Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Yes, I used to harvest a high-level item every day, but now I don't have it. It's really a lot less!"

At this time, Du Kang came over from the side and asked: "Island owner, did you see any survivors getting jumpers last night?"

"I saw it, and there are more than one. It seems that the rules of the world have taken another step!" Xiao Yi said with emotion.

"Further action? What will it be?" Du Kang asked curiously.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "I'm not a roundworm in the belly of World Rules. How would I know! However, since World Rules provides jumpers, it must be to make our survivors in different galaxies more closely connected. Maybe there is a way to advance It means that wealth leads to wealth."

As long as the exchanges between galaxies are closer, those galaxies with a higher level of development will definitely bring some high-end items to galaxies with a lower level of development.

Jiang Yuntian thought for a while and said, "Is it possible to increase the fight between survivors from different galaxies? After all, they are selecting stronger and better survivors."

Xiao Yi was startled for a moment, then nodded: "It's also possible!"

While they were talking, everyone had already arrived at the restaurant.

"Okay, let's have breakfast! How do you want to play with the specific world rules? Just wait for its notification. Don't worry too much!" Xiao Yi greeted with a smile.

"Yes, there is nothing to worry about. The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it with soil!" Jiang Yuntian nodded and agreed.

Everyone nodded.

Ping'er asked curiously: "What are the rules of the world?"

"We don't know either, but the rules of the world pulled us here to be survivors, and the island monument was also given to us by the rules of the world." Xiao Yi shook his head with a smile.

Ping'er nodded as if she understood: "Then World Ruler must be a very powerful person!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi suddenly thought of the figure who saved him and erased the memories of others in the first stage.

"Can one person really do these things?" Xiao Yi thought to himself.

While the Yiranpin Alliance was enjoying breakfast, Ji Batian had already welcomed the Fu Dog from the Bobon Galaxy.

"Head of the Ji family, I'm here to disturb you again so early!" Fu Quan smiled and sent a message to Ji Batian.

Ji Batian had already discovered Fu Quan's spaceship. When he saw the message he sent, he smiled slightly: "You are not disturbing me. Are you sending me money?"

Fu Quan was stunned for a moment, and then he also laughed: "That's right, I'm just here to give you money!"

"How many gravity systems are needed this time?" Ji Batian continued to ask.

"I want fifty sets this time. I wonder if you can buy them here?" Fu Quan asked uncertainly.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask someone here to ask!" Ji Batian replied, "Some people in several galaxies near us also drove jumpers yesterday."

In order to distract Fu Quan, Ji Batian took the initiative to throw out such a piece of news.

This news really attracted the attention of Fu Quan.

"Is it in your galaxy?" Fu Quan seemed a little nervous.

"Currently, no survivors in our galaxy have reported harvesting jumpers in the other three galaxies." Ji Batian replied, "However, you also know that the Yiranpin Alliance has completely connected several nearby galaxies. , it doesn’t matter which galaxy it is in.”

Fu Dog nodded: "Then we have to move faster. Before survivors like you arrive in our galaxy, we have to sell more items!"    "That's right, so I suggest you don't just focus on it. Focus on the gravity system." Ji Batian analyzed it and said, "Select some other high-end items and sell them in your galaxy."

"Well, do you have any suggestions here?" Fu Quan asked.

"Yes! Intermediate gene potion can directly increase our mental power to [-] meters, and the action time is [-] hours. As long as the stuck point enters the trial space and ensures that it reaches [-] meters in the trial space, we can easily pass the front Six waves of wild monsters!" Ji Batian immediately replied.

Hearing this, Fu Quan's eyes widened in surprise: "Is there such a potion?"

Ji Batian nodded: "There are not only intermediate genetic medicines, but also high-level genetic medicines, but the high-level genetic medicines are not sold to survivors yet."

"Intermediate genetic potions are so powerful, so what are the effects of high-level genetic potions?" Fu Quan asked curiously.

"It directly increases a person's mental power to one thousand meters, and there is an intelligent medical robot in the advanced potion, which will always exist in your body to keep you healthy." Ji Batian transferred himself from Yiranpin The intelligence obtained by the alliance was fully disclosed to Fu Quan.

Fu Quan's eyes widened: "How do you know so clearly? You haven't already injected this medicine, right?"

"The Yiranpin Alliance should have harvested some high-level genetic medicines, and these news were released directly by them!" Ji Batian explained.

Fu Quan nodded: "Thank you for letting me know. I'll buy another thousand intermediate gene potions here!"

"Okay!" Ji Batian responded.

Fu Quan felt so comfortable working with Ji Batian. It was a great blessing to find a collaborator with this level of cooperation!
  Soon, Ji Zhentian received Dora's reply.

"We can transfer all the inventory from stations in other galaxies, and we can still get fifty sets of gravity systems together!" Dora replied to Ji Zhentian after checking the overall inventory.

Ji Zhentian immediately reported the news to Ji Batian.

"The current inventory is still sufficient. Are you sure you want fifty sets of gravity systems and one thousand intermediate genetic medicines?" Ji Batian sent a message to Fu Quan.

At this time, Fu Quan was browsing the contents of the public channel on the island monument.

Now everyone is discussing how to do business in other galaxies, including how to go to other galaxies.

The notice issued by Yiranpin Alliance yesterday has been overshadowed by everyone's passion.

Fu Quan was not able to see the information about that notification.

From everyone's chat, Fu Quan even felt a little bit of pressure.

"Yes!" Fu Quan responded, "After I go back and sell it, I will come back immediately to restock it. Thank you for your hard work!"

"It's not hard, after all, I'm making money too!" Ji Batian replied with a smile.

Fu Quan nodded slightly, thought for a moment, and directly suggested: "You can increase the price by another ten percent. Only by making money together can we continue to do it for a long time!"

"Then I'm welcome!" Ji Batian agreed without refusing.

After the two parties completed the transaction, Fu Dog immediately returned to his own galaxy.

After he left, Ji Batian immediately asked in a deep voice: "Has the announcement about the Yiranpin Alliance been discussed on the public channel where he poured the cup when he came over?" (End of Chapter)

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