Chapter 291 There is also an S-level roc eagle
Xiao Yi pointed to a brown bear and a wild boar among the wild beasts, and said, "These two are A-level, are you sure you'll keep them?"

Jiang Yuntian licked his lips and replied, "No problem!"

"Okay, go ahead, I'll look after the rest for you!" Xiao Yi said.

Jiang Yuntian drew out his dagger, thinking that the bear and pig would walk over.

There was an A-level tiger on the side. I don't know why it didn't jump on the city wall before, but Xiao Yi walked straight over with Xuanyuan Sword in hand!
The tiger looked at Xiao Yi in horror, and even took several steps back!

Originally, Xiao Yi's level was higher than him, and coupled with the coercion of Xuanyuan Sword, it made him extremely frightened.

Just as the tiger took a few steps back, another cry came from the woods, which was exactly the same as the eagle's voice before!
Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself: "There's another Pengdiao? Do you want them to attack us?"

Hearing this cry, although the tiger was terrified, it didn't back down anymore, it roared angrily, and rushed towards Xiao Yi!
The tiger hadn't jumped in front of Xiao Yi, but was knocked out by a figure on the way!

It turned out to be the king of beasts. It knocked away the tiger and roared angrily.

"Go and help Brother Jiang, make a quick decision, and there's a big guy!" Xiao Yi shouted.

The beast king roared yes, then ignored the tiger and rushed towards Jiang Yuntian.

Seeing the Beast King leave, the tiger charged up again, Xiao Yi turned sideways slightly, and waved his sword!
Phew, blood was scattered all over the floor!
This sword directly cut half of the tiger's neck, and the tiger's head felt like it was about to fall off!
Boom!The tiger fell heavily to the ground without a sound!
Xiao Yi didn't even look at it, but stared at the direction from which the cries came from!

The battle on Jiang Yuntian's side was still going on.

The Beastmaster helped deal with the other beasts, while Jiang Yuntian carefully dealt with the attacks of the bear and the pig!

As the saying goes, one pig, two bears and three tigers, Jiang Yuntian is still a little stressed when facing the first two alone!
He hasn't experienced such a highly concentrated battle for a long time!

As soon as the extremely threatening claw of the brown bear flashed past, the wild boar on the side lowered its head and arched up. Jiang Yuntian had quick eyes and quick hands, and reached out and grabbed the wild boar's tusks!
The wild boar frantically flung itself up immediately, trying to shake off Jiang Yuntian's hand holding its fangs.

Jiang Yuntian's strength is definitely not as strong as the angry wild boar of his class, but he didn't want to wrestle with the wild boar either!

Following the force of the boar's swing, Jiang Yuntian turned over and sat on the boar's back!
Now the wild boar is even more manic!
As a Grade A wild boar, when has it ever been ridden by someone!
Not to mention people, all creatures have never experienced it, including the same kind, it is a boar!
It jumped wildly, shaking its body, trying to shake Jiang Yuntian off of it.

But Jiang Yuntian firmly grasped the fangs with his left hand, clamped the wild boar's body tightly with his legs, and pierced the wild boar's eyes with a dagger in his right hand.

During the strenuous exercise, Jiang Yuntian got stabbed crookedly and got stuck near the wild boar's nose!
His B-level dagger only broke the skin a little bit!
The brown bear on the side saw the opportunity and slapped Jiang Yuntian who was riding on the wild boar!
Jiang Yuntian immediately let go of his grip on the fangs, lay back, and slid off the wild boar's back.

Seeing the opportunity, he passed the dagger in his hand, right in the backyard of the wild boar!


The wild boar screamed in an instant, Jiang Yuntian twisted his wrist, widened the wound, and then pulled out the dagger.

Rolled a few times on the ground, distanced itself from the pig and the tiger, half-kneeled, watching them vigilantly!

The wild boar is still howling, just being ridden by someone, and then opened the chrysanthemum, what a miserable wild boar!

The brown bear rushed up again, and Jiang Yuntian used his agile figure to circle around it constantly, leaving scars on its body from time to time!

These scars are all skin trauma to brown bears, and they are not fatal at all.

Although not fatal, the pain made the brown bear even more furious.

But Jiang Yuntian was like a loach, always dodging the brown bear's attack by a hair's breadth.

"Crack!" There was a strange sound in the woods, and a bird bigger than the previous roc eagle flew out!

"Pengdiao (S level): A strong and hooked iron mouth,..., very fast. Please note that this raptor is very dangerous!"

The previous introduction is exactly the same as the previous one, except that a warning is added after this one!

"Beastmaster, let's go together and solve it as soon as possible!" Xiao Yi shouted.

The Beastmaster immediately rushed to the injured wild boar.

Xiao Yi raised Xuanyuan Sword and stabbed at the brown bear who was entangled with Jiang Yuntian!

The brown bear sensed the danger, roared angrily, and hid aside.

Jiang Yuntian immediately entangled him. Although his attack was not fatal, it hurt!

The brown bear had no way to get rid of his entanglement at all, so Xiao Yi took a sword flower and inserted it precisely into the brown bear's heart from behind.

The tip of the sword was exposed from the brown bear's chest!

A shrill scream came from the brown bear's mouth, and then the voice gradually weakened.

The wild boar with chrysanthemums and bruises on the side couldn't make any waves, and was bitten off by the beast king!

"My physique can only protect myself against A-level beasts. If I want to kill them, I need better weapons, or fight until I get injured!" Jiang Yuntian said helplessly.

Xiao Yi nodded, still staring at the direction of the woods, and said, "Our troubles are coming!"

Jiang Yuntian looked at the black shadow that was already very close, and was terrified in his heart, and asked, "What is this?"

"Peng Diao, it's the same species as the one caught on the boat!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Vulture?" Jiang Yuntian said in surprise, "This kind of thing has been refreshed on our island. Is it the kind of sculpture of the Condor Heroes?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, and replied: "I don't know, let's go, get on the boat, and see if we can use their arrow cart!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

The two immediately jumped onto Pu Yiye's medium-sized sailboat, and loaded the empty arrow cart with arrows.

The S-class Pengdiao had already arrived above the sailboat, and after circling for a while, it let out a cry and rushed down!

"Shoot!" Xiao Yi shouted.

Jiang Yuntian decisively launched the arrow cart.

Whoosh whoosh!
Countless wooden arrows flew out and shot at the swooping Peng Diao.

I have used up all the iron arrow arrows before, and now only this kind of wooden arrows are left!
The eagle flapped its wings and scattered all the wooden arrows!
Xiao Yi tore off the quiver from his back, threw it to Jiang Yuntian, and shouted, "Put some bamboo arrows in the arrow cart!"

As he said that, he met the Peng Diao who swooped down, and it was a straight stab!
The Peng Diao also felt the breath of Xuanyuan Sword, its wings trembled slightly, it came to an emergency stop, and then flew into the sky again!

(End of this chapter)

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