Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2962 Ping'er awakens and holds a celebration banquet

Di Yue looked at Di Yi dubiously. She didn't believe that the Yi Ranpin Alliance would be so good and willing to cooperate with them on an equal footing.

As a pirate, all she has seen over the years is the exchange of benefits.

The Yiranpin Alliance can completely eat them up, but why did it choose such a cooperation method?

This may be due to the different thinking of different civilizations. The Xia Kingdom on Earth never actively invades other countries or interferes in the internal affairs of other countries.

This is the mark of blood engraved in the bones.

"You should have a good rest first. After you recover, we will talk about this matter slowly!" Di Yi said with a smile, "I'll go see the others here."

Di Yue nodded and lay down with a thoughtful look on his face.

Di Yi also expressed condolences to the other sisters who did not join Hong Ye's group.

After a round of condolences, Di Yi gratefully said to Xiao Yi: "Thank you, island owner!"

Xiao Yi shook his head: "You're welcome. By the way, you need to pay attention to the movements of other pirates in the Interstellar Pirate Alliance. It would be better if you could determine which pirates will come to Munken Planet."

"Island owner, please rest assured, I have arranged for people to collect relevant information." Di Yi responded.

"Well, the portal here is located on your battleship. You can come and go freely." Xiao Yi asked.

"Thank you, Island Master." Di Yi said with his hand again, "Doesn't passing through this portal consume energy?"

"Of course it's consumed. It's energy stones. We still have a lot of them in stock." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Di Yi nodded: "I know, I will try to reduce the number of times I use the portal."

"Thrifty is a good habit. However, a single person consumes very little energy, so there is no need to be harsh on yourself." Xiao Yi replied.

"Well, I'll go back first." Di Yi nodded slightly.

Di Yi returned to her battleship through the portal and returned to the cockpit. She happily said to Di Xue: "Yueyue is fine!"

Di Xue was stunned for a moment, and then asked hurriedly: "Really? Where is she?"

"He is recuperating in the space of an independent planet. After he recovers, he will come back to join us." Di Yi replied.

"Great, how is her injury?" Di Xue asked excitedly.

Di Yi smiled and replied: "Don't worry, it's just some superficial injuries and they will heal soon."

Di Xue nodded: "Great, I really didn't expect Yueyue to survive!"

At that time, Diyue stayed to stop Hongye. They all thought that Diyue was in danger, but they didn't expect that Hongye only injured Diyue and did not kill her.

Maybe Hongye still wanted to use Diyue to threaten Diyi, but it was a pity that he never had the chance again.

At this moment, a water ball suddenly floated over.

Di Yi was stunned for a moment, and then immediately jumped back, and the water ball followed him directly.

"There are people with super powers!" Di Yi shouted.

Di Xue immediately took out the laser gun from his waist and looked around cautiously.

"Hahaha, aunt, you were frightened by me!" A silver bell-like laughter suddenly came from the side.

At the same time, the water ball in front of Di Yi also flew over and stopped in front of Ping'er.

Seeing this scene, Di Yi's eyes widened: "Ping'er, you're awake!"

Ping'er nodded: "Yes, auntie, am I good at it?"

"Awesome, our Ping'er is the best!" Di Yi immediately replied with a smile.

"Then let me protect you from now on!" Ping'er straightened her chest, like a little adult.

"Okay, it's up to you to protect us from now on." Di Yi said as he hugged Ping'er.Di Xue said with some envy: "Is this a person with superpowers?"

Di Yi nodded and replied with a smile: "Yes, but you don't have to envy her, you will also wake up tomorrow!"

Di Yi and Di Xue were also injected with advanced genetic medicine.

After the 24 hours are over, their mental power will exceed one thousand.

As long as you don't memorize it particularly hard, there is a high probability that you will awaken.

"Captain, can you also apply for an advanced gene potion for Yueyue?" Di Xue said suddenly.

Di Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I will apply to the island owner."

At this time, in the independent planet space No. [-], Wang Yang had already counted all the loot and rushed to the alliance headquarters.

"Island owner, it's a great harvest this time!" Wang Yang said excitedly.

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "Then let's talk about how much we have gained."

"Back to the island owner, we gained 41 star-class battleships and 132 planet-class battleships in this battle..." Wang Yang immediately began to report.

After listening to Wang Yang's report, Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "We have indeed gained a lot. Send these data to our internal group to make everyone happy!"

"Yes!" Wang Yang responded, and then sent out all the data.

Jiang Yuntian and the others were very excited after seeing these data.

"It's better to get rich faster through war!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion.

"When the island owner quadruples the status, it will be really cool to quadruple these data!" Du Kang shouted in the group.

"Then should we have a celebration banquet today?" Zhu Wu suggested.

"That must be opened!" Du Kang was the first to respond.

At this time, Xiao Yi also said in the group: "Calling all managers back to the headquarters tonight!"

"Alright!" Du Kang replied.

Xiao Yi also specially sent a video call to Di Yi to inform her to return to the headquarters tonight.

"Island Master, what happened?" Di Yi asked curiously.

"We have a celebration banquet. We have harvested a lot of ships this time. You can also get to know everyone here." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Okay!" Di Yi responded, and then asked, "Can I take someone over?"

"Of course, don't forget to bring Ping'er with you!" Xiao Yi reminded.

"She will definitely not forget it. She has been clamoring to go to your place for a long time." Di Yi replied with a smile.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight." Xiao Yi replied.

The time soon came to seven o'clock in the evening, and the restaurant at the Yiranpin Alliance headquarters was already crowded.

"Island Master, we are all here, let's start!" Su Wan reminded from the side.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and walked onto the makeshift podium.

Seeing Xiao Yi walking up to the podium, everyone who was chatting stopped.

"Everyone, we won a great victory in today's battle with those pirates and gained a lot. This victory is the result of everyone's hard work. Specific rewards will be distributed later. Let's eat and drink here today!" Xiao Yi There is no nonsense, just greet everyone to start eating.

Since entering the restaurant, Ping'er's little eyes kept looking around.

When she saw the various foods on the dining table, she couldn't take her eyes away. (End of chapter)

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