After hearing Hongye's order, the members of the Intelligence Department immediately sent over the images before and after the appearance of the enemy's star-class battleship.

After watching the video of the star-class battleship appearing, Hongye's brows also wrinkled.

"Have our observers been paying attention to the surrounding environment?" Hongye asked again.

"Yes, because we have left the control of the major leagues, everyone is very cautious and will not be careless in this regard." The boy on the side replied.

Hongye narrowed his eyes slightly: "If our people have always been cautious, then this star-class battleship is likely to be the kind of battleship that can become invisible."

"Captain, do you mean that this is the kind of stealth battleship that has been rumored in the major leagues recently?"

Hongye nodded slightly: "That should be it, arrange an escape cabin immediately, and we will evacuate in the escape cabin."

The younger brother was stunned for a moment and asked: "Then the two stellar-class battleships gave up?"

"I don't want to give up, but if the opponent has a stealth star-class battleship, it means that their civilization level is likely to reach level four, and ours is at most level three." Hongye said helplessly.

The boy was stunned again, then nodded, and immediately followed Hongye's instructions.

"Isn't this Yiranpin pirate group the team of Munken Planet?" Hong Ye thought, and then he immediately sent a message to the Interstellar Pirate Alliance.

"A team suspected of being from Munken Planet has arrived near the Interstellar Pirate Alliance. Please pay attention!"

Seeing this news, all the pirate teams near the Interstellar Pirate Alliance were stunned, and then immediately started discussing.

"The team from Munken Star is coming? How is this possible? It's so far away."

"Nothing is impossible. Do you still remember the news shared by the Louis Pirates before? Their planet Munken has a long-distance transmission device."

"Yes, they must have captured some members of Louis' pirate group, and they can easily get the specific location on our side."

"So, if you want to get Munken's stealth battleship and teleportation device, you don't need to go to Munken's system at all?"

"The person who released the information just now should be the White Rose Pirates. Can you tell us the location where you found the stealth battleship?"

"We want to know, too, and we pay for this intelligence."

Seeing the pirates' requests in the public chat channel, Hongye's eyes lit up slightly.

Maybe you can use this information in exchange for a lot of wealth!
There was another explosion, and Hongye was a little unsteady, and he hurriedly got into the escape cabin.

"Detonate our star-class battleship and stop the Yi Ranpin pirate group!" Hongye ordered.


The escape capsule quickly ejected and flew quickly towards the Major League!
The stellar battleship that stayed in place suddenly exploded violently.

This explosion blocked the Yi Ranpin Alliance ship!
At the same time, Hongye sold this information to all the pirates near the Interstellar Pirate Alliance at a high price.

When the pirates got the specific location of the invisible warship, they immediately rushed over.

"Island Master, let's not chase him. Many pirates are coming." Di Yi suddenly said.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Did Hongye still expose our information?"

Di Yi was also stunned. She didn't expect Xiao Yi to guess what happened right away!
She nodded and projected the watch on her wrist.

The above is the chat of various pirate teams.

Xiao Yi and the others learned the common language of the pirate alliance from the prisoners of Louis' pirate group.So they can probably understand the meaning of the chat above.

"You still have some brains!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "Brother Jiang, please clean up the mess here, and we will retreat!"

Although the strength of those pirates varies, it is always a bit troublesome for so many pirates to come together!
"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded, turned around and walked out.

Soon a huge wormhole appeared on the side, and many battleships flew out of it and directly pulled the destroyed star-class battleship into it.

After pulling it in, the wormhole immediately closed, and Jiang Yuntian directed the battleship to fly to the other side.

"So you are indeed the team from Munken Star, right?" Di Yi couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "To be precise, Munken Planet is my affiliated planet."

Di Yi suddenly remembered that Xiao Yi had said before that pirates threatened the safety of his affiliated planet.

In this way, everything is right.

"Then who are you? What level of civilization has your level reached?" Di Yi continued to ask.

After all, she would take Ping'er to follow Xiao Yi in the future, so she had to get to know them a little bit.

"This matter is more complicated. To put it simply, I am a person who is struggling to survive. For more detailed information, after you join our alliance, you can read the history of our alliance yourself." Xiao Yi helplessly spread his hands and replied. .

Di Yi nodded slightly.

Xiao Yi paused and continued: "As for our civilization level, you may be disappointed if you tell us that we are currently only a second-level civilization."

"Second-level civilization? How is this possible? That star-level stealth battleship is not just a second-level civilization!" Di Yi was full of disbelief.

"I don't need to lie to you, and I don't need to be humble." Xiao Yi spread his hands, "This is related to our identity as survivors. Although it is possible to harvest items from advanced civilizations, our own strength has not yet reached the corresponding civilization level. .”

Another new term was placed in front of Di Yi.

She felt that Xiao Yi and his group were becoming more and more mysterious, and she became more and more curious.

"Brother Jiang, in order to prevent the other party from having tracking equipment, everyone enters the independent planet space and comes out tomorrow." Xiao Yi gave the order after thinking for a while.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

A wormhole suddenly appeared in front of the advancing battleship, and the battleship dived into it.

After entering Space [-], Xiao Yi said: "It's [-]% safe here. It's getting late. Go and have a good rest!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Di Yi was surprised again.

She couldn't think of any place that was [-]% safe. Any planet or galaxy would have potential dangers. Could this be an exception?

"No need to be surprised. You will know after you study the history of our alliance. See you tomorrow!"

After Xiao Yi finished speaking, he turned and left.

Di Yi returned to his suite with the computer and mobile phone Xiao Yi had prepared for him.

The guard who came with her saw Di Yi coming back and hurriedly came forward: "Captain, the food of this pirate group is very high-end!"

Di Yi nodded slightly: "It is said that these are SSS-level foods and contain a lot of energy!" (End of this chapter)

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