Jiang Yuntian looked at Xiao Yi curiously and asked, "Island Master, do you have any other arrangements for the Dragon Shuttle Battleship?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Yes, I want to keep one at the headquarters for research!"

Jiang Yuntian was slightly taken aback, then nodded.

The current Yiranpin Alliance headquarters is a functional city, focusing on scientific research.

If this Dragon Shuttle battleship can be researched, there will be more than three in the future.

In fact, not only the Dragon Shuttle battleship, but also the star-class stealth battleship and other high-end ships were left at the headquarters for research.

The Space Research City is operating at full capacity, perfecting and upgrading the Yiranpin Alliance's technology every moment.

As a survivor, Yiranpin Alliance's technology tree is not complete.

They are actually somewhat similar to pirates.

Pirates improve themselves by plundering other people's technology, while survivors can only rely on island monuments and daily supplies to improve themselves.

The technology that has been improved in this way is not as complete as the one that has been developed slowly.

The emergence of the Space Research City is to help the Yiranpin Alliance improve those shortcomings.

"By the way, in the trial space today, Betiya should have met someone from the Ji family, most likely Ji Jiying." Xiao Yi suddenly thought of this, "Everyone should be more careful in the future, Ji Jiying has been Thinking of us as competitors, they will most likely come to challenge us again!”

"Ah? When did this happen?" Du Kang asked curiously, "Xiao Bei, you won't be killed by him alone, right?"

Bettia immediately replied: "How is that possible? No matter how bad I am, I am a person with both civil and wood elements and a psychic power that exceeds a thousand. Just him, whose mental power has not exceeded a thousand, how can he kill me alone?"

Du Kang was stunned for a moment: "No way, doesn't Ji Jiying claim to be the genius of the Ji family? Why hasn't his mental power exceeded one thousand yet?"

"No matter how genius you are, you still need to slowly improve your mental power! If our alliance didn't have advanced genetic potions, most people's mental power would not have exceeded [-] by now." Su Wan shook her head and said.

Du Kang frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head: "That's not right. With Ji Jiying's talent and the increasing number of survivors entering the trial space, he should have already exceeded a thousand!"

"Yes, most of the survivors have now entered the trial space. As a member of the ancient martial arts family, Ji Jiying is definitely much stronger than ordinary people in combat. He can quickly improve by killing other survivors. My own mental power." Jiang Yuntian agreed.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "This is indeed a bit strange."

They have advanced genetic medicine, so they cannot realize the bottleneck of one thousand meters.

"Betiya, how far can you sense the opponent's mental control distance?" Xiao Yi thought for a while and asked.

Betiya recalled the situation when he fought with Naji Jiying, and replied: "It's definitely not over a thousand, but it feels like it should be very close. When I didn't use the second ability, he actually used his body to The law is as good as mine!"

"Is he breaking through the one-thousand-meter bottleneck?" Xiao Yi said with a frown.

"Bottleneck? Is there a bottleneck at one thousand meters?" Du Kang's eyes widened.

Zhu Wu rolled his eyes: "There are bottlenecks at [-] meters, and naturally there are bottlenecks at [-] meters! Because we have advanced genetic medicine, we directly jumped over this bottleneck!"

Du Kang was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "That's true."

"But I'm not!" Jiang Yuntian said, "I gained one thousand meters of spiritual power by killing Tuva, and I feel like there is no bottleneck!"    "Could it be that Brother Jiang is gifted?" Du Kang speculated.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head decisively: "No matter how talented I am, I still have a clear understanding!"

"If it has nothing to do with talent, does it have to do with the cultivation method?" Su Wan asked.

Everyone was startled and nodded.

"It's really possible! The Daozang score we practice is one hundred points, and most of the other practices are in single digits!" Du Kang agreed.

The survivors in Zhu Wu who were unable to practice Daozang all had dark expressions when they heard this.

"What are your expressions? Although you can't practice Daozang, the island owner has taken out the advanced gene potion. Aren't you satisfied?" Du Kang looked at Zhu Wu and the others and asked with a smile.

"It's not that I'm not satisfied, it's just a pity that I can't practice Daozang." Zhu Wu shook his head.

"This is just our speculation, it may not be true!" Du Kang continued.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said: "I believe there will be survivors who have spiritual power approaching one thousand meters soon. We will know when the time comes!"

He didn't seem to have put in much effort when he broke through [-], so whether there is a bottleneck and whether it is easy to break through requires more survivors to provide information!
  "The island owner is right. If there is really a bottleneck, there will definitely be survivors discussing it in the group!" Du Kang agreed.

At this time, Sun Gudao suddenly spoke: "I have a question. If a survivor is injected with an advanced genetic agent and is killed in the trial space, and his mental power drops below one thousand meters, can he survive?" Inject advanced genetic medicine again to increase mental power to over a thousand meters?"

Hearing this question, everyone was stunned for a moment.

"This question has a strange angle!" Du Kang said with a smile.

Jiang Yuntian said uncertainly: "Personally, I don't think it's possible!"

"If you want to know if it works, you can only know by doing an experiment!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Doing an experiment? Wouldn't that mean you have to be killed?" Du Kang was stunned for a moment and asked.

"I raised the question. Let me be the guinea pig!" Sun Gudao volunteered.

"No, why do so many survivors use our own people?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

After hearing Xiao Yi's words, everyone reacted immediately.

"That's right, we don't need our own people at all! I believe many survivors are willing to participate in our experiment." Jiang Yuntian nodded.

"In the words of outsiders, wouldn't it be revealed that we are able to produce advanced genetic medicines?" Zhu Wu frowned.

"We can find an excuse, just say that we harvested a batch of high-level genetic medicine from a certain ruins." Du Kang replied with a smile.

"I'm sure no one will believe it!" Zhu Wu shook his head, "Will you use the advanced genetic medicine you finally found from the ruins for experiments?"

"What can they do if they don't believe it? Are they coming to rob us?" Du Kang didn't care.

"Survivors are naturally not afraid, but if this news is exposed, if it attracts other advanced civilizations, it will be another potential threat." Zhu Wu said in a deep voice. (End of chapter)

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