"They have a stellar battleship in just a few days?" Lan Thorn looked shocked, "Is there no barrier for them to upgrade their civilization level?"

Bilu thought for a moment and said, "Perhaps these star-level ships of theirs were obtained from the Bayio star, and are not of their own civilization level."

Lan Thorn was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

The technological gap between different levels of civilization is still very large, and it is not so easy to upgrade to a higher level.

"What happened this time was very strange. When we attacked the micro spacecraft, the survivor inside was obviously not in the cockpit. He approached the cockpit from behind, but we found him immediately and asked him to After leaving the cabin, how did he control the island monument to ask for help?" Lan Ci looked puzzled.

If the signal is sent through a mobile phone and computer, although they cannot completely intercept it, they can still detect it.

They could only send a distress signal through the mysterious island monument, which they could not detect.

Bilu pondered for a moment, then said: "Perhaps they are using mental power. Now the survivors in the Chaos Galaxy should have been injected with intermediate genetic medicines. Their mental power control distance has exceeded 100. At that time, the survivors were far away from the island monument. It must be within a hundred meters.”

"Is it so magical? As long as the mental power can contact the island monument, can it be controlled?" Lan Thorn asked in surprise.

"We'll find out after we test it." Bi Lu stood up and walked towards the island monument.

Bi Lu has also been injected with intermediate genetic medicine, and his current mental power has exceeded 100.

Seeing Bi Lu freely controlling his mental power to operate the island monument, Lan Ci was very envious.

"Don't be envious, you can wait until tonight!" Bilu said with a smile.

It turns out that Lan Qian and other officers were injected with intermediate genetic medicine last night, and it will not be fully effective until tonight.

Bluethorn nodded.

After some testing, Bilu finally determined that the island monument could be controlled using mental power.

"So that's it. Not only did we gain nothing when we went out this time, but we also wasted a teleportation talisman." Lan Thorn sighed and said.

Bi Lu smiled and shook his head: "That's not the case. At least we know that the strength of the Yi Ranpin Alliance has improved again, and when we want to capture survivors in the future, we must pay attention to the distance between the survivors and the island monument."

Lan Thorn was stunned for a moment and nodded again.

At this time, the survivors who had just been attacked by the Bilu fleet sent messages in the public chat room.

"Everyone must be careful. There are other indigenous forces in the Chaos Galaxy. They just came to attack me. Fortunately, I am smart, otherwise I would definitely become a prisoner."

"With the Yiranpin Alliance supporting us, there are still ignorant natives who dare to attack us?"

"Who makes our island monument so powerful? It is fully attractive to any indigenous force."

"Did you call for assistance from the Yiranpin Alliance? Most of the survivors should not be able to escape from the indigenous attacks."

"Of course, but my cockpit was destroyed by them immediately."

"The cockpit was destroyed, and you're still okay? Is it so magical?"

"It's really amazing. When the opponent attacked me, I happened to be pooping."

"Shit, I'm eating, can you not say such disgusting things?"

"Then you are so lucky. You have to thank this poop!"

"Can we stop talking about daddy? Since you were not in the cockpit, how did you call for rescue?" "The other party wanted to capture me alive, so they did not kill me immediately, but asked me to put on a space suit and leave the cabin. ! When I was leaving the cabin, I had an idea and tried to use my own mental power to operate the island monument. Unexpectedly, I succeeded."

"In other words, we can use mental power to control the island monument from a distance? If it is true, this would be very useful!"

"Of course it's true, I've tested it once!"

"If it's true, you shouldn't say it here, so those indigenous forces should be able to see it."

"Whether I say it or not, they should already know it by now. Don't forget, he can also buy intermediate genetic medicine from the Yiranpin Alliance."

"Hey, why did you come up with such a way to control the island monument? Once the indigenous forces know about it, we will have no way to survive."

"Yes, they originally wanted to capture us, but they found out that we can control the island monument from a distance to call for help. For safety, they will probably kill us directly."

"It feels like it will be harder to survive in the future!"

"What did I do? This kind of manipulation has always existed. I just discovered it and kindly shared it with you. Since you still blame me, it's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin who doesn't know a good heart!"

"Who are you calling a dog?"

"Criticize whoever responds!"

These two survivors are preparing to spit out sweet things in the public chat room.

Xiao Yi directly banned both of them.

"It is forbidden to curse in public chat rooms. Since this matter has already happened, whether he shares it with you or not, the natives should know about it. If he doesn't tell you, the natives will still kill you next time you surrender. , will you not understand until your death why you surrendered and the other party would take action?"

"The boss is right, at least he understands everything!"

"I also think it's very good to take the initiative to share information. I really shouldn't blame him."

"Actually, the most important thing is to improve your own strength. Boss, do you have any more advanced items here?"

Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied: "Yes, but you may not be able to afford it. Recently we will release satellite-class ships for sale. If you have money, you can come and buy them."

"Satellite-class ship! I definitely can't afford it!"

"I can't even afford a medium-sized spaceship now, let alone a satellite-class spacecraft!"

"After all, I'm still too poor!"

At this time, Jiang Yuntian had arrived at the Star Lord's Mansion on Chaos Star in Space 1.

"Island Master, this time it is probably Kasuo Xing's team again!" Jiang Yuntian said directly.

He also saw Xiao Yi's speech in the public chat room and knew that Xiao Yi already knew about his assistance mission.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Now it is estimated that only Kasuo Xing has the courage to attack the survivors."

"On the way here, I watched the video of the survivor being attacked, and I found that a new satellite-class ship seemed to have appeared on the other side!" Jiang Yuntian continued to report, "It is similar to the Casso star satellite we saw before. Class ships are different.”

Xiao Yi was slightly startled: "Did they have reinforcements coming again? Didn't Blue say that Casso Planet is far away from here? Even if reinforcements are coming, they shouldn't be here so soon, right?" (End of Chapter)

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