"Of course we have no objection to this. We can just study it together."

"In this case, there is no problem. When can we catch up with the Munken Star team?"

"Didn't the White Rose Pirates say they are just a planet-class battleship? As long as we are chasing in the right direction, we should be able to catch up soon."

"That's right, don't be anxious. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

At this moment, the pirate team responsible for detecting dark matter suddenly let out a cry of surprise, and then immediately sent a message in the group chat.

"The traces of Yi Ranpin's pirate group have disappeared!"

The other pirate teams were stunned when they saw the news.

"What do you mean by disappeared?"

"Literally, their traces suddenly disappeared right here!"

"how can that be?"

"At least judging from dark matter, that's the case."

"This is also possible. If the other party masters the leap technology, they can leave directly!"

"Yes, if the Yi Ranpin Pirates Group is really a team from the Munken Planet, then it would be understandable. The information provided by the Louis Pirates Group mentioned that they have long-distance teleportation technology!"

"So, we can't catch up with them?"

"Isn't it obvious? Even if we have long-distance transmission technology, we still need to know where the other party's destination is!"

"Damn, all the energy you spent before was in vain?"

“It’s all in vain indeed!”

"It's all the fault of the White Rose Pirates. If he hadn't provided the information, we wouldn't have come here."

"You can't say that. Since we have chosen to purchase that kind of information, we must bear the corresponding consequences. No one can guarantee that our information will be correct."

"I'm just complaining!"

At this time, Hongye had already returned to the planet where the Interstellar Pirate Alliance branch was located in the escape capsule.

Returning to the planet, he immediately came to the office of the Interstellar Pirate Alliance.

"When our pirate group was fighting the enemy, the leader unfortunately died in battle, and the pirate group token was also lost. Please apply for a replacement token now!" Hongye said to the staff member.

The staff member was slightly startled and replied: "Okay, please write down a description of the situation. We will publicize it for a week. If there are no accidents, you will get the temporary pirate group token after one week, and you can replace it with a formal pirate group after one year. Token.”

"Okay, thank you!" Hongye immediately began to write a description of the situation.

This is the rule of the Interstellar Pirate Alliance. In order to prevent some pirate groups from splitting up and randomly applying for replacement.

The Pirate Alliance encourages competition and even fighting among pirate teams, but they are more inclined to protect the stability within a pirate group.

If you really want to split up, then pull out a team yourself and form a pirate group.

Precisely because he knew this rule, Di Yi was not in a hurry to explain the situation to the Interstellar Pirate Alliance.

Of course, she had never had her hands free before. She wanted to wait for the Yiranpin Alliance ship to escape Hongye's pursuit before taking action on this matter.

As a result, everything that happened next shocked her so much that she postponed the matter.

Hongye quickly wrote a description of the situation and handed it to the staff.

After reviewing it, the staff member stamped it with the seal of the Interstellar Pirate Alliance, and then announced it.After this explanation was announced, it immediately aroused everyone's discussion.

"Wucao, what's going on with the White Rose Pirates? Why is there such an explanation all of a sudden?"

"I have long said that a pirate group should not be run by a woman. This situation is inevitable."

"What's wrong with women? Women can hold up half the sky!" Another female pirate leader immediately replied unconvinced.

"But your bodies are indeed somewhat different from men's. You don't deny this, right?"

“But there are advantages and disadvantages to this difference, isn’t it?”

"There is no need to discuss such an issue. Shouldn't we talk about the White Rose Pirates now? They sold information to us before. I suspect there is a lot of story in it."

"You can guess with your buttocks that the men in the White Rose Pirate Group must have dissatisfied with Na Di Yi's management, so they rebelled. Maybe Di Yi even escaped, so they didn't get the pirate group token. "

This pirate really made an accurate guess, which was basically consistent with the facts.

"No, I remember that most of the White Rose Pirates are women. These women should not choose a man to be their leader."

"It's hard to say what people's hearts are, and it has nothing to do with gender."

"That's right, as long as you can provide high enough benefits, [-]% of people will be tempted!"

"I feel like the White Rose Pirates are still very strong. Now that this happened, I wonder if we can have some soup?"

"If Di Yi doesn't show up within the next week, the White Rose Pirates will fall into the hands of others."

"So the key lies in Di Yi. It depends on when she appears."

"It's okay. There is still a one-year buffer period for the temporary pirate group token. If you haven't come back after a year, there is no need to come back."

One year is enough time for the rebels to completely take over the entire White Rose Pirates.

"Why do I feel like Di Yi will appear soon?"

"Why do you feel this way?"

"Because I suspect that Di Yi is very likely to be in the Munken Star Fleet."

"Yes, it's very possible! I suspect that we were used as a weapon by that rebel."

"The rebel deliberately revealed such information and asked us to chase him because he wanted us to help him deal with Di Yi!"

"That must be the case! Mad, if I encounter the White Rose Pirates again in the future, I must teach them a lesson."

At this time, Di Yi was studying Xia Guoyu seriously in the No. [-] independent planet space.

The guard came over with a glass of water.

"Captain, should we quickly explain the situation to the Interstellar Pirate Alliance?"

Di Yi looked away from the computer, nodded, and then shook his head: "Actually, it's not that urgent. Hongye and the others want to get the new pirate group token, and they have to announce it for at least a week, even if it's a week The time has passed, and all they got were temporary tokens. We still have plenty of time!"

The guard nodded slightly: "As long as I think of Hongye controlling the White Rose Pirates, I feel very uncomfortable."

"Don't worry, even though I have plenty of time, I won't give them too much time. I will find the island owner tomorrow and ask him to take us back. Hongye must not be allowed to easily control the White Rose Pirates!" Di Yi replied.

"Will the island owner really let us go back?" the guard asked with a frown.

What she was more worried about was that Xiao Yi saved them because of Di Yi's beauty. (End of chapter)

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