Although Xiao Yi has entered the second space, there are still dedicated personnel delivering information from the outside world.

Seeing everyone's discussion in the public chat room, Xiao Yi smiled and ordered: "Let Feng Menglong tell everyone about the advanced genetic medicine."


In the chaotic galaxy, after Feng Menglong received the news from Xiao Yi, he immediately started popularizing science in the public chat room.

"Hello, fellow survivors! Seeing that everyone is very interested in advanced genetic potions, our island owner asked me to share information about advanced genetic potions with you."

Seeing Feng Menglong's speech, all the survivors became excited.

"That's great. Boss Yi Ranpin is so awesome!"

"No need to make random guesses, just listen carefully."

"The bench has been moved. Please give me your advice!"

Feng Menglong continued: "I won't tell you what you know. Let's talk about the action time of high-level genetic medicine. Just like the intermediate genetic medicine, high-level genetic medicine also needs to work for [-] hours after injection to improve your mental power. To a thousand meters!”

"Haha, it seems I guessed it right! It does take some time to take effect."

"Don't interrupt, let the boss continue talking."

"In addition to the time of action, the advanced genetic medicine contains an intelligent nano-medical robot. After injection, this robot will regulate your body and treat old injuries and diseases." Feng Menglong continued, "This nano-medical robot will remain in your body forever. Inside your body, it monitors your body and ensures good health.”

"So, after being injected with advanced genetic medicine, I won't get sick again?"

"You can say that!" Feng Menglong responded.

"Wucao, this is a complete elimination of the disease! This nano medical robot is too powerful!"

"It can help us treat diseases and assist genetic medicine to enhance our mental power. It is estimated that this kind of nanorobot can only be produced by at least a level three civilization."

"To be precise, level four civilization!" Feng Menglong corrected.

Seeing Feng Menglong's words, all the survivors were stunned.

"how do you know?"

"We found some information about advanced genetic medicine." Feng Menglong replied.

"I see. No wonder the Yiranpin Alliance knows so much about advanced genetic medicines."

After Ji Batian saw this information, he immediately asked: "Is there any advanced genetic medicine in the Yiranpin Alliance now? Can you sell some to us?"

When he asked, all the other survivors reacted.

"Yes, I also want to buy high-level genetic medicine."

"Now that you have harvested information about advanced genetic medicine, you should be able to make it!"

"Brothers upstairs, wake up. The Yiranpin Alliance is only a second-level civilization now, and the nano-medical robots can only be produced by a fourth-level civilization."

"That's right, although I also think that the Yiranpin Alliance can create advanced genetic medicines, we have to face reality!"

Ji Batian squinted his eyes and sent another message: "When the Yiranpin Alliance harvests the information on this advanced gene potion, it should harvest some advanced gene potions, right?"

After his reminder, all the survivors immediately understood what he meant and waited for Feng Menglong's response.

Feng Menglong looked at Ji Batian's speech, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said vaguely: "I did gain something, but we need to use it within our own alliance."

Seeing Feng Menglong's reply, Ji Batian secretly said: "As expected!"

That triangular head can use high-level genetic medicine, which means that all Earth members in the Yiranpin Alliance should have used high-level genetic medicine.

No matter what, within the Yiranpin Alliance, high-level genetic medicines must be used first on Earthlings. "The gap is getting bigger and bigger!" Ji Batian sighed helplessly.

Originally, it was just Xiao Yi who was leading them, but that was okay. Now, a group of people from the Yi Ranpin Alliance are leading them.

"I hope Ying'er will play it safe and catch up as soon as possible!"

In the public chat room, there are still survivors who want to purchase advanced genetic medicine from the Yiranpin Alliance.

But Feng Menglong no longer responded to those purchase messages.

At this time, a survivor asked: "Boss, can I ask which galaxy your alliance obtained the information on this advanced genetic medicine?"

"Jepion Galaxy." Feng Menglong replied.

"As expected, we are still in the Jeppion Galaxy!"

"Then there's no need to hesitate, let's rush into the Jeppian Galaxy!"

"Now we can only try our luck there. We can't stay away from the trial space forever!"

While everyone was discussing, Xiao Yi found Bai Yu in Alliance Entertainment City.

"How do you feel?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

"That's right, I didn't expect you to connect so many spaceships to each other to create an entertainment city." Bai Yu gave a thumbs up.

"When this idea came up, the planets in the independent planet space were not suitable for human habitation." Xiao Yi explained, "If there was a planet suitable for human habitation at that time, maybe this entertainment city would be arranged on a certain planet. .”

Bai Yu nodded slightly and asked with a smile: "Are you coming to me now to drive us away?"

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, smiled and shook his head: "Of course not, I just came here to tell you that there will be a celebration banquet on Chaos Star tonight, and all of you are invited to attend."

"Celebration banquet? You must attend it." Bai Yu replied with a smile, "Is it a Chaos Star in another independent planet space?"

"En!" Xiao Yi responded.

"Okay, do we need to prepare anything here?" Bai Yu asked.

"As long as people come over, you don't need to prepare anything!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, let us know when the time comes." Bai Yu nodded.

"Well, you guys keep playing, I'll go out and get ready first." Xiao Yi greeted, turned and left.

After Xiao Yi left, Bai Yu immediately found Zhao Jun and told him about the celebration banquet.

"The celebration banquet was held in another independent planet space?" Zhao Jun asked in surprise.

Before Bai Yu had time to tell him, Xiao Yi had more than one independent planet space like this.

"That's right!" Bai Yu nodded, and then explained.

Zhao Jun finally understood and sighed: "It's unbelievable that he has more than one such space."

"I can only say that the prophet Feiuche is right. Only by following Xiao Yi can we develop better." Bai Yu said with emotion.

Zhao Jun nodded in agreement, and then he suddenly asked: "If we didn't come to support this time, could the Yi Ranpin Alliance defeat the Locust Pirate Group?"

"They can't win, but they can escape intact!" Bai Yu replied affirmatively.

Now Zhao Jun was even more surprised! (End of chapter)

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