"Improve one meter and surpass tens of thousands of survivors?" Du Kang looked at their chat in the public chat room and repeated this sentence, "Isn't this the same as the argument we made during the college entrance examination?"

Almost every teacher will tell you that just raising one point can get rid of tens of thousands of candidates.

"This is forcing everyone to roll up!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion.

Xiao Yi was helpless: "Yes, we survivors still have to take part in the test. If we don't take part in the test, we will be eliminated, and our fate will be death."

The discussion continues in the public chat room.

"By the way, those brothers who got the jumpers, have they found any sales in other galaxies?"

"I haven't heard them say anything about this until now. It must be because they haven't found it yet!"

"Brother upstairs, you are too naive. Not everyone likes to show off. More people like to hide their wealth and make money secretly!"

"Yes, someone in our galaxy must have harvested the jumper and contacted other galaxies!"

"how do you know?"

"It's very simple. If you pay attention to the sales of items at the Yiranpin Alliance station in your galaxy, you can deduce that the sales volume of our galaxy's gravity system suddenly increased by hundreds! Who can harvest hundreds of dollars in a short period of time? A ship? Except for Mr. Yi Ranpin."

"It makes sense! Now basically all survivors already have a gravity system, so there should be no need to buy it anymore. The sudden increase in sales must be due to other sales!"

"No way! Wouldn't the survivors with jumpers make a lot of money?"

"No need to doubt, this is for sure. I envy the survivors who can contact other galaxies!"

"Shouldn't we be envious of having jumpers?"

"Me too! It's just that I haven't contacted survivors from other galaxies at the moment."

"Made, I shouldn't have asked this question!"

"Since you have the jumper, go directly to the trial space to find a partner!"

"I've been looking for it. When I met other survivors in the trial space, they started fighting with me without any intention of having a good chat!"

"In any case, you have to promise it benefits first. They won't do anything without benefit! For example, if you directly give him a gravity system, as long as he doesn't have a gravity system on his ship, eight out of ten Jiudu will agree to you."

"That's right, let's trick out the coordinates of the opponent's galaxy first!"

"I don't think it's a good thing to deceive others. Since you are doing business, you still have to be like Yiranpin Alliance and have integrity to make your business bigger and stronger!"

At this time, in the Domire Galaxy, Ji Batian looked at the sales list handed over by Fu Quan and smiled like a chrysanthemum.

"No wonder everyone likes to be a businessman. The profits from this kind of buying and selling are too high!"

In just one day, under Ji Batian's crazy operations, the Yiranpin Alliance's warehouse in the Duomire Galaxy was almost emptied.

Fu Quan was almost non-stop for a moment, and Ji Batian was also worried that other survivors would find the Bobon Galaxy.

As long as they supply all the basic materials everyone needs as soon as possible, even if other survivors find the Bobon Galaxy, it will have no impact on them.

Although they didn't stop for a moment, Fu Quan and Fu Ma were not too tired. They took turns to rest according to Ji Batian's arrangement.

"Master, we don't have enough energy stones for the jumper." Fu Quan frowned slightly and said respectfully.

Ji Batian was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "You can go directly to the warehouse and get one piece out later."

"Do we have energy stones?" Fu Quan looked at Ji Batian in surprise. Ji Batian nodded: "Yes, I have accumulated some. I don't have to worry about energy stones for a while now."

"Great!" Fu Quan said excitedly, "Master, where did you get these energy stones? We'd better save more."

"It's what I harvested occasionally when collecting resources." Ji Batian replied.

"Oh, I thought we had an energy stone mine here!" Fu Quan was a little disappointed.

"Although we don't have energy stone mines here, the probability of producing energy stones is not small, enough for us to use!" Ji Batian said with a smile.

Fu Quan was slightly startled: "Do we have a lot of energy stones in stock now?"

"Not many, maybe more than a thousand units!" Ji Batian replied.


More than a thousand units, isn’t that much?

Fu Quan collected resources for such a long time and only harvested two units of energy stones.

This gap is too big!

"Are the resources of the Domi Hot Galaxy so rich?" Fu Quan said with emotion.

Ji Batian nodded slightly: "According to the feedback from survivors in several nearby galaxies, the resources of the Domi Hot Galaxy are indeed much richer than other galaxies. Therefore, when the Yi Ranpin Alliance opened the inter-galactic transfer service, Many survivors have come to our galaxy."

"That's it!" Fu Quan was stunned, and then asked, "Shall we continue?"

Ji Batian shook his head: "Wait a moment, we have sold out the items from the Yiranpin Alliance."

Fu Quan nodded. He was not surprised, because he had already changed hands of too many high-end items in just one day.

If these high-end items hadn't passed through his hands, he wouldn't have believed that any force could come up with so many high-end items at once!

It's only now sold out, which is beyond Fu Quan's expectation.

"Then what do we need to do next?" Fu Quan asked.

"Take a rest first, and then enter the trial space to improve your mental strength." Ji Batian thought for a while and replied.

"Thank you, Master!" Fu Quan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Ji Batian would let them continue to improve their mental power.

"You're welcome, using the contract card is just a last resort. As long as you promise to be loyal in the future, you will definitely develop better than before!" Ji Batian waved his hand and continued to paint Fu Quan's pie.

Fu Quan nodded: "I understand. It can be seen from the transactions in the past two days that you do have a bright future following the family leader."

Ji Batian smiled slightly: "If we resell it a few more times, we can buy a bigger boat!"

"Buy a bigger ship?" Fu Quan was stunned for a moment, "Will the Yi Ranpin Alliance sell higher-class ships?"

"Yes, and it costs less than us using upgrade cards!" Ji Batian replied.

Fu Quan was completely stunned: "Wouldn't the Yiranpin Alliance suffer a loss? What are they trying to do?"

"They must have other ways to build ships. As a businessman, will they let themselves suffer?" Ji Batian shook his head.

Fu Quan frowned: "Other ways to build ships? Do you mean they are using those indigenous forces to build ships?"

"It is very possible that the Yi Ranpin Alliance has many indigenous forces!" (End of Chapter)

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