Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2968: Discussion of new materials, obtaining third-level items

Asking Bai Chen to purchase Level [-] civilization items, Xiao Yi immediately took out a manufacturing diagram of the Material Annihilation Power Station, used it on his island monument, and then sent the required raw materials to Feng Menglong.

"Feng Menglong, collect these raw materials too!" Xiao Yi warned.

Feng Menglong saw the list of raw materials and responded: "Okay, but it may need to be delayed. Some raw materials are needed by the Space Research City, so they are given priority to the Space Research City."

"Okay, I understand, these materials are not particularly urgent." Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Recently, the construction of the Yiranpin Alliance has basically stopped, and all construction is making concessions to the Space Research City.

The construction diagram of the Space Research City was obtained by Xiao Yi's sign-in five days ago. Counting that the quadruple state has been triggered twice today, so far, not all the construction raw materials have been collected.

But today I have a chance to put it all together!
This space scientific research city requires an unusually large amount of raw materials, which also makes Xiao Yi full of expectations for it.

With the size of the Yiranpin Alliance, it has not been completed so far. It feels like this space scientific research city does not look like a third-level civilization building at all!

But Xiao Yi believed that the system would definitely not trick him.

Feng Menglong put all the new raw materials that needed to be purchased on the shelves.

This action also attracted the attention of other survivors.

"Why do you feel that Yiranpin Alliance will acquire some new raw materials in a few days?"

"This is not very simple. They have obtained new manufacturing diagrams!"

"Is this easy? How many manufacturing drawings have you obtained from the beginning to now?"

"Um, not a single one."

"That's great, we can get a new manufacturing diagram every few days. The probability is too high."

"Yes, is this Yiranpin Alliance cheating?"

"You can still drive even if you're hung up!"

"If I had cheated, could I have become like this?"

"Maybe, everything is fate. Even if you die or don't have that fate, you still won't be able to develop well."

"You are superstitious!"

"Superstitious? Okay, then just think of it as superstitious! Many people think that the good things they get are due to their own efforts, but in fact they are all given to you by God!"

"Made, where did this magic stick come from? Group leader, can you kick this guy out?"

"Why should you kick me out? I didn't curse, I didn't break the rules, and I didn't act against a survivor!"

"I just believe in the way of heaven. I really didn't do anything extraordinary. There is no reason to kick me out!"

"I'd better block him. If you hear this kind of remarks too much, you will easily become stupid."

"Actually, there are similar views on our home planet. When I was 30 or 40 years old, I scoffed at this. But when I was [-] years old, I discovered that it actually makes sense."

"Are you out of your mind? You actually think this statement is reasonable. Forget it, I'll block you too!"

"Brother upstairs, are you a little too paranoid?"

"Paranoid? I'm normal, okay! You don't all believe such superstitious remarks, do you?"

"I don't want to believe this kind of statement, but what we have experienced shows that the world is still very big, and there are many things we don't understand. Isn't it a bit too arbitrary to just say something unbelievable if we don't understand it?"

"Damn, I think you are going crazy because you are too lonely. I suggest you go to Yiranpin Alliance Entertainment City to play and relax!" "I just came out of Alliance Entertainment City. I am in very good condition. Of course It’s just what I think. If you think I’m crazy, there’s nothing you can do about it.”

"Okay, there is no need for everyone to discuss endless things like this. There is no result at all. Let's talk about the newly collected materials by the Yiranpin Alliance this time! The price seems very high!"

"It's really high. I happened to have one of the raw materials in hand and sold it all for 20 yuan."

"Wucao, is it so tall?"

"Yes, but I still have to thank the Yiranpin Alliance for opening the inter-galactic transfer service. Otherwise, I would not have been able to come to the Domi Hot Galaxy and collect so many raw materials."

"Brother, I'll pay you [-] for the coordinates you need to collect resources!"

"Damn, you're not afraid of wasting money after spending so much money? Maybe he has already collected all the resources there."

"That's right, it's really not necessary. It's better to go to the Domi Hot Galaxy and find a random location to collect it."

"Sorry, the coordinates of the resources I collected are not for sale!"

It’s not easy to find such a rich mineral spot, thank you for selling it to others!
At this time, Xiao Yike didn't have time to pay attention to everyone's chat, but was running around harvesting various supplies.

Don’t waste the quadruple status!

After quadrupling all the supplies, Xiao Yi went to the alchemy room and practiced elixirs for more than an hour. After finishing the alchemy, it was already noon.

At this time, Bai Chen, who was purchasing Level [-] civilization items on Bayio Star, had also completed his work.

Basically, there is no need to pick or pick up, just accept everything the other party brings out.

Currently, the items in the Yiranpin Alliance are basically second-level civilization items, and there are only a few third-level civilization items obtained by signing in.

So Xiao Yi's order to Bai Chen was to take down all the items of the other party's third-level civilization.

As for the price, it doesn’t matter!
In any case, virtual currencies are used for transactions.

The population size of Bayi'ao Star and Blue Star led by Bai Yu will definitely require a large amount of advanced genetic medicine in the future.

They will definitely be able to digest the virtual currency issued to Bai Yu!
Xiao Yi hurriedly finished lunch and received the items sent from Bai Chen.

After quadrupling all of them, give one of them to Wang Yang.

"Pay attention to classifying them into different categories, and then send them to various research institutes. Once you understand these things thoroughly, we will be able to successfully advance to the third level of civilization." Xiao Yi warned.

Hearing this, Wang Yang was extremely excited: "Yes! Island Master, I will definitely make arrangements."

Wang Yang returned to Space [-] with those items and began to classify them and hand them over to various research institutes.

At this time, Feng Menglong came over: "Island Master, the raw materials of the pseudo-star are enough now, but some of these raw materials are needed by the Space Research City."

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and asked: "How much is the raw material shortage of the Space Research City?"

Feng Menglong looked through the information on his mobile phone and replied: "Not much difference. According to the speed at which the survivors are collecting resources today, it is expected that all the raw materials will be collected today."

"Then wait, Pseudo-Star is not in a particular hurry." Xiao Yi replied decisively.

Now there is light in both space one and space two.

Space [-] is used to transport goods, and the need for light is not urgent. (End of chapter)

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