Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 3013 Black heart, take the long term to catch the big fish

Seeing the various resources Fei Quan had traded, Ji Batian said helplessly: "Wait a moment, we need to confirm the value of your resources!"

"No rush, we can wait!" Fu Quan replied with a smile.

Ji Zhentian compared the current price list of Yiranpin Alliance and began to calculate.

In Fu Dog's miniature spaceship, Fu Ma said: "Boss, should we ask other survivors?"

Fu Quan nodded slightly: "I also have this idea."

So Fu Quan contacted other survivors who appeared on the island monument.

"Hello, I'm coming from another galaxy. I heard that your galaxy has a lot of high-end items for sale. Would you like to purchase a batch from you?"

Fu Quan went straight to the point and made no secret.

"Can you move between galaxies?"

This was the first reaction of all the survivors he contacted.

"Of course." Fu Quan replied.

After seeing Fu Quan's reply, the survivors asked almost simultaneously: "Why don't you contact Yiranpin Alliance directly? Wouldn't it be better to buy directly from Yiranpin Alliance? Why buy through me?"

The first reaction of these survivors was that someone from the Humanity Alliance was testing them.

Fu Quan replied equally bluntly: "I'm afraid that the Yi Ranpin Alliance will track our galaxy. If the Yi Ranpin Alliance can reach our galaxy, won't this business belong to the Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

Seeing that this explanation was very common sense, the survivors repeatedly confirmed the identity of the dog, and also checked the other party's ID through the Yiranpin Alliance's network system, and found that it did not exist.

After they determined that Fu Dog was indeed not a survivor in this galaxy, they immediately became excited.

Any survivor can see how profitable it is to resell high-end items from the Yiranpin Alliance.

"What do you want to purchase?" the survivors asked one after another.

"Let's prepare to purchase some gravity systems first. After all, everyone needs this thing. What's the price here?" Fu Quan asked.

"Wait a moment, I'll sort out the quotation and send it to you."

The survivors replied one after another.

About ten minutes later, all the survivors contacted by Fu Quan sent a quote.

Seeing those quotes, Fuma was stunned.

"These survivors are too dark!" Fuma couldn't help but say.

These quotes from survivors are text messages sent directly, not screenshots.

The quotation for the gravity system has been directly increased five times at the highest and doubled at the lowest. In comparison, Ji Batian's only increase of [-]% is too conscientious.

Not only that, those survivors also lowered the price of materials. Originally, one cornerstone and one unit of dark gold were worth one yuan of Yiranpin Alliance virtual currency, but those survivors directly changed the price to 0.5 yuan.

Anyway, they have to make money from Fu Quan and the others in every way.

"It seems that the Ji family really wants to cooperate with us!" Fu Quan nodded slightly.

"What about these survivors? Just scold them back?" Fuma asked.

Fu Quan shook his head: "No need!" As he said that, Fu Quan responded to the survivors on the island monument.

"Well, the price is still acceptable, but we need to accumulate some resources to afford it. I will contact you when I gather enough resources."

"Then you have to hurry up! The price will continue to fluctuate, and maybe the price will be higher next time."

"Okay, I will prepare enough resources and come back!" Fu Quan sneered, and then ended the chat.

Those survivors were extremely happy. If this business could really take off, they would make a fortune.

No matter how many survivors in a galaxy die, there should be about [-] left. Earning [-] to [-] from a gravity system is a small goal of more than [-]!

At this time, Ji Zhentian had already calculated the value of the resources sent by Fu Quan, and it was a little higher than the price they agreed on.

"The value of your resources is a little more, I will record it for you here." Ji Batian said with a smile, "You can continue to use it in the next transaction."

Seeing the message from Ji Batian, Fu Quan nodded with satisfaction: "You are indeed a very good collaborator! The extra money from this first transaction can be regarded as a meeting gift!"

Ji Batian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and handed out some more SSS-level food on the island monument.

"I don't have anything very good here, so this little food can be regarded as a meeting gift for you!"

Seeing those top-notch foods, Fu Quan twitched the corner of his mouth: "Isn't this what you call nothing very good?"

They basically eat ordinary food in Bobon. C-level food is very rare, let alone SSS-level food!
  "This gift is too expensive!" Fu Quan replied, "After our market opens, we can discuss your price increase ratio."

Ji Batian raised his eyebrows slightly: "Then thank you in advance!"

Ji Zhentian also saw the other party's reply and said: "It seems that he sells these things not cheap in his own galaxy!"

"These high-end items are not cheap to begin with. If it weren't for the Yi Ranpin Alliance in our galaxy, we probably wouldn't be able to afford them." Ji Batian said with emotion.

Ji Zhentian nodded: "Actually, I do feel that the five percent price increase is too cheap. We must ask for more next time the price increases!"

Ji Batian smiled, with a dangerous light in his eyes: "I want them all!"

Ji Zhentian was stunned for a moment: "Brother, what do you mean..."

"I only raised it by [-]% on purpose, so I can catch big fish in the long run!" Ji Batian replied with a smile.
  Ji Zhentian nodded.

If the Ji family can really get this jumper, they will definitely be prosperous!

At this time, Dora, the person in charge of the Domi Hot Galaxy station, was reporting the abnormal situation to Xiao Yi.

"The island owner just had a user directly purchase three sets of gravity systems. At the same time, nine survivors were counting the prices of the gravity systems on their computers or mobile phones, as well as quotations for various resources."

Xiao Yi was slightly stunned when he saw Dora's news: "Are they trying to buy and sell our products?"

"It should be, according to their operation records seen in the background, the price of the gravity system has increased several times, while the price of resources has been suppressed!" Dora replied in a deep voice.

"It seems that someone has already obtained the equipment for inter-galactic transfer!" Xiao Yi said.

If it were not for the inter-galactic transfer equipment, there would be no way to buy and sell items from the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

"Island Master, what should we do now?" Dora frowned.

"Let them go, this universe is so big, it is impossible for our alliance to touch every galaxy, let them earn some, so that we can earn more!" (End of Chapter)

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