Chapter 3095 The isolation zone is also a good thing

"Have you noticed that after this nuclear explosion, the temperature at the explosion point dropped about 0.5 seconds faster than before?" Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

It's easy to overlook such a short interval.

"Could it be the fluctuation of the nuclear explosion itself?" Bai Yu frowned and speculated.

Xiao Yi immediately shook his head: "The nuclear explosive mines we made using the island monument will not have fluctuations in quality."

Bai Yu was startled for a moment, then nodded.

"Island owner, do you mean that these corrosive substances caused this result?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "If you send our findings to Buhai, you can also provide them with some information!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian ordered this matter.

"Report to the island owner, instructor! According to our observations, the bacterium-like organisms seem to have stopped spreading in our direction!" A soldier ran over and saluted.

Xiao Yi and the others were stunned for a moment, then walked to the monitor.

The location where the nuclear mine exploded before was still blank.

The surrounding Bacteroidetes biota is still spreading, except for the location where the nuclear mine exploded.

"Could it be that the particle rays produced after the nuclear explosion made these Bacteroidetes uncomfortable?" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

"I don't know. Maybe it's just the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages that prevents them from approaching this area." Xiao Yi shook his head.

Although it is unclear why they would avoid the area after the explosion, it does not prevent Xiao Yi from using this characteristic to prevent them from spreading to the wormhole.

"Immediately detonate nuclear explosive mines in the Bacteroides biota near the wormhole." Xiao Yi continued to order.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian immediately understood what he meant and conveyed the order.

Now Xiao Yi and the others have no way to completely stop the proliferation of this type of bacilli, but at least they must first ensure that they do not spread toward the wormhole.

Several nuclear explosive mines were wrapped tightly and sent out!

Several clusters of bright light appeared, clearing the surrounding area of ​​Bacteroides organisms.

The distance between those nuclear explosion mines is maintained very well, with almost no overlap, completely clearing out the Bacteroides organisms near the wormhole, forming an isolation zone.

After being cleared, although the Bacteroidetes organisms were still increasing in value, they did not continue to spread here.

"You must always pay attention to the spread of bacterium-like organisms!" Xiao Yi specifically warned.

"Yes, island owner, please rest assured!" Jiang Yuntian responded in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi looked at the densely packed Bacteroides organisms outside the isolation zone with some worry in his eyes: "I wonder if there are any Bacteroidetes organisms missing in the Chaos Galaxy."

"Probably not. If there is really something missing, with the reproduction speed of this creature, there should be survivors who will find it." Bai Yu shook his head and comforted.

Jiang Yuntian nodded and agreed: "Yes, plus we have released so many spy satellites, we should not miss them!"

"I hope so!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Jiang Yuntian continued: "In fact, it is not a bad thing that the Dinosaur Galaxy is occupied by Bacteroidetes!"

Xiao Yi and Bai Yu were slightly stunned and looked at Jiang Yuntian in confusion. Jiang Yuntian smiled and asked, "Island Master, you won't forget Elder Bone Soul, will you?"

Xiao Yi was stunned again, then nodded: "You mean to let Bacteroidetes and Undead dogs eat dogs?"

"Yes, anyway, as long as we hold on to this wormhole or destroy it directly, what happens in the Dinosaur Galaxy will have no impact on us." Jiang Yuntian responded, "At least it has no impact so far!"

"I just don't know if the undead are related to bacteroids." Xiao Yi said.

"Probably not." Jiang Yuntian continued, "Bacteroidetes should at least be considered living things, and should not be the same type of dead things as the undead."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "It seems so, but you need to be more careful here to prevent the undead from taking advantage of the chaos and escaping to the chaotic galaxy."

"Yes, Island Master!" Jiang Yuntian responded in a deep voice.

At this time, Bone Soul looked at the spreading bacteroid organisms and felt a little troubled.

"Elder, what should we do now? The corrosive substances released by these creatures are a great threat to our ships!" Qixing, the commander-in-chief of the Worm Star Fleet, frowned and said, "How about we also use the intergalactic space of the Yiranpin Alliance? Transfer service and leave the Dinosaur Galaxy."

Bone Soul has contracted all members of the Worm Star Fleet, so the entire Worm Star Fleet is completely under its control.

Bone Soul pondered for a long time and then shook his head.

"There are too many masters in the Yiranpin Alliance. If we use their transfer service rashly, if they notice it, we won't even have a chance to escape!"

Qixing asked uncertainly: "Elder, with your mental strength, are you still worried that you won't be able to defeat the survivors in the Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

Bone Soul shook his head: "Although my mental power has now exceeded three thousand meters, and the speed of improvement is very fast, I believe that no one in the Yiranpin Alliance can catch up, but they have a large number of people and many ships. , if we really fight, I can guarantee my survival but I can’t protect you.”

Qixing nodded, cupped his hands and said: "The elders are still thoughtful! But with the reproduction speed of this creature, we will soon be overwhelmed by it..."

"The use of nuclear bombs before can suppress their spread to our side, so we will deal with them this way for the time being." Bone Soul ordered, "I will think of other methods here."

"Yes!" Qixing responded helplessly.

After Qixing left, Bone Soul thought for a moment, got up and left the battleship, taking five or six skeleton brothers with him.

It used its mental power to push itself and several of its younger brothers towards the Bacteroidetes biota.

Arriving at the edge of the bacterium-like biota, Bone Soul immediately ordered a skeleton to walk into the area of ​​corrosive material that Qixing and the others had detected.

Since the emergence of bacteroids, Bone Soul has not had time to test the impact of the opponent's corrosive substances on the undead's body.

The skeleton was pushed into the range of the corrosive substance by the bone soul, and the body that had turned into dark gold actually degenerated back!

Seeing this scene, the bone soul immediately released its spiritual power and wrapped the skeleton.

The skeleton's degradation immediately stopped.

"It seems that mental power can isolate this corrosive substance!" Bone Soul secretly said, "This way there is nothing to worry about."

As long as there is no threat to it, everything else doesn't matter, including the Worm Star Fleet.

In the eyes of Bone Soul, the Worm Star Fleet is just a tool. It is better to have it, but it is not a big problem if it does not have it.

Thinking of this, Bone Soul immediately withdrew his mental power.

(End of this chapter)

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