Chapter 3082 Pease leaves, Blue Thorn’s thoughts

Mansk nodded slightly: "We directly exchanged five island tablets from other survivors. You take three back this time and keep them for research on the home planet!"

Pease's eyes widened and he asked, "What did you exchange for them?"

"A small spaceship, one of those we are all ready to eliminate!" Mansk replied.

"Can this be exchanged for an island monument?" Pease felt a little incredible.

He knew the role of the island monument. In his opinion, even if he exchanged a stellar battleship for an island monument, it would definitely not be a loss.

Mansk naturally knew what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "Whether something is scarce depends on who it is for. For those survivors, the island monument does not seem to be a scarce resource. Each of them has one. If through certain Ways to get more island monuments, for them, these extra island monuments are almost useless!"

Pease nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

"And a small spaceship is an absolute scarce commodity for these survivors. It is something that can improve their living conditions and probability of survival. Using such a scarce thing in exchange for the extra island monument in their hands, if it is You, do you want to change?" Mansk continued to ask.

"Change! Definitely change!" Pease understood completely, "Thank you, Captain, for clarifying my doubts."

"You're welcome. I hope you will take care of our fleet's logistics supplies in the future!" Mansk replied with a smile.

Pease was slightly startled, then patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, Captain! I was once a member of this fleet, and I will definitely take care of the logistics!"

"Well, have a nice trip back!" Mansk said as he stood up.

Pease nodded slightly, then boarded a star-class battleship, took three island monuments and a team of a thousand people and activated the jumper.

After Xiao Yi stayed in the Bayio Galaxy for a while, he returned to the alliance headquarters in the Chaos Galaxy.

"Island owner, you are back! How is the situation in the Bayio Galaxy?" Jiang Yuntian saw Xiao Yi and came up to ask.

"There are currently no Bacteroidetes found there." Xiao Yi replied, "However, the Masked Star Fleet collected five island monuments from the survivors."

"Huh? Didn't you remind them not to have any contact with the Masked Star Fleet? They are really not afraid of death!" Jiang Yuntian frowned.

Xiao Yi helplessly replied: "They traded through Island Monument."

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

It has been speculated before that some survivors have colluded with the Masked Star Fleet, and it is only a matter of time before the Masked Star Fleet obtains the island monument.

Now it seems they've got it and are taking advantage of it.

Once the Masked Star Fleet has the island monument, the transactions between them and the survivors will become much more convenient and faster, and the survivors will have no worries.

"Let's not talk about them anymore, how far is the killing of those bacterium-like organisms now?" Xiao Yi shook his head and changed the topic.

Jiang Yuntian replied: "Those who have been discovered so far have been killed, but I am a little worried about those who have not been discovered."

"We can only do our best!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly, "Arrange more spy satellites here to monitor the uninhabited areas in our galaxy."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

Almost all survivors in the Chaos Galaxy use the Yi Ranpin Alliance's network, so Xiao Yi and the others can easily find which areas are no man's land.

Where there are survivors, if Bacteroides organisms appear, they will definitely be able to detect them immediately. After all, these Bacillus organisms are too big.

If the Yi Ranpin Alliance monitors the no-man's land again, the Chaos Galaxy should be safer.

At this time, at the edge of the Chaos Galaxy, a Bacteroides organism also appeared near the Kasuo Star Fleet station. "There are actually living things living in this space?" Lan Thorn, the captain of Casso's first fleet, said seriously as he looked at the bacterium-like creatures.

Bi Lu nodded: "Yes, since I met this survivor, I feel like the whole world has changed!"

"Then what should we do now? Do we want to kill this creature?" Lan Thorn asked.

"Of course, we have just established a cooperative relationship with the Yiranpin Alliance, and we must maintain the stability of the Chaos Galaxy!" Bilu replied in a deep voice.

"Yes, let me go over here first!" Blue Thorn nodded, and then led the team towards the bacterium-like creature.

For a creature without the ability to fight back, Blue Thorn easily killed the opponent and then quickly moved away.

Even the base of Casso Star began to shift.

They are also concerned about the corrosive substances released by these bacilli organisms.

"Captain, should we take this thing back and study it?" Lan suddenly suggested as he looked at the Bacteroidetes creature that he had killed.

Bi Lu frowned: "It's too dangerous to do this!"

"If we can study the composition of the corrosive substance, it can also be used in battle." Blue Thorn continued.

Bi Lu thought for a while and replied: "First sort out the existing information, and then send it back to the home planet and let the higher ups make a decision!"


Blue Thorn sorted out all the information about Bacteroidetes and sent it back to the home planet, where he put forward his own suggestions and also sent back Bilu's concerns.

Kasuo Star received this information and immediately convened personnel to discuss it.

"How could there be such a big creature? Still living in space?"

"Although it's a bit unbelievable, the things are already in front of us, we have to believe it!"

"Now we are not discussing whether this matter is true or false, but we are discussing whether we should bring back the corpse of the bacterium-like organism for study."

"It's better not to bring such unknown things back. If any problems arise, we won't be able to solve them!"

"I think we should pull it back. This is an opportunity for us to have a deeper understanding of this universe! At the same time, if we study this kind of creature thoroughly, we will know how to deal with it if we encounter it in the future. After all, no one can say whether our galaxy will Encounter this creature.”

"Yes, since such creatures have appeared in the chaotic galaxy, it is also possible that they will appear in our galaxy. It is better to know them in advance than to have us deal with them in a hurry when they invade!"

"But have you considered, what if we can't stop his reproduction after we pull him over?"

"Didn't the Yi Ranpin Alliance say that this bacteroid organism has no ability to fight back and is easy to kill?"

"What if the information from the Yiranpin Alliance is wrong?"

"If he sent us this information alone, it might be wrong, but he sent it to all survivors, so it shouldn't be wrong!"

"Should we? This matter is related to the life and death of our Kasuo planet. We can't do it, we must make sure!"

(End of this chapter)

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