Chapter 3098: Take refuge, go to the labor camp

Hearing this, Xiao Yi suddenly realized, then he glanced at the time and replied: "That's okay, but you can come here after our headquarters enters the independent planet space at night."

"Yes, thank you sir!" Qixing responded excitedly.

After ending the call, Qixing sighed: "Perhaps we shouldn't have been enemies of the Yi Ranpin Alliance in the first place."

The staff officer on the side nodded in agreement, and then asked: "Are we going to tell other ships this news now?"

"Let us all know. No matter how the Yi Ranpin Alliance deals with us, I feel it will be much better than dealing with Bone Soul." Qixing nodded.

The staff immediately informed other ships that they were going to join the Yiranpin Alliance.

The other ships were stunned after receiving the news, and then immediately started talking.

"The commander-in-chief actually decided to join the Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

"What a surprise! What about the undead contract on us?"

"As long as we stay in this independent planet space, we don't have to worry about the undead contract."

"But will the Yiranpin Alliance accept our surrender?"

"Yeah, look, their warships have surrounded us."

"On the contrary, I feel that the Yiranpin Alliance will accept us. If they don't accept us, they will take action directly."

"Yes, we are now in the Yiranpin Alliance's lair. As long as they take action, we will not be able to resist at all."

"Whether they accept it or not, I feel that even if I am a prisoner with the Yiranpin Alliance, it is better than being a tool under the undead!"

"Yes! Looking at those skeletons every day makes me feel a little scared."

In addition to the discussion among these Worm Star people, the survivors who were captured by Worm Star were even more delighted.

All survivors who know about the Yi Ranpin Alliance don't want to join the Yi Ranpin Alliance, and now they are infinitely close to joining the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

Even if they are prisoners of the Yi Ranpin Alliance, they are very happy!

It couldn't be any worse than their current situation, they were now captives' captives.

Time soon came to night, and no Bacteroides organisms were found in the Chaos Galaxy.

This is good news. If there are really Bacteroides organisms that have been missed, given their reproduction speed, survivors should be able to discover them by now.

The Yi Ranpin Alliance headquarters returned to Space 2, and Qixing also came to the headquarters in accordance with Xiao Yi's request.

After entering the headquarters, Qixing was immediately shocked.

From the outside, the headquarters of Yiranpin Alliance is shaped like a ship, but after entering, it turns out to be a city inside!

Qixing was taken to the conference room of the City Lord's Mansion, where Xiao Yi and his party were already waiting for him.

"Sit down and speak slowly, in Xia Mandarin! They don't understand your language." Xiao Yi pointed to the seat next to him and said.

"Yes!" Qixing walked to the seat carefully and sat down.

Next, Qixing told everything he knew about the bone soul.

After he finished speaking, Du Kang was the first to ask curiously: "Didn't this bone soul have a brain? Did it not expect that you would betray it when you came here?"

"Maybe it's because it knows that I have a grudge against the Yi Ranpin Alliance, or our previous cooperation made him relax his vigilance and become careless!" Qixing speculated, "Or maybe he is very confident in his contract. Unless we Always avoid the undead, otherwise they will always find us through the contract." Du Kang curled his lips: "He is really blindly confident!"

"Oh, it's not blind confidence. The ancient soul's current mental power has exceeded three thousand. It has also specially strengthened the contract with us. We will probably carry this contract with us for the rest of our lives!" Qixing said helplessly, "So I beg you, sir, to take us in and let us do whatever we want, as long as we stay in this independent planet space."

"What a beautiful idea! Even if I take you in, you still have to go out to work! You're hiding here like a moth!" Du Kang said immediately.

Qixing was stunned for a moment, then replied with a wry smile: "If we go out, it is very likely that we will be controlled by the undead, and we will be unable to help ourselves!"

"With the power of his three-legged cat contract, he still wants to control you?" Du Kang said disdainfully, "As long as you make atonement within the Yi Ranpin Alliance, our island owner can help you terminate the contract as soon as we are happy!"

Hearing this, Qixing was stunned again, and then asked excitedly: "Can your Excellency really terminate the contract of the undead?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Qixing stood up directly and knelt in front of Xiao Yi.

"Sir, as long as you help us terminate the contract, we are willing to follow you forever!"

Xiao Yi looked at him and said calmly: "Get up. In view of what you have done before, you can only be regarded as our prisoners now. Go to the labor camp for reform first!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Qixing's expression darkened.

Du Kang on the side said: "Why don't you thank the island owner for accepting you! Otherwise, you will really not be able to escape the control of the undead in the future."

Qixing was slightly stunned. Does putting them in a prisoner of war camp count as acceptance?

But at least Xiao Yi didn't directly drive them out of the independent planet space.

"Thank you, sir!" Qixing replied bitterly.

"Brother Jiang, send them to a labor camp!" Xiao Yi said directly to Jiang Yuntian.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian stood up and said to Qixing, "Let's go!"

Qixing let out a long sigh, stood up and left with Jiang Yuntian.

On the way back to Space 2, Jiang Yuntian looked at the dejected Qixing and said, "Do you think you have lowered your posture and the island owner has not given you the corresponding respect?"

Qixing was stunned for a moment. He did think so in his heart, but he couldn't say so.

"Don't dare!" Qixing lowered his head and replied.

Jiang Yuntian sneered: "To be honest, with the way you have hindered our Yiranpin Alliance before, it will be no problem even if you are destroyed. The island owner just asks you to go to the labor camp to undergo labor reform. It is really too kind." Got it!"

Qixing frowned and thought to himself: "Am I still grateful after being imprisoned in a labor camp?"

Of course, he would never say that. After all, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

After saying this, Jiang Yuntian said no more, came to the independent planet space No. 2, and asked the surrounding security team to escort the Worm star fleet to the depths of space No. 2.

Qixing returned to his ship and was immediately greeted by his staff.

"Commander-in-Chief, how are you doing?" the staff officer asked hurriedly.

Qixing shook his head: "I have set my stance very low, but I still can't escape the fate of being a prisoner."

(End of this chapter)

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