Di Yi looked at the sisters who had fully recovered and said with emotion: "The medical treatment provided by the Yiranpin Alliance is really powerful!"

"That's right, I had a broken finger for several years, and it's back to normal this time!" A soldier was shocked, "I haven't used any medical equipment yet, it's just that the island owner used special powers, and my broken finger has returned to normal!" Then it grew!"

"Yes, the island owner's abilities are really too powerful."

"I feel like we don't have to be afraid of getting hurt anymore!"

"You can't think of it that way. Although it can be cured in the end, the process is still very painful."

Di Yi immediately sighed: "Bah, bah, bah, you just recovered today, why are you saying these unlucky words?"

"Captain, we are just talking, but the island owner has that kind of superpower, which is really enviable!" Di Yue said.

Di Xue said with a smile: "Don't be envious, you will have it too!"

Di Yue was stunned for a moment: "Sister Xue, what nonsense are you talking about? How can everyone have that kind of superpower?"

"In the past, I was indeed talking nonsense, but now that we are part of the Yiranpin Alliance, this is no longer nonsense!" Di Xue continued to say with a smile.

Di Yue was stunned again: "Can it really reach the point where everyone has superpowers?"

"Our alliance has advanced genetic medicine. As long as this medicine is injected, everyone can awaken, unless they are very unlucky." Di Yi agreed.

This time Di Yue and others were completely shocked.

"Then can we also inject this advanced genetic medicine?" Di Yue couldn't help but continue to ask.

"Don't worry, I will definitely buy those high-end genetic medicines so that everyone can have the opportunity to inject them!" Di Yi promised.

"Thank you, captain!" the girls said in unison.

Di Yi waved his hand: "You have really thanked the wrong person now. You should thank our island owner. If he hadn't opened these high-level genetic medicines to us, we would never have been exposed to such high-level medicines. "

Diyue and his group nodded with deep understanding.

"How many ships do our White Rose Pirates have now?" Di Yue asked.

Di Yi immediately introduced the current situation of the White Rose Pirates to everyone.

After listening to Di Yi's introduction, Di Yue and others were stunned again.

"How is this possible? The island owner actually gave us so many ships?" Di Yue's face was filled with disbelief.

Di Yi nodded: "Yes, the island owner is so kind to us!"

"Then what do we need to do?" Di Yue asked.

"Help our alliance keep an eye on the Interstellar Pirate Alliance. If they make any moves, notify the island owner in time." Di Yi replied.

"Is it that simple?" Di Yue couldn't believe it.

"Yes, it's just that simple!" Di Yi nodded, "However, we also need to collect some resources, which is better than nothing!"

Di Yue frowned slightly: "If you just want to get information, you don't need so many ships at all, right?"

"It's really not necessary, but this has the advantage of intimidating Xiao Xiao. Otherwise, if other pirate groups come to harass us from time to time, we will be very annoyed." Di Yi explained.

Everyone nodded.

Although there is a safe zone in the Interstellar Pirate Alliance, if they really want to take action, they will always try to force you out of the safe zone in various ways.Xiao Yi has prepared so many ships for them, so that everyone can see the strength of the White Rose Pirate Group, and they will not dare to act rashly!
"Okay, let's all go back and have a good rest. Starting tomorrow, we will return to our jobs and work hard!" Di Yi clapped his hands and reminded.

"Captain, you don't have to wait until tomorrow, you can do it right away today!" Di Yue replied.

The rest of the people also expressed their opinions that they could start work immediately.

"There's no need to be in such a hurry. This is a holiday for you. If you have time, go and learn more Xia Guoyu!" Di Yi said with a smile, "Learning Xia Guoyu as soon as possible will be of great help to your future work."

Di Yue was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "Captain, you are making things difficult for me. I don't have enough brain."

"Me too, as I get older, I feel like my brain is getting harder and harder to use."

“It’s too difficult for me to learn a new language now!”

Those people complained one after another.

Di Yi said with a smile: "Don't worry, after you are injected with the advanced genetic medicine, learning a new foreign language will be a piece of cake."

The reason why she said this was because she felt it deeply.

Before being injected with advanced genetic medicine, Di Yi felt that Xia Guoyu was really difficult.

But after she was injected with advanced genetic medicine and completed her awakening, learning became much easier.

Di Yi felt that if he studied for an entire afternoon, simple communication would not be a problem.

Di Yue asked cautiously: "Captain, when can we inject advanced genetic medicine?"

"Look at how anxious you are, I'm going to take a look at what procedures are required to purchase these medicines internally." Di Yi responded, then turned on his phone and started browsing.

After reading it, Di Yi was a little surprised.

In the Yiranpin Alliance, the purchase of advanced genetic medicines does not require any complicated procedures, but internal personnel are prohibited from buying and selling, so the purchase and injection must be carried out under the supervision of specialized personnel, and that's it.

Di Yi told Di Yue and his party the news, and Di Yue asked in surprise: "Then can we get the injection right away?"

Di Yi looked at her account, and then at the internal price of the high-level genetic medicine. She nodded: "It should be okay. I'll confirm it with the island owner."

She was just a little worried that Di Yue and others had just recovered and would not be able to withstand the power of the advanced genetic medicine.

Di Yi called Xiao Yi and explained the current situation.

"Don't worry." Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "The advanced genetic medicine has a mild effect and is not violent. Even children as young as four or five years old have no problems after the injection."

"Okay, I understand." Di Yi responded, "Island Master, I want to buy high-level genetic medicine for those sisters who did not surrender to Hongye. Do you think it is okay?"

"Of course, they are sincere and commendable. I have already told you about this matter. You can make your own decision without asking me for instructions." Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes, thank you island owner!" Di Yi ended the call and immediately ordered a high-level genetic medicine on the online market.

Soon, specialized salesmen rushed to Di Yi's battleship with those potions.

As Di Yue and others watched excitedly, the salesman injected those advanced genetic medicines into their bodies.

"Okay, I need you to sign for it." The salesman took out a tablet and handed it to Di Yi. (End of chapter)

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