Chapter 3108 There are many smart people sharing news

Seeing someone talking to himself in the public chat room, Xiao Yi thought for a while and said: "Hello everyone! Everything that is happening now, our alliance is a little confused. We are working hard to study it, but there is nothing for the time being. in conclusion."

"No! Don't even the Yiranpin Alliance know what happened?"

"What happened this time is too weird. The island monument didn't give any hint. It's normal that the boss doesn't know!"

"It seems we really need to explore slowly by ourselves!"

Xiao Yi paused briefly and continued: "What is certain at present is that the scavenger and the bacterium-like organisms were killed by a special substance that suddenly appeared."

"Special substance? What substance? Will it affect us?"

"We still don't know what the substance is. It has no effect on our ships, but once we come into contact with that substance, we will definitely die." Xiao Yi replied.

"Is it so powerful? We can't touch it either?"

"If you can see the death scene of the scavengers and bacteroids, you will know how powerful it is!"

"Can I watch a video?"

The survivors who were still in the Dinosaur Galaxy immediately released the video of the previous battle.

He doesn't have the strength of the survivors of the Yiranpin Alliance, and he doesn't have a mecha, so he controls the entire battle with his own miniature spaceship!

"Are you renting a high-end weapon from the Yiranpin Alliance?"

"Isn't this certain! Without advanced weapons, he can't even break through the defenses of Bacteroidetes."

"But isn't the lease of Yiranpin Alliance not allowed to be leased continuously?"

"You're overthinking it. I didn't rent the Yiranpin Alliance's advanced weapons."

"What? If you don't rent high-end weapons, how can you kill those Bacteroides organisms?"

"It's very simple. I found that the defenses at the base of the flagella of these Bacteroidetes organisms are relatively low. As long as I control my attack to land on those bases of flagella, it will be fine."

All the survivors suddenly realized.

Because this bacilli organism is so large, the target at the base of its flagellum is also not small.

In addition, Bacteroides organisms have almost no active attack ability, so the survivors can completely relax and attack slowly.

"What a good man! He shared the information he discovered with us for free."

"Yes, if you encounter those bacterium-like organisms in the future, you don't necessarily have to rent the boss's high-end weapons."

"Thank you so much brother!"

Xiao Yi saw that other survivors also discovered this weakness of Bacteroides organisms, and sighed: "There are still many smart people!"

Du Kang nodded: "There are always people who will have a flash of inspiration, but I am even more surprised that there are survivors who choose to stay in the Dinosaur Galaxy."

"Yes, you are really not afraid of death!" Zhu Wu agreed.

"Maybe they think this is also a test given to them by the rules of the world. The last time the undead invaded in large numbers, the test rewards were generous. They don't want to miss the rewards this time." Su Wan analyzed.

"That's what they probably thought." Du Kang responded, and then gloated a little, "It's a pity that they guessed wrong, and there is no reward this time."

In the public chat room, the survivors were still discussing.

"This test situation is so big, but there is no reward?"

"Is it because the test is not over yet?"

"You mean, the test of Bacteroidetes is still going on?"

"I feel like it's really possible!"

"If that's the case, should I return to the dinosaur galaxy?"

"It depends on personal choice. Anyway, I put safety first!" "I'm very curious whether the Yiranpin Alliance has discovered this weakness of Bacteroidetes organisms."

"I discovered it. I haven't had time to tell you yet. Our scientific research team is studying this type of bacilli." Xiao Yi replied.

"Boss, besides this weakness, are there any other weaknesses?"

Xiao Yi shook his head: "Nothing has been discovered yet, but there is a new discovery about the corrosive substance."

"Can the Yiranpin Alliance solve the corrosive substance?"

"Boss, please tell us. I'm really worried that those bacterium-like organisms will spread corrosive materials throughout the galaxy."

"Yes, if this is the case, we will have no room to survive!"

"You can also pay for this news, please let me know!"

"There is no need to pay. It's just our accidental discovery. We can use mental power to block those corrosive substances. Of course, this requires higher mental power." Xiao Yi replied.

"Can mental power block matter? Isn't this a bit fantasy?"

"Spiritual power itself is an electromagnetic wave. It should be theoretically possible to use electromagnetic waves to form a field force to block matter!"

"Your statement is inaccurate. Mental power only has the characteristics of electromagnetic waves, but it is not electromagnetic waves!"

"How is it possible? Mental power is electromagnetic waves!"

"Have you done any research? Or is it based on some theories on your home planet?"

"It's a conjecture, but now that we all have mental power, it can be verified!"

"Is now the time to discuss this? You two should go to the scientific research channel! Boss, how much mental power is needed to block those corrosive substances?"

Xiao Yi replied: "Let your mental power break through one thousand meters!"

Upon hearing Xiao Yi's reply, all the survivors were stunned for a moment, and then started talking again.

"I know that the survivors of the Yiranpin Alliance are assisted by advanced genetic medicines, and their mental power has been raised to more than one thousand meters, but we are still far away!"

"Yeah, I thought five hundred meters would be enough, but I didn't expect it was one thousand!"

"How do you expect me, a survivor with only two hundred meters of mental strength, to survive?"

"Actually, it doesn't seem difficult to reach one thousand meters."

"It's not difficult? Brother upstairs, are you kidding me?"

"No kidding, as long as you are good at fighting and hunt more survivors in the trial space, you will soon be able to increase your mental power to one thousand meters!"

"Isn't this still a joke? How many of you are good at fighting before becoming a survivor? Besides, even if you are good at fighting, after entering the trial space, you must be able to find enough survivors and defeat them. OK!"

"Yeah, it's so difficult to meet all these requirements!"

"The most important question is that even if you approach one thousand meters, it's difficult to break through. Wasn't there a brother who couldn't break through one thousand meters before?"

"Yes, it's me! It's too difficult to break through one thousand meters, so I grabbed an advanced gene potion. Otherwise, I feel like I will never be able to break through one thousand meters in my life!"

"I really envy your hand speed, I didn't get it!"

In the Domire Galaxy, the Ji family also saw the contents of the public chat room.

"Master, should we share this news with the Bobon Galaxy?"

(End of this chapter)

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