Long Qing was slightly stunned. He did not expect that this was the reason why Bai Yu wanted to return to the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

Zhao Jun nodded in agreement: "Yes, the atmosphere of Yiranpin Alliance is indeed very good!"

"Hearing you two praise me so much, I want to go over and take a look." Long Qing said with a smile.

"I think it's absolutely fine! We've arranged defenses on Blue Star. We'll go check it out and play for two days. There's no problem at all!" Bai Yu said nonchalantly.

"That's right, you haven't gone out for a long time, senior leader, right?" Zhao Jun agreed, "We just take advantage of this opportunity to take the junior leaders out to see the world."

Long Qing pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, I'll make some arrangements here, and also go over to see the Yi Ranpin Alliance you call it."

"I guarantee you won't be disappointed!" Bai Yu said with a smile.

At this time, the Guardian Blue Star Alliance sent a message to the Dragon Kingdom.

"Since you have surrendered to the Yi Ranpin Alliance, let's talk ugly things up front. If the Yi Ranpin Alliance dares to invade our Blue Star, we will definitely resist to the death, and at worst, we will die together!"

Long Qing curled his lips when he saw their information.

He knew that this was the opponent's attempt to ask for directions. If the Yiranpin Alliance really wanted to occupy Blue Star, they would run faster than anyone else!

It is impossible to die together.

After finally developing to a quasi-level four civilization, no country would think about coexisting with Blue Star.

They all have methods for manufacturing space cities and general ships. Each country also has a sufficient number of space cities and ships, enough to take away all their people.

So there is no need to live or die with Blue Star.

"Okay, I understand, I will convey this to the Yi Ranpin Alliance." Long Qing replied.

The member states guarding the Blue Star Alliance were stunned when they saw this reply.

"If he conveys these words to Yiranpin Alliance, wouldn't we be in danger?"

"Yeah, those words look like a declaration of war!"

"The Yi Ranpin Alliance is not afraid, but it is afraid that the Dragon Kingdom will take action!"

"As a member of Blue Star, Long Guo should also participate in the work of protecting Blue Star."

"Then let's send him another message."

The Defending Blue Star Alliance sent a message again.

"As a member of Blue Star, when faced with the invasion of other civilizational forces, you cannot stand idly by, let alone help the evildoers, otherwise your Dragon Kingdom will be placed on the pillar of shame in history!"

They directly stood on the moral high ground and tried to kidnap Long Guo.

Long Qing curled his lips and replied: "After our Dragon Kingdom surrendered to the Yi Ranpin Alliance, the area that the Dragon Kingdom belongs to belongs to the Yi Ranpin Alliance. How can we talk about invading it?"

"Are you willing to give up the fruits of your hard work?"

"Do you have an opinion?" Long Qing asked, and without waiting for the other party's answer, he continued, "If you have an opinion, please keep it! No one else needs to intervene in Long Kingdom's affairs!"

The leaders of those countries frowned when they saw that Longqingyouyan was not entering.

"Looking at what Long Qing means, he is determined to join the Yi Ranpin Alliance!"

"Yes, then let's prepare for a long voyage!"

“I really don’t know what’s going on in this Dragon Kingdom!”

"Do you really want to go on a long voyage? There are too many dangers in space. It would be great to stay on Blue Star and develop slowly!"

"Oh~ who says it's not the case?"

"You don't have to worry too much. There are four planets within three light years of us. Except for the planet Ba'io, which is controlled by the Dragon Kingdom, the other three are available for us to choose from."       "Then there is nothing to hesitate about. It must be the nearest one. The star of Dize is here!”

"Well, I suggest that we arrange a team in advance and go to Dize Star to check the situation first! If the environment is suitable, we can move there immediately to avoid suffering here."

"That's right, there aren't many resources on Blue Star anyway!"

"Okay, then it's decided! Each country will arrange a warship to form a vanguard fleet and go over."

"it is good!"

Just as the Defending Blue Star Alliance was preparing the vanguard fleet, the Dragon Kingdom finally moved all the supplies to Space .

Assaid and other leaders also rushed over.

Long Qing first received them in the dungeon.

"Thank you all for trusting me and joining us in the Dragon Kingdom to join the Yiranpin Alliance." Long Qing looked at the leaders of those small countries and said in a deep voice.

"Star Lord, you're welcome. Our country has only developed thanks to the help of the Dragon Kingdom. Naturally, we have to follow the Dragon Kingdom!"

"That's right, I'm not smart enough, so I can only follow the smart people."

"Following the Dragon Kingdom is the smartest thing!"

Long Qing nodded slightly, then signaled everyone to be quiet. He spoke again: "I invite you here this time because I also want you to know about the Yiranpin Alliance. However, the following are absolutely confidential matters and you must not reveal them!"

"Please rest assured, group leader, we will keep it secret." Assaid and others nodded in unison.

Long Qing immediately introduced the general situation of Yiranpin Alliance to everyone.

Assaid and others were completely stunned. They did not expect that there was such a special group.

Before they could finish digesting Long Qing's words, Bai Yu walked in.

"We are all ready and ready to go!" Bai Yu reported to Long Qinghui.

Long Qing nodded slightly, then called to Assaid and others: "Let's go. If you have any questions, let's chat slowly on the way."

"Yes!" Assaid and others immediately stood up and nodded.

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Then if you have any questions, please ask them as soon as possible. We will be at the Yiranpin Alliance soon!"

Assaid and others were stunned for a moment and looked at Long Qing with doubtful expressions.

"Don't look at me. This is my first time. Let's go and chat while we walk." Long Qing walked out.

Everyone boarded a miniature spaceship, and the spacecraft immediately flew towards the wormhole in space No. .

When Assaid and others saw the wormhole, they were shocked!

"Xing, Star Lord, when did a wormhole appear here?" Assaid couldn't help but asked, stuttering a little.

The first time Xiao Yi positioned the portal here, Dragon Kingdom had already completely blocked it.

So other countries can't detect the anomaly here at all!

"This is the wormhole controlled by the Yiranpin Alliance." Long Qing explained briefly.

This simple explanation left Assaid and others completely stunned.

Assaid felt his mouth was a little dry. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked: "This Yiranpin Alliance can actually control the wormhole. Doesn't that mean they are a civilization above level five?"

Long Qing shook his head: "The Yiranpin Alliance is indeed only a third-level civilization, and it was just upgraded with the third-level civilization items we provided."

"But how is it possible for a Level 3 civilization to control wormholes?" Assaid still had doubts on his face. (End of chapter)

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