"Although everyone wants a stellar-class battleship, we must also look at the strength before we do it!"

"What? Do you think our pirate group is not strong enough?"

"That's not the case, I just feel that we are stronger."

"Really? Then I want to test how strong you are!"

"Just try it!"

"Everyone, it will not do us any good to engage in division and confrontation at this time!"

Just as various pirate groups were fighting for their own interests, a stellar battleship suddenly launched an attack on the ship next to it!

"Wancao, are you serious?"

"I've long been dissatisfied with you! Do it!"

At the same time, another stellar-class battleship appeared and took the initiative to attack.

These two warships completely broke the existing situation, and the pirate groups began to fight.

In the distance, Xiao Yi was stunned when he saw the pirate groups fighting.

"What's going on? Weren't you fine before?"

Di Yi speculated: "The previous melee was indeed a show for us, but this time it should be real!"

Xiao Yi nodded.

In the previous melee, they didn't shoot at any vital parts, but this time the weapons on their battleships were all aimed at the opponent's vital parts.

Obviously this is a deadly move!
Xiao Yi was a little confused. These pirate groups didn't win the Yi Ranpin Alliance team, so why did they start fighting among themselves?

No one with any sense would do this.

Even if there is internal strife, we have to wait until we win over the Yi Ranpin Alliance team. Now, isn't the internal strife giving Yi Ranpin Alliance a chance in vain?

Di Yi seemed to understand Xiao Yi's confusion and said: "Perhaps they don't know the identity of you survivors, let alone that the island monument has the ability to repair ships instantly. In their view, all the ships on our side The ships have already been damaged, so there is no need to worry at all.”

Xiao Yi frowned and thought for a moment, then shook his head: "It's still wrong. They only saw that the ships we dispatched were damaged, but they never knew how many ships we had in total! They should not know this. No one would have thought of it!"

Hearing this, Di Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, this is indeed strange!"

Normally, these pirates shouldn't do this, but now they don't do it anymore, and they fight hard.

This made Xiao Yi completely confused.

"Then what should we do now? Just watch them fight?" Di Yi asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi shook his head, as if he wanted to get rid of the confusion in his mind.

"Of course, the harder they fight, the easier it will be for us to harvest." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Although I can't figure out why they did this, it is the best choice to wait and see what happens now.

At this time, not only Xiao Yi was confused, but also the members of the pirate group were very confused. They didn't know why they suddenly started fighting.

If others take action, they have to take action.

The two sides fought fiercely, but the surrendered Hongye Fleet stayed away from the incident, and no pirate group came directly to receive them.

Seeing this weird scene, Xiao Yi became more confident.

There must be something wrong with the pirate group!
At this time, in the Interstellar Pirate Alliance not far away, two old men were chatting while looking at the display screen in front of them.

What was displayed on the screen was that the Red Leaf Fleet was surrounded by many pirate groups, but it was watching the battles of other pirate groups unharmed.

"Are we really not going to take action?" "The White Rose Pirates didn't ask for help, so we don't have to take action."

"But their group fight is a bit big!"

"It's okay, they are just some third-level pirates. There is no need to waste time and energy on them."

"That's true. If this low-level pirate group is destroyed, it will be destroyed."

"In this case, there is no need to pay attention. Let's go and have a drink."

"Okay, this time you're a treat!"

"You stingy bitch, I'll give you my treat!"

The two old men got up and walked outside.

As a third-level pirate group, everyone has about the same strength. If they continue to fight like this, the final result will definitely be a lose-lose situation.

Xiao Yi has seen many planet-level battleships destroyed in the melee!

Just when Xiao Yi thought they would both lose, the battle suddenly stopped again.

"Have you finally come to your senses?" Xiao Yi said with a frown.

Di Yi on the side shook his head and did not answer.

She couldn't understand the operations of these pirate groups at all.

The next scene made Xiao Yi and Di Yi even more confused!
Those warships that stopped fighting actually swarmed towards the wormhole.

Even the red leaf fleet!
Xiao Yi almost didn't hesitate and immediately ordered: "Let Brother Jiang and the others rush out. We should be able to capture these ships now!"

The seven pirate groups combined have a large number of ships. If they really rush into the independent planet space, it will be really difficult to control.

More importantly, if so many ships self-destruct in the independent planet space, Xiao Yi is not sure whether it will affect the stability of the independent planet space!
Will so many ships choose to self-destruct?
Absolutely not outside, but in a closed space, they have been cornered. It’s hard to say what the character of pirates like you is!

This is one of the principles of surrounding three and missing one, and using troops to fight.

Completely surround the opponent and put him in a desperate situation. The opponent may make a last stand and give it a try.

Leaving a gap gives the opponent room to retreat. Once the opponent retreats, they will no longer have the courage to fight to the death, and it will be easier to annihilate!
After receiving Xiao Yi's order, Jiang Yuntian immediately led everyone and rushed out.

And those unmanned spacecraft blocking the entrance of the wormhole were immediately turned into scrap metal!
Seeing Jiang Yuntian and the others rushing out again, the originally menacing pirate team stopped in place.

At this time, they suddenly discovered that all of the other party's ships were intact.

"What is going on? We clearly hit their ship before, how could their ship be intact?"

"It's really strange. Could it be a new batch of ships?"

"This is very possible. Does Munken have so many ships?"

"It's okay, even if they get a new batch of ships, they still can't defeat us!"

"What if they didn't change it?"

Some of the more carefully observed pirates recognized the targets they had attacked before.

"How is this possible? What kind of maintenance engineering equipment have you seen that can repair all the damage in just ten minutes?"

"That's right, this is simply impossible! The damage caused by the previous battle is not small, and it definitely cannot be repaired in a short time."

"Then shall we continue to attack the Munken Star team?" (End of Chapter)

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