Jiang Yuntian's eyes lit up when he saw Xiao Yi walking over with Di Yi.

He finally understood why Xiao Yi said that Di Yi gave him a good impression.

Dee Yi is so beautiful!

She has a good face and a well-proportioned figure. She is big where she should be and thin where she should be.

Even the two raised horns on her head did not destroy her overall beauty, but instead added a charm.

"Brother Jiang, how is the situation now?" Xiao Yi asked.

Jiang Yuntian replied: "Although the opponent is a stellar-class battleship, their weapon operation skills are too poor. In addition, we have laser shield defense, so we can handle it. It is a bit difficult to defeat it."

"Don't worry now!" Xiao Yi translated, then looked at Di Yi with a smile.

Di Yi nodded. At this time, she finally understood.

"Those people led by Hongye are just a bunch of ragtag people who have never properly trained their combat skills! In addition, he started a temporary attack and probably did not arrange the best soldiers in the corresponding positions."

Xiao Yi nodded.

But Di Yi frowned and continued: "What if there is another stellar-class battleship?"

"It is indeed a trouble." Jiang Yuntian nodded, "Island owner, do you want to capture them?"

"It's better to stay away, at least don't let too many people see it!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes, island owner!" Jiang Yuntian immediately began to issue evacuation orders.

Seeing Jiang Yuntian fighting and retreating, Di Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and Xiao Yi finally accepted her suggestion.

At this time, the soldier on the side said: "Report to the island owner that all the food you asked to prepare is ready."

"Send one copy to their room, and then send another copy here!" Xiao Yi ordered.


The food was soon brought over and placed on the table nearby.

"Eat something to replenish your energy first. You just lost a lot of blood and need to replenish it." Xiao Yi pointed to the food on the table.

Di Yi was not polite, walked over and started eating.

After taking the first bite, Di Yi was surprised: "How come there is such a powerful energy in your food?"

"These are SSS-level foods, although they have higher energy than ordinary foods." Xiao Yi explained briefly.

"This food must be expensive, right?" Di Yi asked curiously.

"It may be expensive for others, but it's very cheap for us internally." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Di Yi nodded, hesitated, and asked, "Can I leave this food to Ping'er?"

Xiao Yi was slightly stunned. It seemed that there was no interpreter just now, and Di Yi did not understand the conversation between him and the soldier.

"Don't worry, they have some too and have sent them to the room. These are yours alone." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Di Yi was stunned for a moment and nodded: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, I'm pointing you to recommend it to us!" Xiao Yi waved his hand.

Hearing this, Di Yi pondered for a moment and took out the pirate group token from his waist.

"Thank you for saving the three of us. We have nothing to repay, so we can only give you this token, so that you can directly join the Interstellar Pirate Alliance in the name of the White Rose Pirates!"

Seeing the round token that Di Yi took out, Jiang Yuntian asked curiously.

Xiao Yi explained to him in a low voice, and Jiang Yuntian suddenly realized.

"So we saved the right person?" Jiang Yuntian said in surprise.Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "We did save the right person. If we choose Hongye, we might not even be able to get recommended now."

Jiang Yuntian couldn't help but give Xiao Yi a thumbs up.

"You still have good taste!"

After saying that, he glanced at Di Yi meaningfully, with a strange look in his eyes.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes helplessly, ignored Jiang Yuntian, and said to Di Yi: "You should take this pirate group token first. After all, you are the most familiar with things in the Interstellar Pirate Alliance. I will make arrangements for you." Team, how about you help me keep an eye on the Interstellar Pirate Alliance?"

Di Yi was stunned for a moment, frowned and asked, "Why are you staring at the Interstellar Pirate Alliance? Do you have any grudge against them?"

"I have no grudge against this alliance, but the information leaked by this alliance has put my affiliated planet in danger, so I need to know all the information about my affiliated planet in the Interstellar Pirate Alliance." Xiao Yi explained simply road.

"Okay!" After listening to Xiao Yi's explanation, Di Yi agreed without any hesitation.

Now she has no other better choice. Those who were loyal to her in the original White Rose Pirate Group will definitely be purged.

Even if she gets it back, she won't be able to control the entire pirate group smoothly.

After agreeing to Xiao Yi's conditions, Di Yi began to eat without ceremony.

Now she is working for Xiao Yi, and she has no salary yet, so she has to provide food and accommodation.

Thinking of this, Di Yi ate faster!
After finishing all the food she was given, her face turned rosy.

It seems that SSS-level food works well.

"Island owner, we have pulled out a million kilometers of distance, can we take action now?" Jiang Yuntian glanced at the warships chasing them closely behind and asked.

"Is there anyone else watching the fun?" Xiao Yi asked.

Jiang Yuntian glanced at the spy satellites they released along the way and shook his head: "No, they have basically been thrown away."

"Well, then get ready to take action!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.


At this time, Hong Ye looked at the battleship of the Yi Ranpin Alliance with a gloomy face.

"Captain, we have chased you too far, why don't you wait for our reinforcements?" the boy on the side suggested in a low voice.

"I know, but we have to chase!" Hongye said helplessly.

The younger brother on the side was a little confused.

"The pirate ship's token is with Di Yi!" Hongye continued.

Now all the younger brothers understood.

If Di Yi fails to catch her this time and she has a chance to breathe, she will definitely delete all their ships registered in the Interstellar Pirate Alliance.

Once deleted, they will not be able to enter the space ports and planets controlled by the Interstellar Pirate Alliance.

Not to mention the various benefits of the Interstellar Pirate Alliance, such as intelligence, high-end items, etc.

"Captain, this Yiranpin pirate group is a little weird. They have used planet-level battleships to resist us for so long! We'd better be careful!" the younger brother on the side reminded again.

"I know too, but do you have any better suggestions now?" Hongye asked.

The young man shrank his head and stopped talking.

Anyone can ask questions, but Hongye wants someone who can solve them.

"How long will it take for the support from behind to arrive?" Hongye asked with a frown.

"At this current speed, there are still about 3 minutes left!" (End of Chapter)

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