"It's interesting that some people can survive my mental shock." A cold voice floated out.

"Then what should we do now?" Hongye asked with a frown.

"Just leave him to me. You continue to deal with those two ships!" A man covered in black robes came out of the corner and walked out of the cabin.

"Please put on your spacesuit and leave the cabin." The soldier on the side reminded.

"Jie Jie, I don't need it!" Hei Pao smiled slightly and then stepped into the buffer cabin.

The soldier was completely dumbfounded.

Hong Ye, who was following, said, "Send him out, he really doesn't need it!"

After hearing Hongye's instructions, the soldier had no choice but to close the door to the inside of the buffer cabin, and then open the door to the outside of the buffer cabin again.

The black shadow actually floated out directly!
Xiao Yi finally reacted when he saw the figure in black robe.

"It turns out that the White Rose Pirates were invaded by the undead!"

He never thought that this kind of purely indigenous organization would be invaded by the undead.

The other party flew to a position about one kilometer away from him and stopped.

"I really didn't expect to encounter a creature with such powerful mental power in this remote place!" The other party directly used his mental power to try to communicate with Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi cautiously replied: "Are you an undead?"

"You actually know about the undead?" The other party was a little surprised. In this universe, only a small part of the civilization has come into contact with the undead. It didn't expect that the creature wearing a mecha in front of it also knew about it.

Based on the opponent's attack just now, Xiao Yi estimated that the opponent's mental control distance is likely to reach [-] meters or even exceed [-] meters.

Therefore, Xiao Yi did not dare to act rashly.

"Shouldn't I know?" Xiao Yi asked.

"That's not true, it's just that few civilizations know about us." The other party replied, "Since you know our undead people, you should also know how powerful our undead people are. Join us. All the pirate groups here will be given to you, and I can give you eternal life.”

This sudden pull made Xiao Yi stunned for a moment.

"The pirates here are mine. As for eternal life, what's the point of eternal life if they can't see the light of day like you?" Xiao Yi snorted coldly and replied.

"It seems that you are not willing to join us, so I will have to take you in myself!" The other party was extremely confident.

At this time, the Hongye Fleet was very close to Jiang Yuntian's two battleships.

Xiao Yi was worried that Hongye and the others would directly attack Jiang Yuntian's ship, so he immediately raised his hand and fired a laser.

"If you don't want to die, then stay away from our ship." Xiao Yi said coldly, and his words were sent directly to the Hongye Fleet.

Just as he opened his mouth to speak, the undead suddenly launched an attack.

A powerful mental force condensed into an invisible arrow and shot towards Xiao Yi.

"Made, you actually made a sneak attack?"

Xiao Yi immediately controlled the mecha to avoid the opponent's spiritual arrows, and then started shooting at the undead.

The undead kept evading, but Xiao Yi seemed to have become a master of strokes at this time. He shot many large lasers but failed to hit the undead. At most, his cloak was riddled with holes, but it didn't touch him at all. To the body of the undead.

Du Kang and the others had also rushed over. After protecting the two battleships on Jiang Yuntian's side, they paid attention to the battle situation on Xiao Yi's side.

"Our island master's marksmanship is not that bad, right?" Zhu Wu said with a frown.

Du Kang shook his head: "Is it because the opponent's mental power is too high that it affects the island owner's attack?"

Now that Du Kang and the others' mental power has increased to over a thousand meters, they can already feel that the effect of their mental power has become greater after breaking through one thousand meters.Xiao Yi just told them that the opponent has a very powerful person with strong mental power. Xiao Yi said this about his opponent, which means that the opponent's mental power must be on par with the island owner!

With the improvement of mental power, it is really possible to influence others to attack.

Zhu Wu frowned: "If the other party's mental power can affect the island owner's attack, does that mean that the other party's mental power is stronger than our island owner?"

Du Kang nodded: "It seems to be a bit tricky!"

Hongye saw that Du Kang and the others had come to support him and did not continue to approach them.

The two sides stopped in tacit understanding, both watching the battle between Xiao Yi and the undead.

The battle on Xiao Yi's side will determine the outcome of the entire war.

Xiao Yi avoided the opponent's mental arrows while constantly attacking with the weapons on the mecha.

The black robe on the undead was riddled with holes, and the dark and shiny periosteum inside could be vaguely seen.

"The accuracy of your attack is too bad, isn't it?" The undead taunted while controlling the spiritual arrows to chase Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi snorted and didn't refute, and just continued to attack.

When the undead's black robes had turned into strips of cloth, Du Kang and the others in the distance saw that Xiao Yi's opponent turned out to be an undead.

"Wucao, there are actually undead here?" Du Kang said in surprise.

Zhu Wu was also stunned: "I always thought that there are no undead among the indigenous forces! It seems that they have penetrated into the indigenous forces in this universe."

Du Kang nodded.

"Then should we go over and help the island owner?" Zhu Wu asked.

"Don't get close!" Xiao Yi's voice appeared in the channel, "The other party's mental control range is suspected to be [-] meters. After you get close, I will be distracted to protect you!"

Du Kang and others were shocked when they heard Xiao Yi's words.

The undead with over [-] mental powers are a bit too strong!

"Has our island master's spiritual power exceeded [-]?" Zhu Wu asked cautiously.

Du Kang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know either! But since the island owner is dealing with him, it is probably about the same. He should at least have the strength to fight, otherwise the island owner would not take such a risk!"

He kept chasing Xiao Yi, but never caught up, and the undead became irritable.

"Hmph, it's time to end."

The undead snorted coldly, and a huge amount of spiritual power came over and enveloped Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi immediately became vigilant, but he did not notice that these mental powers formed an attack.

The next moment, he suddenly found that many skeletons suddenly appeared around him, and they rushed towards him brandishing bone knives.

Xiao Yi immediately activated the weapons on the mecha and attacked the surrounding skeletons.

After fighting for a while, Xiao Yi immediately realized something was wrong, because no matter how many he killed, another one would crawl out from behind.

In this way, he won't be able to kill them all!

The energy of the mecha is limited, and the attack on the undead just now has consumed a lot of energy.

"We can't continue fighting like this!" Xiao Yi stared at the undead in the distance and thought to himself. (End of chapter)

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