Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 3079 Thanks to Flying Frog, the reaction of Bayio Galaxy

Chapter 3079 Thanks to Flying Frog, the reaction of Bayio Galaxy

After seeing the news about Xiao Yi, all the survivors felt a little calmer in their panic.

"The boss is right, we now need to work together to eliminate these bacteroid organisms."

"Yes, I have one here, and I have shared the specific coordinates."

"If a big boss takes action, these Bacteroides organisms will definitely not cause any big trouble!"

Xiao Yi has already received several pieces of location sharing information, and he forwarded them directly to Jiang Yuntian.

"Brother Jiang, you still need to be a little more careful here. I'm worried that some natives will take this opportunity to trick us again!"

Last time, Casso Star used the rescue services of Yi Ranpin Alliance to set up a trap.

"Island owner, don't worry, I will definitely act with caution." Jiang Yuntian responded.

Xiao Yi is relatively relieved when this matter is left to Jiang Yuntian.

After all, the bacterium-like organisms don't have very strong attack power. They just need to keep a safe distance and attack.

Xiao Yi looked back at the public chat room again.

"So, the Domire galaxy has Fei Frog to thank for it!" A survivor suddenly said this.

The others were stunned for a moment, and then started talking again.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong. Flying Frog's action directly wiped out all the Bacteroides organisms in the Domire Galaxy. This is a good person!"

"Yes, I want to apologize to Fei Frog, I even scolded him before!"

"Me too. It turns out that the flying frog is to protect our Domi Hot Galaxy from the threat of Bacteroidetes. I misunderstood him!"

"You have too many dramas! I never believe that Flying Frog is such a good person. He was able to sell out the information of all the survivors for his own benefit in the Bayio Galaxy. It is obvious that he is a selfish person. Profitable person!"

"Yes, I also came to the Domire Galaxy from the Bayio Galaxy. Flying Frog will never be so selfless!"

"It's interesting to say that! Flying Frog is probably because of the initial remarks of Yi Ranpin that this type of bacilli cannot be killed, and in order to retaliate against the Yi Ranpin Alliance, he used a special The method was to find all the Bacteroidetes and kill them all. Now it seems that it is not that they cannot be killed, but that they must be killed! Flying Frog's revenge actually helped the Domire Galaxy to eliminate the Bacteroides in advance. .”

"Hahaha, this is really going to make me laugh to death!"

"If this is really the case, I really want to see what Flying Frog's face looks like now?"

Xiang Zhen saw the content in the public chat room through the island monument, and his face was extremely gloomy.

She originally thought she was causing trouble for other survivors, but it turned out that she had turned into a Madonna, helping other survivors solve potential troubles for free.

The most important thing is that in order to deal with these bacteroid organisms, Xiang Zhen used up her daily life-saving opportunity, and she will not be able to use her superior's space transfer for several days in the future!

Seeing Xiang Zhen's clouded face, Maka didn't dare to say anything at all.

After Xianzhen took a long breath, he immediately chose to enter the trial space.

Out of sight out of mind!

After entering the trial space, Xiangzhen spread all his resentment on the beasts and survivors in the Sunset Forest.

In reality, Jiang Yuntian had already started to kill those Bacteroidetes organisms, and Xiao Yi went to the Bayio system specifically to pass on this information.

There is a Masked Star Fleet in the Bayio system, so Xiao Yi and the others rarely even use the inter-system communicator.

After all, if you use this kind of communication equipment, it is possible for the other party to intercept the information.

By sending it directly, you avoid the possibility of the information being intercepted. Bai Chen, the person in charge of Bayio Galaxy, was stunned after hearing what Xiao Yi explained.

"Please share all the information we have with everyone!" Xiao Yi finally said.

Bai Chen nodded in agreement, and then he asked puzzledly: "Island Master, we have moved the Bayio Star away, and there is still a Masked Star Fleet here. We can completely abandon this galaxy, why do we still have to do it?" Tell everyone about this?"

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly: "The Bayio Galaxy is a market for us. We cannot completely give up the resources here. At the same time, I have always felt that all galaxies share a common destiny, so I have been doing my best to help. Any galaxy I come into contact with!"

Bai Chen nodded slightly: "Well, I understand!"

When Bai Chen shared the news about the bacterium-like creature, the survivors in the entire Bayio system were stunned.

"Is this Yi Ranpin Alliance joking?"

“Can bacteria get that big?”

"Has anyone in our galaxy discovered what he's talking about?"

"I should be at the edge of the galaxy, and I haven't found it so far."

"The video posted by Yiranpin Alliance cannot be synthetically produced."

"It shouldn't be the case. Why would a league as big as his make such a video?"

"It's very simple, selling anxiety. This way their high-end items can sell better."

“I feel like the Yiranpin Alliance will not do this.”

"Feeling? That's hard to say."

"I find that you are really thinking too much. Whether it is true or false, Yiranpin Alliance does not seem to use this matter to induce everyone to buy anything."

"That's right, I made it very clear. I just want to remind everyone to kill this as soon as you find it!"

"Furthermore, they have also stated that Bacteroidetes have been found in only a few galaxies near the Chaos Galaxy. It is very likely that we do not have such organisms in the Bayio Galaxy. You have so maliciously speculated on the Yi Ranpin Alliance, which chills their hearts. , this information may not be shared with us in the future!”

"That's right, no matter what, I still want to thank Yiranpin Alliance."

While the survivors of the Bayio system were discussing, Mansk, the captain of the Masked Star Fleet, was also watching the video sent by the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

Seeing the huge bacilli-like creature, Mansk frowned: "Is there really such a huge creature?"

Soon, Reid, the head of the information department, came over and said: "Captain, after research by our information department, this video was not produced."

Mansk nodded: "It seems that the Yiranpin Alliance has really encountered this kind of creature."

"But this creature is too big! And why can it live in space?" Rhett frowned.

Mansk shook his head: "The world of survivors is different from our world."

Rhett was convinced, and then asked: "Then what are we going to do next?"

"Arrange some detection satellites to the edge of this galaxy and always observe whether such creatures appear!" Mansk thought for a moment and then ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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