Chapter 2916 The loyal younger brother robs the opponent
Xiang Zhen's younger brother took a deep breath and rushed to the intruder's location.

Although he was injected with intermediate genetic medicine, his actual combat ability is limited.

It can only be said that he should not be weaker than his opponent in terms of mental strength.

If you really fight, you will most likely lose.

But now that Xiang Zhen is gone, he has no choice but to step up.

He also wants to rely on Xiang Zhen to return to his home planet, and then help his home planet improve its civilization level!
They have been getting along with Xiang Zhen for a long time, and the two of them are getting along very happily. If another survivor is attached to him, no one can say whether they will get along with each other better than Xiang Zhen.

To put it simply, this indigenous guy is very satisfied with the status quo and doesn't want to change.

Although the stellar battleship has a lot of space, as a psychic with over [-] spiritual powers, he quickly reached the location of the invaders.

According to Xiang Zhen's request, only emergency lighting was turned on in all spaces on the Stellar-class battleship.

This was done just to confuse the survivors they might encounter.

As long as other survivors think that this stellar-class battleship is still in a damaged state, they may take it lightly.

As long as the opponent takes it lightly, they can easily defeat their opponent.

Although this stellar-class battleship has not yet been restored to its complete state, some weapons are still usable.

Except for the Yiranpin Alliance team, other survivors can basically easily solve it.

Of course, you also have to consider that other survivors will receive some special weapons and equipment, so no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful.

As Xiang Zhen expected, the survivor who touched the stellar battleship really relaxed when he saw emergency lighting all around.

Because a normal star-class battleship must have defense facilities inside, but if the ship can only provide emergency lighting, those defense facilities will definitely not be able to work.

"When I capture this stellar battleship, I can become the first group of survivors!" The survivor thought happily.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared at the end of the corridor.

"Stop! Who are you?" The native boy spoke Xia Mandarin, which was not very fluent.

The common language of several nearby galaxies is Xia Mandarin, so when you meet a stranger, you can use Xia Mandarin immediately and have a chance to communicate with them.

After hearing the other party's question, the survivor became more convinced that the Qiu survivor in front of him was Fei Frog.

Because the Yiranpin Alliance had just settled in the Bayio system not long ago, it was very normal for Feiwa's Xia Mandarin not to be fluent in Mandarin.

This is right again!
"You must be the Flying Frog of Bayio Star! Hand over this stellar battleship to me honestly, so as not to suffer any physical pain!" The survivor had a chance to win.

"Just because you want to steal this stellar battleship?" The native boy did not answer the other party's words, but asked with a slight contempt.

"Hmph, it's just me!" The survivor rushed over without saying anything.

At the same time, two metal flying swords appeared next to the survivor!
Seeing the two metal flying swords, the native boy started to cry inwardly.

Because after he was injected with the intermediate genetic medicine, he awakened the wood element.

Not only does the opponent have more combat experience than him, but he also restrains him in making connections, so he will definitely lose!

Even if he is bound to lose, he still has to fight, at least to attract the opponent's attention and provide those intelligent robots with opportunities for sneak attacks.

The native boy gritted his teeth and formed a huge wooden shield in front of himself.

The survivors who were charging forward were even more happy when they saw that the other party turned out to be a wood-type superpower. "Hahaha, break it for me!"

The survivor controlled the metal flying sword and stabbed straight at the wooden shield.

There was a loud noise and sawdust flew!

At this moment, several vines suddenly appeared around and entangled the survivors.

The survivor was not aware for a moment and was actually entangled in the vines!

The survivor was stunned for a moment, then sneered and said disdainfully: "You are stubborn! Stop it!"

The two flying swords immediately turned back and cut off all the vines on his body!
"You'd better stop struggling, it's just a waste of effort!" The survivor continued his verbal offensive.

But the native boy said nothing and continued to use his powers and attack.

The survivor's patience was worn away, and he immediately used all his strength to merge the two metal flying swords into one, and flew straight towards the native boy with endless sharp energy.

"Do it!" the native boy suddenly shouted.

The survivor warned loudly in his heart, but now that he had fired his bow and had no arrow to turn back, he could only bite the bullet and get rid of the flying frog in front of him first.

With a loud shout from the native boy, several doors suddenly opened in the corridors on both sides, and dozens of robots rushed out from inside, and started shooting at the survivor.

At this moment, the soul of the survivor emerged, and he hurriedly mobilized his remaining mental power to form several metal shields around him.

Although the battle just now was not long, his mental power was not much higher than that of the native boy. Even though his attributes were restrained, he still consumed a lot of mental power!
At this time, the metal shield he condensed with his mental power was very thin, and the intelligent robots in front of him were items from the third-level civilization and were full of attack power.

The laser fired by the robot instantly penetrated those metal shields and hit the survivor with unabated force!
Puff puff!
The beam of light instantly penetrated the survivor. The survivor watched in disbelief as he was beaten into a sieve and fell down unwillingly!

At the same time, the metal flying sword released by the survivor also stabbed the indigenous boy!

But at the last moment, the native boy dodged the vital position, and Cui Jian stabbed him in the right shoulder, causing blood to flow freely.

"Quick! Enter his spaceship immediately. If there is any resistance, kill him immediately!" the native boy endured the severe pain and ordered.

Those intelligent robots immediately rushed to the survivor's miniature spaceship.

There were indeed two natives in the miniature spaceship. After the survivor was killed, they immediately felt that the contract had disappeared.

"What's going on? Why has the contract on me disappeared?"

"Mine seems to have disappeared too."

"Did the owner take the initiative to terminate the contract?"

"Probably not! I feel it is very likely that the master is in danger!"

"So we are free? How about we just take this spaceship away?"

"Okay! There are no contract restrictions anymore, so hurry up and leave!"

After such a discussion, the two immediately started the micro spaceship to prepare to break away from the stellar battleship.

Just when the interface was about to be completely closed, it suddenly stopped, then slowly opened again, and a team of robots rushed in.

The two men immediately gave up their resistance and chose to surrender without any hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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