Chapter 3051: Transfer to Bayio Star, four times

At this time, Xiao Yi and others also saw the picture transmitted back by the spy satellite.

"It's the Masked Star Fleet!" Bai Yu said with certainty, "They also have many more spaceships from our Blue Star in their team."

"Lord Star Master's speculation is completely correct!" Xiao Yi gave Long Qing a thumbs up.

Long Qing shook his head: "This is my carelessness! Otherwise, we will have more time to transfer Bayio Star!"

If he could have thought of this after Blue Star transferred yesterday, they would have had several hours to prepare, but now, the Masked Star Fleet has already arrived.

"It's not too late, Kao Bei, let everyone land on the planet surface immediately!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice, "Just give up the rest!"

"Yes, Island Master!" Kaobei immediately followed Xiao Yi's order and conveyed it.

When everyone landed on the surface of Bayio, Xiao Yi immediately used the super large celestial body transfer card.

Bayiao Xing disappeared instantly.

"Captain, the Bayio star has disappeared again!"

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Mansk felt a bit toothache.

I finally found a clue, but it suddenly stopped!

"Mader, what kind of magic is this Yiranpin Alliance using?" Mansk cursed.

"Captain, what should we do now? Do we want to go back?" The staff officer on the side was also very speechless.

When it comes to a real fight, he can provide some advice, but the opponent disappears immediately upon meeting him. He has never seen such an enemy before.

Mansk shook his head: "Since the Yiranpin Alliance met here on the Bayio Star, we should also have a chance! Stay here for a while and then talk about it!"


At this time, in the independent planet space, Bai Yu asked curiously: "Island Master, has Bayio Star also been transferred to the fifth space?"

Xiao Yi shook his head: "This is the third space. There are already two planets over there. It's a bit crowded, so I put it directly in the third space. If you feel that communication is inconvenient, you can open the wormhole to Come this way.”

Bai Yu nodded: "Yes, I understand. It's just that the wormhole Bayio Star in Space 3 cannot be opened at will. Wouldn't it mean that they can't enter and exit freely?"

"Currently, there is an upper limit on the number of authorized independent planet space wormholes. The right to control the third space wormhole has been authorized to Zhu Wu. From now on, he will help you open and close it." Xiao Yi replied, "Of course, if you can't find him , you can come to me directly."

"Yes, I understand, thank you island owner!" Bai Yu responded happily.

Kao Bei looked at the dark space in front of him and asked: "Island Master, when will there be light here?"

Although he had heard Long Qing describe the situation in the independent planet space, the darkness here gave people a strong sense of loneliness.

Only light can dispel this feeling of loneliness!

Bai Yu said helplessly: "There are not enough raw materials at the moment, I guess it will take a few more days!"

Xiao Yi smiled slightly: "Don't worry, everyone, light will soon fill every independent planet space."

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up: "Island Master, do you mean that you have triggered the quadruple state?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Yes, I haven't had time to tell everyone yet."

"Great!" Bai Yu exclaimed happily.

Long Qing was also very happy. He immediately ordered: "Kaobei, you should immediately gather all the resources on Bayiao Star and hand them over to the island owner later!"

Kaobei was stunned, not knowing what this move meant!

"There's no rush, let's settle the light issue first!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "Prepare all the relevant resources, and I'll go out and create stars right now!"


Xiao Yi returned to the alliance headquarters. Jiang Yuntian and others had just finished practicing. "Island owner, how is things going on over there in Bayio Star now?" Jiang Yuntian stepped forward and asked.

"It has been moved to space three, Zhu Wu. From now on, you will be responsible for opening the door for them." Xiao Yi replied.

Zhu Wu responded: "No problem, leave it to me."

Space 3 was originally given to Zhu Wu to transport goods, but now he is still responsible for opening and closing the wormhole.

"Today I have four times the status, everyone trade all the supplies to me." Xiao Yi continued.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then responded.

"Island owner, is the probability of triggering this quadruple state so high now? It seems like it was only two days ago." Du Kang thought for a while and asked.

"The probability hasn't changed. Maybe my luck has gotten better, or maybe it's God's compensation for me." Xiao Yi spread his hands and replied helplessly.

"Compensation?" Du Kang looked at him doubtfully.

Jiang Yuntian explained: "The island owner's channels for harvesting those high-end items have been cut several times. Haven't you noticed that no new high-end items have appeared in the past two days?"

Du Kang was slightly startled: "I thought the island owner just didn't tell us about the new high-level items, but it turned out that there was no gain!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Yes, we have to rely on ourselves from now on!"

"On our own?" Zhu Wu smiled bitterly and shook his head, "We don't have the ability to harvest such high-level items!"

"Our space scientific research city will continue to improve its technological level and produce technological items, so you don't have to worry too much!" Xiao Yi explained with a smile.

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, everyone, after breakfast, start working quickly." Xiao Yi clapped his hands and said.

Everyone walked to the restaurant together.

Jiang Yuntian frowned and said, "Now that the Masked Star Fleet has arrived in the Bayio system, will it affect our business?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "It's possible, but as long as they don't come into contact with the survivors, they won't have any impact on us."

"Then we have to remind the survivors not to provoke the Masked Star Fleet." Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Let me remind them." Xiao Yi said, taking out his mobile phone and sending a message in the public chat room.

"Dear survivors of the Bayio Galaxy, please pay attention. A fleet at the pinnacle of level four civilization has arrived in the Bayio Galaxy. This fleet is very aggressive. Please stay out of the way!"

Seeing this message from Xiao Yi, the survivors in the Bayio system immediately started talking.

"What happened? Why did such a high-level fleet suddenly appear?"

"Yes, at the pinnacle of level four civilization, how could a boss of this level come to our novice village?"

"What I'm more curious about is, how did the Yiranpin Alliance know?"

"I think I should have known about it through Bayio Star!"

"Baio Star is gone!"

"What the hell? What do you mean it's gone?"

"Even though it suddenly disappeared, I also saw the fleet that Boss Yi Ranpin mentioned."

"Disappeared suddenly? How is this possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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