Chapter 3070 Auction, the world of the rich

"Made, the boss is so lucky!"

"Originally I didn't believe in luck, but now it seems that I can't believe it!"

"That's right, I excavated four ruins, and not a single hair was found. The boss only unearthed one, and the results were huge!"

"So, everyone has his own destiny, and we all fluctuate on the destiny line. Everything you have now, which you think is your strength, has actually been destined for a long time."

"According to what you said, we can all lie down?"

"Lying down hurts your luck!"

"The magic stick is very powerful, no matter what you say, it makes sense!"

"It's up to you whether you believe it or not!"

"The auction has already started, do you still have time to argue here?"

"Wucao, I almost missed something big!"

"Don't worry, since it's an auction, there will definitely be bidding for a period of time. Those who bid at the beginning are basically those who want to miss out, and the real showdown is in the last few seconds!"

Xiao Yi asked Feng Menglong to set up 20 high-level genetic medicines for auction at the same time.

There is no reserve price, the bidding time is half an hour, and the highest bidder wins at the end.

Almost the moment Feng Menglong hung up the potion, the bid exceeded 10,000.

It exceeded 50,000 in just one minute.

Maybe it's because the Yiranpin Alliance has launched inter-galactic transfer services, and all survivors have the opportunity to go to resource-rich galaxies, so everyone has accumulated a lot of resources.

These resources can be exchanged for the alliance’s virtual currency.

So everyone has a lot of money in their hands.

"Brothers, please give me some respect. I want Potion No. 1. I am grateful to you all for letting me get it!"

"Are you dreaming?"

"That's it, who are you? I'll give you face! We just want to get the high-level genetic medicine, and we won't ask about anything else."

"We will raise the price very high. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"This is a scarce product, so isn't it normal for the price to be high?"

"Didn't you hear what the big boss said? The Yiranpin Alliance is developing a method for making advanced genetic medicines. After it is developed, the price will come down. Everyone, give me a break. I haven't entered the trial space yet. It's very difficult. Tragic!"

"Don't be miserable, I didn't enter either, let's do it with real swords and guns!"

"You cold-blooded people have no sympathy at all!"

"At this time, you are telling me about your compassion. Who can get the advanced gene potion, which means that the mental power can be increased to one thousand meters in an instant. Who is not moved?"

"Yes, I have been in the trial space for so long to raise my mental power to more than 400 meters. Now that I have the opportunity to go directly to 1,000 meters, only a fool would give up such a good opportunity!"

"Okay, I have no chance. The price has exceeded 100,000. My entire net worth is less than 100,000."

"Sure enough, auctions are only for rich people!"

"We poor people should just watch the excitement!"

Twenty minutes passed quickly, and the price of those advanced genetic medicines had reached nearly one million.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, poverty limits my imagination. Someone actually spends a million just to buy a potion?"

"What's this? If the high-level genetic medicine is as effective as it is, people would buy it even if it's not even one million, but ten million!"

"Yes, this is something that can truly improve our personal strength!"

"The price increase has been very slow now, and I feel that the final result should be about 1.2 million."

"You are still too naive. Now these are just little shrimps bidding. The real showdown will be at the last minute!" "No, do you mean the price will double?"

"I'm afraid it will more than double!"

Soon, the time came to the last minute of the auction.

Originally, the price had been basically stationary, but now it jumped rapidly.

130, 140, 160 million...

The beating amplitude even tends to become larger.

Suddenly the price of auction item No. 1 suddenly jumped to two million!

"The price has indeed doubled! Survivors who pay two million are bound to get this potion!"

But the next moment the number jumped again and became 2.2 million!

"The world of rich people is so wonderful!"

"In the future, I will also work hard to collect resources, and I will also become a rich man."

"Brother, you can't become a rich man by collecting resources all the time."

"Yes, there are so many hard-working people in the world, but only a handful of people are rich."

There are only ten seconds left in the auction.

The prices of those potions jumped even more crazily, and the amplitude of the jump was even greater.

No one wants to give up in the last ten seconds. The only way to suppress the opponent is to increase the price!

3, 2, 1, the auction time is over!

The prices of all high-end genetic medicines have been fixed.

The highest one is 4 million, and the lowest one is 3.1 million.

The system directly executed the transaction based on the highest price.

"Four million for one potion! How much high-end equipment can you buy?"

"Yes! Rich people are really rich!"

"This advanced genetic medicine is beyond the reach of advanced equipment. If I had four million, I would be willing to take one."

"I won't buy it anyway. It will be the same if I wait a little longer and the Yiranpin Alliance develops a manufacturing method."

"Can this be the same? You are a long time behind others, and this time cannot be measured by money."

"Yi Ranpin Alliance made more than 20 million yuan just by auctioning potions! We still have to get some rare items to make money!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Xiao Yi said at this time: "I would like to remind everyone again that the action time of advanced genetic medicine is also twenty-four hours. If the survivors have not yet entered the trial space, they must determine the end time of the medicine. Ten million Don’t miss it again!”

"Don't worry! Boss, if I miss it this time, I will never enter the trial space again!"

"This sounds tough, but the fact is that if you still miss the opportunity to enter the trial space this time, you may never be able to enter the trial space!"

"That's right, if you don't get into the trial space after using the advanced gene potion this time, you can just buy a piece of tofu and hit him to death!"

"Everyone should not fall twice in the same place!"

"It's hard to say. There are always some people who are delayed due to all kinds of weird things."

"So everyone has their own luck. I can only say that everyone should work hard and strive to do the best within the fluctuation range of their own luck!"

"Damn, why is this magic stick here again?"

"If you don't like what he says, you can just block him. You won't be able to see what he says in the public chat room."

"Great, I'll block him now!"

(End of this chapter)

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