"If we don't rush out, what if Yi Ranpin only attacks from this distance? Aren't we still a living target? We can't attack him, but he can attack us."

In the eyes of the rioters, Xiao Yi stopped at a position of 1000 to [-] meters, which should be his attack distance.

As for the high-grade gold potion they injected yesterday, their mental power has just reached 1000 meters today.

If they don't close the distance, they won't be able to attack Xiao Yi.

"Then let's fight! All the earth and metal superpowers will take cover, and the other superpowers will rush over together!"

"Okay, let those two special powers hide in the middle!"

"Now that you've decided, don't hesitate, let's do it!"

The hatch of the spacecraft suddenly opened, and the rioters rushed out.

The surrounding land suddenly rose up, forming earth walls to protect the rioters.

A metal plate appeared on each earthen wall.

"These people still have some brains." Xiao Yi smiled slightly when he saw their actions.

"Does the island owner need me to remove those metal plates?" Jiang Yuntian asked in a deep voice.

Jiang Yuntian is a metal superpower, so he can directly seize control of those metals.

Originally Xiao Yi didn't want Jiang Yuntian to take action, but he suddenly changed his mind: "Okay, you give it a try!"

After receiving Xiao Yi's order, Jiang Yuntian no longer hesitated and immediately released his mental power to seize control of those metals.

The rioters who rushed out suddenly discovered that Xiao Yi did not activate the ship attack!

They were instantly overjoyed!

"Hurry up, we have a chance, they didn't let the surrounding ships attack us."

"That's right, this alliance leader is too trusting, let him pay the price this time!"

"It's bad if someone takes control of our defense metal!"

"We must hold on, they must want to destroy the metal defense, and then use the ship to attack!"


Those rioters who had just awakened their metal powers were trying their best to fight Jiang Yuntian for control of the metal.

Jiang Yuntian's current mental power is more than 800 meters, which is mainly due to the nearly [-] meters of mental power gained from Tuwa.

The mental power of the rioters in front of him had already exceeded [-]. They worked together to seize control of the metal. Jiang Yuntian immediately felt a little struggling.

And as time passed, Jiang Yuntian felt that he couldn't hold it any longer!
"Island Master, there are too many people on the other side, I can't hold on any longer!" Jiang Yuntian said hurriedly.

"Don't be anxious!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, then took a step forward, snapped his fingers, and all the opponent's defenses were instantly eliminated!
The rioters who were charging forward were stunned for a moment.

"What's going on? What kind of planes are the metal and earth superpowers doing?"

"Yeah, why did you suddenly withdraw all your defenses?"

"We don't know what happened, but suddenly all the metal we could control disappeared!"

"What about the soil element? The ground is covered with soil now. Don't tell me, the soil you can control is gone."

"It's true. Although the ground is full of dirt, we can't control even one speck of dust!"

"What's the matter?"

"Now is not the time to dwell on this matter! We are almost within a thousand meters. As long as we rush into a thousand meters, we will definitely be able to control the leader of the Yiranpin Alliance."

Hearing someone shouting like this, others no longer hesitated and continued to move forward!

Jiang Yuntian saw Xiao Yi defeating all the opponent's defenses so easily, and sighed helplessly in his heart: "I thought that the experience of eating earth tiles would allow me to keep up with the island owner, but I didn't expect that the gap is still so big!"

In the next moment, the rioters were already 1000 meters away. "Let's all attack together, attack with all our strength, distract his attention, and my chance of a successful sneak attack will be much greater."

A murmur came from the crowd of rioters.

The rioters no longer hesitated and launched an attack together.

Suddenly fireballs, vines, water arrows, earth thorns, golden needles, etc. flew all over the sky, all attacking Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi raised his head, glanced at the attacks, and then slowly closed his eyes.

"Hahaha, this alliance leader must have been frightened!"

"That's right, I'm prepared not to resist!"

"What if we kill him?"

"Yes, if their leader dies, the other party will definitely fight us to death!"

"Everyone, please withdraw your attacks quickly!"

"This is a bit overwhelming. Many of us have just become superpowers and are not yet proficient in using superpowers. It is unrealistic to withdraw our attacks now."

"Yes, now we can only hope that our thunder blow will scare away the rest of the Yi Ranpin Alliance!"

While speaking, those attacks had already arrived in front of Xiao Yi.

But what shocked the rioters was that all attacks stopped about one meter away from Xiao Yi.

"what's going on?"

"Why did our attack stop?"

"No, succubus, attack quickly!"

At this moment, Xiao Yi felt a spiritual force rushing into his spiritual world.

This kind of spiritual power is very similar to the charm of the fox clan!
"Is this what you rely on?" Xiao Yi was even a little disappointed. He also thought that these people could awaken some abilities that he didn't have!
Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly and with a wave of his hand, all the attacks turned back along the original path.

The rioters were shocked when they saw this scene!
"Retreat!" someone shouted.

Only then did the other rioters react and fled back.

But those attacks that turned back followed them closely as if they were equipped with precision guidance.

At this moment, they finally realized that the leader's strength was unfathomable and completely surpassed those of them who had just awakened with powers!
"King Kong, take action quickly! Otherwise we will all stay here!"

Seeing that the attacking rioters were about to catch up with the escaping rioters, another loud shout came from the crowd.

A short soldier jumped directly in front of everyone.

The rioters who were fleeing hid behind the soldier.

Xiao Yi looked at the soldier in surprise.

"King Kong? This figure doesn't fit the image of King Kong!" Xiao Yi was speechless.

The soldier immediately used his powers.


Xiao Yi was startled and his eyes lit up.

The elemental fluctuations caused by the soldier's use of supernatural powers were unlike any he had encountered before.

"This element seems to be able to tear apart space?" Xiao Yi was even more surprised.

I saw the soldier as the center of the circle, with a radius of 1000 meters, quickly opening from one side, just like unfolding a folding fan. (End of chapter)

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