one advanced civilization like theirs in our galaxy."

Masked Star Fleet Captain Mansk saw their chat and immediately replied: "It's not us. Our fleet did not have any activities today, and we did not attack any survivors!"

"It's over, I can't escape anymore! Everyone, please pay attention to this fleet in the video."

The survivor who was attacked by the black robe posted his battle video on the public channel of Island Monument.

Seeing the battle video, some survivors suddenly found that the battleships in the video seemed familiar.

"Wancao, isn't this the battleship of Bayio Star?"

"It seems so. I was near Bayio before and observed their ships at close range!"

"No way! Didn't Bayio Star disappear? Why did their ship suddenly appear again?"

"Isn't Bayi'aoxing very close to the Yi Ranpin Alliance? Why are they attacking us?"

"Isn't it possible that the Bayi'ao Star and the Yiranpin Alliance have joined forces to hunt down survivors like us?"

"That shouldn't be the case! Isn't the Yiranpin Alliance very friendly to us survivors?"

"That's just the surface! What's going on secretly? Only the devil knows!"

Bai Chen saw everyone's discussion on the island monument and immediately said: "That is not a ship from Bayiao Star, nor a ship from Yi Ranpin Alliance."

Seeing the reaction of Yiranpin Alliance, Mansk immediately said: "With just one mouth, if you say you are not yourself, you are not yourself?"

The other survivors began to ponder upon seeing Mansk's words.

And those survivors who were banned from buying mobile phones and computers by the Yiranpin Alliance decisively turned to the Masked Star Fleet.

"That's right, the Yi Ranpin Alliance and Ba Yi'ao Xing must be colluding together. Everyone must be careful not to be deceived by them!"

"Yi Ranpin Alliance is so hypocritical! I didn't expect that we would still find out!"

"Fortunately, some of us have seen the ships of Bayio Star, otherwise, the Yiranpin Alliance would have been fooled!"

"Yes, the Yiranpin Alliance is so cunning! They actually used the ships of Bayio Star instead of their own ships!"

Seeing those survivors throwing dirty water on his alliance, Bai Chen frowned. This matter was really troublesome.

And he has yet to reply to the message he sent above, so he can only deal with it on his own first.

Bai Chen thought for a moment and continued: "I hope everyone will not be led away. Think about why our Yiranpin Alliance wants to kill you? There is no profit at all. On the contrary, if you are kept, you will do more business with us. ! Our alliance will not do anything like killing a goose to retrieve the eggs!"

"Hmph, you must have a grudge against the survivors who bought high-grade genetic medicine from us, so you have murderous intentions." Mansk continued to ignite the anger.

(End of this chapter)

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