Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2952 Cleaning up the battlefield and surrendering again

"Isn't this the most primitive attack? How can it be so destructive?"

"A cannonball not only destroyed the defensive cover of the stellar battleship, but also destroyed half of the battleship. This is too powerful!"

"That shell is not simple, it must contain very advanced technology!"

Hong Ye, who was watching the battle from behind, was also shocked by the power of these shells.

"Don't be stunned, retreat immediately! If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!" A cold voice came out.

Only then did Hong Ye react, frowning and saying, "What about those stellar battleships?"

"Escape first! If all of you are gone, what's the point of having more stellar battleships?"

Hongye was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and immediately ordered: "Withdraw! Withdraw to the safety zone of the Grand Alliance!"

The Red Leaf Fleet immediately withdrew back.

The Yi Ranpin Alliance immediately discovered this, and Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice: "All the star-class battleships and stealth battleships will come with me, leaving behind the Hongye Fleet!"


The ships of the Yi Ranpin Alliance immediately divided into two groups, one group continued to attack the pirates in front of them, and the other group went after the Hongye Fleet.

The wave of attacks just now directly paralyzed most of the pirate star-class battleships, and those that were not paralyzed were also seriously damaged!
So Jiang Yuntian only left the planet-class battleships to finish here.

Seeing the Yiranpin Alliance fleet chasing after them, the cold voice sounded again: "Abandon all ships below the stellar level!"

Hongye was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said: "Now we only have two star-class battleships left. If we abandon all other ships, our pirate group will be completely dispersed."

"Safety first, only by surviving can there be hope."

Hong Ye took a breath and continued: "Don't you say you are very powerful? Why don't you use your own ability to take down the Munken team? In this way, we will have a large number of ships, and even a Munken The star is used as our base."

Hearing Hong Ye say this, the cold voice did not respond for a long time, seeming to be thinking about something.

"But the other party didn't come close to us at all, and there was nothing I could do about it."

Seeing that it was moving, Hongye said with a smile: "It's very simple. Just like before, we just surrender!"

"Yi Ranpin Alliance should not be so stupid!"

"Let's not talk about stupidity or not. As long as we surrender, he will always accept us. Isn't this the best time?" Hongye continued.

There was another moment of silence, as the man seemed to be weighing the benefits of this move.

"Then surrender!"

Hongye immediately became excited: "Okay!"

Jiang Yuntian, who was chasing the Hongye Fleet, suddenly found that the opponent had stopped.

"Everyone, stop too!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"What's going on with him? Did he know that he couldn't escape, so he didn't escape?" Du Kang looked at the Hongye Fleet that had stopped completely, with a puzzled look on his face.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head: "Don't get close to them first, let's see what tricks they plan to play!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Yuntian and the others received a surrender message from Hongye.

"Really surrendered?" Du Kang said in surprise.

"There is nothing surprising about this. Our strength has completely surpassed the Red Leaf Fleet, and they have no need to persist." Zhu Wu said with a smile.

"That's true, then let's just take them in and call it a day!" Du Kang responded.

"You go clear the battlefield first, and I will arrange to receive the Red Leaf Fleet." Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.


Du Kang and others joined the battlefield again, and the pirate groups completely gave up resistance and chose to surrender.

Di Yi, who had been watching Jiang Yuntian and the others fighting from behind, was also stunned. "What kind of cannonball is that? How can it be so powerful?"

After a long time, Di Yi asked this question.

Xiao Yi smiled and explained: "This is an anti-matter shell!"

"Anti-matter shells? Have you developed an anti-matter storage device?" Di Yi asked in shock.

"Correct your statement, it's not about research, it's about harvesting." Xiao Yi replied.

"Harvest?" Di Yi nodded, "Survivors are indeed amazing. I wonder which advanced civilization organized such a survival game!"

Xiao Yi shook his head and said: "I want to know the answer to this question more than you do. Well, the battle is basically over, let's go and take a look first!"

Di Yi nodded excitedly.

In this battle, the Yiranpin Alliance captured at least nine pirate groups, and they will harvest a large amount of ship supplies.

Rebuilding the White Rose Pirates is just around the corner.

Although the Yiranpin Alliance has star-class ships, the number is limited after all, and it is impossible to give her too many star-class ships to build a group.

But after this battle, they can harvest about thirty star-class ships, and Di Yi can apply for a few more star-class ships.

As for the serious damage to those star-class ships, Di Yi is not worried about this at all.

Don’t there be island monuments for survivors?You can use island monuments to instantly repair those stellar ships.

Thinking like this, the battleship Xiao Yi was riding on was already close to Jiang Yuntian's battleship. After docking, Xiao Yi and Di Yi came to Jiang Yuntian's side.

"Have drones and robots been arranged to go there?" Xiao Yi asked.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "The arrangements have been made, and now we are asking all of them to leave the cabin."

At this time, many people had already put on spacesuits and came out. They tied safety ropes to the handles outside the cabin.

"Island Master, you must leave that red leaf to me!" Di Yi pleaded.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Don't worry, no one will compete with you!"

"Thank you!" Di Yi said with cupped hands.

"Report to the instructor, all the other party's personnel have left the cabin!" A soldier ran over and reported.

"Arrange drones and intelligent robots to check again!" Jiang Yuntian was extremely cautious!


Multiple drones and intelligent robots entered the Red Leaf Fleet's ships, and after a search, no one was found.

Jiang Yuntian then ordered: "Get close to the Hongye Fleet immediately!"

At this moment, Xiao Yi felt a little nervous, as if some danger was coming.

"Wait a moment and keep the distance between you and the Red Leaf Arrows. Don't get close!" Xiao Yi suddenly said.

Jiang Yuntian and others were stunned for a moment: "What's wrong, island owner?"

We have just checked twice to confirm that there are no pirates hiding in the Hongye Fleet's ships. Why doesn't Xiao Yi let them get on?

Xiao Yi frowned slightly: "I always feel that there will be some danger!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Jiang Yuntian frowned and asked, "What danger?"

"Not sure, it's just a feeling." Xiao Yi shook his head slightly.

Di Yi on the side was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but said: "Generally speaking, it doesn't feel reliable." (End of Chapter)

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