Chapter 3048 Try the new technique and pursue separately

"What the island owner said is that this is why my mental energy is consumed so much." Bai Yu nodded.

"I would like to thank you for your command just now, for helping me avoid the concentrated fire of the opponent's ten warships." Xiao Yi cupped his hands and thanked him.

Bai Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "Even if I don't direct it, the island owner should have a way to dodge those attacks!"

"Indeed, but didn't you save me trouble by doing this?" Xiao Yi replied, spreading his hands.

Bai Yu gave a thumbs up: "I am completely convinced."

Zhao Jun asked doubtfully: "If this is the case, wouldn't the island owner be able to destroy their entire fleet by himself?"

If you can avoid the opponent's concentrated fire and effectively damage the opponent's warships, doesn't that mean you can eliminate the entire fleet?

Xiao Yi shook his head: "That's not the case. In fact, those battleships don't need to be too close to me to attack me. As long as they keep their distance and focus their fire on me, they will kill me sooner or later!"

Zhao Jun nodded: "So that's it."

Then, he looked at Xiao Yi in shock and asked uncertainly: "Island Master, if I read correctly, you were at least seven thousand meters away from the Masked Star Fleet at that time, right? Doesn't this mean Your mental power has exceeded seven thousand meters?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and hummed.

At this time, Long Qing and the other two people took a deep breath.

The one with the most powerful mental power on their Blue Star is Bai Yu, but Bai Yu's current mental power is only over a thousand points.

Xiao Yi's mental power was seven times that of his!

"Island Master, according to our intelligence, it seems that you have just awakened in this second stage, right?" Zhao Jun's tone was full of shock.

"Yes, it took about a month before I woke up in the second stage. I can't remember clearly." Xiao Yi shook his head.

In fact, there were signs of awakening in the first stage, but it was never fully awakened.

This sentence made Long Qing and the others even more shocked.

Bai Yu shook his head: "It's only been more than three months since you came to the second stage. You completed the awakening in more than two months and broke through to seven thousand meters. You are simply a monster! In fact, at the beginning, Feiyuqie I was still a little unconvinced that you were the chosen one, but now I am completely convinced."

Long Qing and the other two nodded in agreement.

"Maybe my cultivation method is better!" Xiao Yi asked with a smile, "Are you interested in trying our cultivation method?"

Bai Yu was moved after hearing Xiao Yi's suggestion.

If he could practice Xiao Yi's skills, maybe his mental power could improve as quickly.

But there will be some problems in changing the practice method. Bai Yu must first give up his previous practice method, and then practice Xiao Yi's method from scratch.

If the two techniques conflict, the mental power you have cultivated before may slow down your cultivation speed.

Including the different running meridians, it is easy to go astray, leading to obsession.

"To be honest, I want to try it!" Bai Yu thought for a moment and said.

Zhao Jun frowned: "Bai Yu, don't be impulsive. It is not a good thing to practice a new technique from scratch now, and the risk is also very high!"

"I understand, but you have to give it a try!" Bai Yu nodded, "If it doesn't work, I won't do it forcefully."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Actually, this technique of mine is very tolerant and should not conflict with the techniques you practiced before. You can really give it a try!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Bai Yu's eyes lit up: "Island Master, I see that there are also exercises for sale on the online market. Those exercises have their own ratings. Island Master, what is the score of this exercise you practice?" Smiling slightly, he replied: "One hundred."

"One hundred?" Bai Yu's eyes widened, "I see that the highest-rated technique on the online market is the Mad Demon Sutra, and its rating is only ten. Your technique's rating is one hundred?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Yes, those skills scores on the Internet are actually the scores obtained after comparing the skills I practice."

Bai Yu suddenly realized: "So that's it!"

Xiao Yi glanced at the time: "It's getting late. You guys have a good rest. I'll go back first. It's not particularly urgent. Let's leave it to tomorrow! Bai Yu, go to the training room of the alliance headquarters at five o'clock tomorrow morning. I will Teach you new methods of cultivation.”

"Yes, congratulations to the island master!" Bai Yu and the others stood up and said in unison.

After Xiao Yi left, Long Qing sighed: "The prophet's prediction is really accurate!"

Long Qing and the others have always been skeptical about the prophet's predictions.

Now, they no longer doubted the prophet's prediction.

Bai Yu nodded: "Big leader, I feel that we should speed up our integration into the Yiranpin Alliance."

"Yes, language is not a problem. Our languages ​​are very similar. The currency system and time must be unified with the alliance." Long Qing responded, "I will convene relevant personnel to hold a meeting to advance these matters. "

"The island owner said that if it's not an urgent matter, we'll discuss it tomorrow." Zhao Jun said, "This matter shouldn't be that urgent!"

"This is actually quite urgent for us!" Long Qing smiled, "I'm too excited to sleep anyway, so let's call everyone for a meeting!"

"Yes!" Zhao Jun responded, then turned and walked out.

Just when everyone on Blue Star was too excited to sleep, the Masked Star Fleet had already arrived at the location where the Blue Star ships had separated and escaped!

"Report to Captain, according to the background radiation intensity, the other party escaped here separately!" the head of the intelligence department reported to Mansk.

"What's the opponent's speed?" Mansk asked in a deep voice.

"It's the speed of an average star-class spacecraft from a third-level civilization." The person in charge replied.

"What about the quantity?" Mansk continued to ask.

"About a thousand ships!" The person in charge gave a rough number.

"Does that mean it's about the same number as our ships?" Mansk confirmed.

"Yes!" the person in charge replied affirmatively.

"In this case, no one should be left behind and chase them separately!" Mansk sneered and ordered.

The staff officer on the side heard this order and hurriedly advised: "Captain, you must not do it. If the other side sets a trap, if we separate, we will fall into the opponent's plan of dividing the troops! What if there is still that kind of high-level superpower... "

Mansk glanced at the staff officer and said: "Don't think too much. The mental distance of superpowers is limited. If Blue Star really has so many high-level superpowers, then they won't just send out one to attack. We’re gone!”

The staff officer was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"People with superpowers are not invincible. As long as we keep a distance, the opponent's superpowers will not be able to affect our ships. In the previous battle, we made the mistake of advancing too aggressively!" Mansk continued to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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