Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2984: The etiquette is very important, tell the truth about the current situation

You must know that Bai Yu only purchased a total of [-] high-level genetic medicines from the Yiranpin Alliance before.

After splitting with Bayio Star, Blue Star only got [-].

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi just returned the gift and returned [-] high-level genetic medicines.

"Thank you very much!" Long Qing said with his hands in hand.

"You're welcome. You have given enough sincerity, and I can't pull my hips." Xiao Yi waved his hand, and then changed the topic, "Are your personnel ready?"

Xiao Yi naturally asked those who were going to go and undergo the test with them, the survivors.

Bai Yu nodded: "Everything is ready. Some of them will be arranged to go to the Bayio system. I will lead the team to your alliance headquarters."

"Now that we are ready, let's go there!" Xiao Yi replied, "If you have any questions, we can contact you online in time."

"Okay!" Bai Yu also knew that Xiao Yi couldn't waste too much time here, so he directly greeted everyone to board the spaceship.

"Star Master, we're going over now!" Bai Yu stayed at the end and said to Long Qing.

Long Qing nodded and warned: "Be sure to pay attention to safety!"

"Yeah!" Bai Yu responded, "It's still very safe for us to follow the King Eliminator."

"Let's keep in touch when we get there." Long Qing continued.

"Yes!" Bai Yu turned around and got on the spacecraft.

The spaceship immediately flew towards the wormhole in Space No. [-]. Xiao Yi said hello to Long Qing and also got on a spaceship and flew in.

After the spacecraft entered Space [-], the wormhole was closed.

Looking at the wormhole that disappeared out of thin air, Zhao Jun sighed: "This Yiranpin Alliance is really not simple!"

"Or it should be said that being a survivor is not simple!" Long Qing said in a deep voice.

Zhao Jun nodded: "Indeed, but Xiao Yi is really willing to give us so many high-level genetic medicines at once."

"So, we did not misjudge him." Long Qing replied with a smile, "Those level-[-] civilization items given to him yesterday are dispensable to us, and they even take up some space here. By exchanging these things for [-] high-grade genetic medicines, we still took advantage!"

Zhao Jun agreed: "Yes, I really didn't expect Xiao Yi to be so generous."

"We should make up for it in the future." Long Qing continued, "We can't take such a big advantage in vain!"

"Yes, I understand!" Zhao Jun responded.

"It seems that the development of our Blue Star will enter the fast lane again!" Long Qing said with emotion.

The last time Blue Star's development entered the fast lane was when Chaos Space appeared, and this time it was after meeting Xiao Yi.

After Xiao Yi and others entered Space [-], the wormhole in Space [-] was soon opened again.

Xiao Yi had already greeted Jiang Yuntian before he came in. After he entered, Jiang Yuntian waited for 2 minutes to open the wormhole in the chaotic galaxy.

"We have arrived at the Chaos Galaxy. That space city is left for you to use!" Xiao Yi said, pointing to the space city that he just moved out yesterday.

"Thank you so much!" Bai Yu said with a smile.

Blue Star also has its own space city. Originally, Bai Yu and his group planned to live on a miniature spaceship, so they did not bring their own space city over.

After all, they came here to exercise and improve themselves, not to enjoy life.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi actually provided them with a place to stay.

"You're welcome, it's empty anyway!" Xiao Yi waved his hand.

Bai Yu nodded slightly and continued to ask: "I wonder where the headquarters of Yiranpin Alliance is?"

Xiao Yi pointed at a huge ship not far away: "That is our headquarters. This space city was the previous headquarters. It was just moved there yesterday. You guys came at the right time." Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, but He said with certainty: "It would be better if the alliance headquarters is placed on Space City!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "It is also a space city, but you can't tell from the outside."

Bai Yu was stunned again: "Is that also a space city?"

"Well, I just moved in and things haven't been sorted out yet. I'll invite you to come over and have a look in a few days!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Okay, it's a deal!" Bai Yu nodded.

Ye Ming on the side immediately said: "There is also me, Alliance Leader Xiao, please take me with you too!"

"No problem, everyone can go there as long as they are free!" Xiao Yi responded.

"Great!" Ye Ming said happily.

Bai Yu shook his head helplessly, and then asked: "Leader Xiao, what can we do to help now?"

"Now the daily battle is to eliminate the Zerg. You can follow our team and give it a try first!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, let's get started now!" Bai Yu responded.

Xiao Yi immediately called Jiang Yuntian and gave him some instructions.

Jiang Yuntian immediately left with Bai Yu and his party.

Xiao Yi returned to his office and continued to study the books he signed in for.

At this time, in the Domi Hot Galaxy.

Xiang Zhen had just finished practicing. She opened her eyes and frowned slightly.

"The speed of cultivation is too slow, we still have to enter the trial space!"

With this in mind, Xiangzhen stood up and arranged things before decisively entering the trial space.

There are two permanent survivors in Liangjia Village, the trial space.

One has residual blood, because he cannot return to reality without the island monument.

The other one is Fei Frog. He cannot return to reality because the truth requires him. He can only improve his mental power by hunting survivors and wild beasts in the trial space.

After Xiang Zhen entered the trial space, he immediately used the power of the contract to sense Flying Frog to prevent him from escaping.

Finding that he was still near Liangjiacun, Xiangzhen nodded slightly, then got up and rushed towards Feiwa.

Walking out of his room, he happened to meet Liang Guang.

"Sir, you are here!" Liang Guang greeted respectfully.

Xiang Zhen nodded slightly: "Has there been anything unusual recently?"

Liang Guang shook his head: "No, there are two other adults patrolling nearby, hunting those demonized beasts. Our village is very safe. Under the influence of the marrow cleansing pill that was traded last time, two villagers successfully awakened."

Hearing this, Xiang Zhen's eyes lit up slightly, and the villagers in Liangjia Village were awakened again. This is a good thing!

"Then you should guide the two awakened villagers!" Xiangzhen ordered, "If you don't understand anything or have any questions, ask Canxue and Feiwa immediately."

"Yes, sir!" Liang Guang responded.

Xiang Zhen waved his hand and continued walking outside the village.

Soon, she arrived near Flying Frog, who had just killed a leopard and was resting.

"Who?" Flying Frog suddenly looked in one direction and shouted. (End of chapter)

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