"It seems so. For example, the elixirs of Yiranpin Alliance cannot be measured by civilization level."

"There is really no need for the Yi Ranpin Alliance to lie to us, otherwise there would be no need for him to tell us about this wormhole that suddenly appeared and disappeared."

"If what they say is true, why is there such a wormhole?"

"Why wouldn't it happen? Do the rules of the world tell you that it won't happen?"

"That's right, we don't understand this universe at all. Who can figure out where wormholes will appear?"

"Black holes sometimes appear randomly. Survivors of the original chaotic galaxy should know this."

"Yes, before the galaxy collision, we did encounter a black hole, but the black hole seemed to have reached a critical value at that time. After swallowing it, it ejected a lot of matter."

"This is also different from the black holes observed on our home star."

"Everything here cannot be inferred based on our original knowledge."

"However, the appearance of the wormhole this time is too coincidental, right?"

"Indeed, if you don't show up early, you won't show up later. You just wait until the Yi Ranpin Alliance team finds each other."

"It's really a coincidence, but what I'm more curious about is what kind of galaxy is on the other side of the wormhole?"

"What's so curious about this? It must be similar to ours. It's just another galaxy of survivors."

Not only were they curious about this matter, Xiao Yi and the others were also discussing it.

"Isn't God so blessed by Fei Frog?" Du Kang sighed with emotion.

"Yes, last time Ba Yi'aoxing attacked them, he escaped successfully. This time we attacked them, he escaped successfully again. If it is not taken care of by the rules of the world, I don't believe it!" Zhu Wu continued.

"Where will the world rules send them this time?" Feng Menglong said with a frown.

"No one knows this, but I guess it should still be in the galaxies near us." Jiang Yuntian speculated.

When the Bayio Galaxy attacked Flying Frog before, Flying Frog was teleported into the Domi Hot Galaxy. Although the method was different from this time and there was no wormhole last time, the feeling was essentially the same.

"If that's the case, should we reiterate the wanted order?" Du Kang suggested.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Let me emphasize it again. The previous wanted order will continue to be valid. I hope everyone can provide more information about Fei Frog's star-class battleship!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded, and then sent a message in the public chat room again.

"Hello, fellow survivors, the previous wanted order is still valid, including rewards. I hope you will tell us in time when you find any traces of Flying Frog."

Seeing this news, all the survivors became excited again.

"It seems that the Yi Ranpin Alliance must capture that star-class battleship."

"Isn't this good? I hope the lucky one this time is me!"

"This time Fei Frog's star-class battleship was destroyed again by the Yiranpin Alliance. He shouldn't be able to repair it again, right?"

"This is not certain. Everyone thought that Flying Frog could not repair his star-class battleship before, but when it appeared again, the star-class battleship was able to fly normally."

"That's right, no one knows if Fei Frog has that kind of special equipment. Maybe he can easily repair his warship."

"There's nothing to hesitate about, keep looking for the flying frog!"

While everyone was excitedly looking for stellar battleships around them, Xianzhen, who had passed through the wormhole, was looking at the surrounding environment with vigilance.

Not a trace of light can be seen here, not a single star!
Xiangzhen hurriedly came to the island monument and looked at the public channels on the island monument.

No one spoke!

Even in the Chaos Galaxy, where everyone is basically using the network of the Yi Ranpin Alliance, there will still be people sending messages on the public channel of Dao Bei.

There is no information at all here, which can only explain one problem.There are no survivors here!
Coupled with the darkness around him, Xiang Zhen had no idea where he was.

This absolute darkness made Xiang Zhen very uncomfortable.

It's like diving deep into the Mariana Trench, surrounded by darkness and silence!

I can't feel myself moving at all.

Of course, Xiang Zhen didn't dare to move easily. Since the wormhole appeared in this place, there was a chance it would appear again.

If you stay where you are and wait, you may have a better chance of going back.

These are all wishful thinking and self-righteousness.

At this moment, a voice sounded in his mind.

She didn't understand the language, but she understood its meaning.

"I saved you. Now you have two choices. One is to die here, and the other is to cooperate with me."

"Who are you?" Xiang Zhen asked warily.

"You don't need to know who I am, I can save you anyway."

Xiang Zhen frowned, but he quickly decided: "I will cooperate with you!"

The other party can create a wormhole at will and save himself here, which means that the other party is extremely powerful and there is no need for him to fight with the other party.

Of course Xiang Zhen doesn't want to die, and the other party is so strong, so why should he hesitate?
"Congratulations, you made a very right choice!"

"I have decided to cooperate with you, should I be sent back?" Xiang Zhen asked directly.

"There's no rush. Since you choose to cooperate with me, let's complete the contract!"

Almost at the same time, a contract appeared in Xiangzhen's spiritual world.

Seeing the contract, Xiang Zhen hesitated.

As long as she signs the contract, her life is no longer under her control.

But right now, she seems to have no other choice.

Xiang Zhen shook his head helplessly, and then accepted the contract with his own spiritual power.

After completing the contract, Xiang Zhen asked: "Can you send me back now?"

"Of course, your next task is to hunt down those survivors!"

Upon hearing this mission, Xiang Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you an undead?"

"You have a pretty flexible mind. No matter who I am, just do as I ask."


Nowadays, people are serving as swordsmen and I am serving as flesh and blood. Xiangzhen has no right to refuse.

"Okay, then I will send you back to the Domire Galaxy now."

"Wait a minute! When you send me back to the Domi Hot Galaxy, can you not be at the previous location?" Xiang Zhen asked, "The Yiranpin Alliance will definitely arrange surveillance at the previous location. As soon as I show up, they will They will definitely come and surround me."

"Don't worry about this, I will arrange for you to appear in another location."

"My battleship is seriously damaged now. Can you help repair it?" Xiangma continued.

"No, but I can provide you with a batch of resources!" (End of Chapter)

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