Chapter 2918 is different, being attacked
When Sun Hong saw Xiao Yi agreed to Wang Yang's application, he couldn't help but said: "Star Master, what about us?"

"According to production capacity, you can divide it among yourself!" Xiao Yi replied.

Blue also wanted to apply, but there had just been a riot in his area and he was really embarrassed to ask.

"The same goes for Blue. Priority is given to the scientific researchers in the laboratory." Xiao Yi continued.

"Me, there are some here too?" Blue was a little surprised when he saw the news in the group.

"What? If you don't want it, you can give it all to us." Wang Yang said with a smile.

"Yes, definitely!" Blue said hurriedly.

"The riot is over. I believe those prisoners will be more at ease." Xiao Yi continued.

"Don't worry, island owner, there will never be another riot on my side." Blue promised.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Doing a good job in publicity can effectively appease people's hearts."

"Yes, Island Master, I will publicize it well." Blue responded.

As long as the video of Xiao Yi suppressing the riot is played to everyone, it can indeed "pacify" the restless hearts of the captives.

"You should pay a little attention to those who have awakened special abilities." Xiao Yi warned.

"Yes!" the three of them replied one after another.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of Xiao Yi's office.

"Please come in!" Xiao Yi put down his phone and raised his head and said.

The door was opened and Sun Yao walked in from the outside.

"Island Master, the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon that I read on Earth has been written down and sent to your email."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded slightly, opened his mailbox, and downloaded the Huangdi Neijing sent by Sun Yao.

Xiao Yi compared the Huangdi Neijing rewarded by the system with the one written by Sun Yaomo, and found that they were really different!
"It seems that what you read on Earth is not the original version!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Not genuine?" Sun Yao was slightly startled, "Island Master, what do you mean?"

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic that you wrote down from memory is still somewhat inconsistent with what I have learned." Xiao Yi explained.

"Isn't this normal? After so many years of communication on the earth, it is normal for there to be gaps and errors." Sun Yao replied, "What you harvested was generated by the rules of the world here, so naturally it should be correct. of."

"That's not necessarily true. What if the rules of the world are wrong?" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Maybe it's possible, but the probability is too small." Sun Yao shook his head.

"Okay, wait for me to compare and study it here, and then talk after confirming it!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"Then I will enter the trial space first."

Because he had to memorize the Huangdi Neijing, Sun Yao had not yet entered the trial space.

"Go ahead. After entering, tell the brothers who are stationed in the trial space that in reality we have produced advanced genetic medicine. If they choose to inject it, then come out." Xiao Yi reminded.


After Sun Yao left Xiao Yi, he immediately returned to his island monument and chose to enter the trial space.

After entering the trial space, he immediately found Jie Coin and repeated the island owner's words.

Jie Bi was stunned for a moment: "Didn't the island owner not recommend that we inject advanced genetic medicine so early?"

"The results of Wang Yang's experiment have come out. There should be no special side effects. They just need to improve their actual combat capabilities." Sun Yao replied.

Jie Bi nodded slightly: "In this case, let's just inject it directly. First, increase your mental power and slowly accumulate combat experience."

"Well, then you should arrange for them to go out!" Sun Yao said and walked towards Wei Bo.Jie Bi immediately found Bai Qi and Li Xiang and told them the time.

"Did you let go completely so soon?" Bai Qi was a little surprised.

Jie Bi nodded and replied: "Yes, I was a little surprised when I received this notification. However, since it has been tested, there should be no problem."

"Okay, I'll go out right away. Li Xiang, where are you?" Bai Qi said.

"Same!" Li Xiang said concisely.

Bai Qi and Li Xiang immediately chose to leave the trial space.

After coming to reality, they obtained the high-level gene potion and completed the injection, then returned to the trial space.

In the Yiranpin Alliance, almost all survivors chose to be injected with advanced genetic medicines.

Especially Hualang, who came later. He only returned after the Yiranpin Alliance entered the Bayao system.

He already lags far behind everyone in terms of cultivation.

Now that he has advanced genetic medicine, he can finally keep pace with everyone.

Seeing that most people had been injected with high-level genetic medicine, Jiang Yuntian sent a message to Xiao Yi and asked: "Island owner, do we also need to be injected with this high-level genetic medicine?"

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Our mental power has already exceeded one thousand, why do we still need to inject advanced genetic medicine?"

"Didn't you say that there are nano-medical robots in this advanced genetic medicine?" Jiang Yuntian asked the same question.

Xiao Yi immediately understood what he meant.

After being injected with advanced genetic medicine, the nano-medical robot will stay in your body to patrol and maintain your health.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied: "My suggestion is not to inject and rely on external substances to maintain your health. It is better to improve your physical fitness."

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand!"

At this time, Amelia Su suddenly called Xiao Yi in the internal group chat.

"Island owner, there is a situation in the public chat room!"

Xiao Yi immediately opened the public chat room.

"No way. Could it be that there are survivors whose mental power has exceeded a thousand?"

"This is possible. I just remind everyone to stay away from any spacecraft that tries to get close to you."

Xiao Yi scrolled up again and finally understood what happened.

Just now, a survivor in the Dinosaur Galaxy was attacked.

The opponent does not attack with a spaceship, but with mental power.

The survivor who was attacked thought that it was the bones and souls of the undead elders who had taken action, so he explained the situation in the public chat room while escaping.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately spoke: "Currently, there are very few survivors who can reach a spiritual power of over [-], so there is a high probability that the person who just attacked you is a bone soul."

"Boss Yi Ranpin has spoken!"

"I think so too. Nowadays, the only ones with spiritual power that can exceed [-] are members of the Yiranpin Alliance, or a very few survivors who are lucky enough to have harvested high-level genetic medicine. The former will not take the initiative to attack survivors, but want to meet them. The probability of reaching the latter is too small.”

"So the ones who just attacked me were the undead?"

"The possibility is very high. Can you tell us your coordinates? We will arrange a team to go there and take a look!" Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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