"Experience?" Bettia's face was full of doubts.

He felt like a fool after coming to Yiranpin Alliance.

Everything here is strange to him.

Du Kang smiled and explained: "Practice beside the island owner, and there will be a speed bonus. Otherwise, members of our alliance would not be able to practice so fast."

Betiya's eyes widened: "Can this still happen?"

"Of course, you can find out later!" Du Kang replied.

While talking, the two of them had returned to the alliance headquarters, and Du Kang took Bettia into the training room.

Xiao Yi and others have entered a state of cultivation.

Du Kang sat cross-legged in his seat without saying anything, and Bettia was also placed between the wood element and the earth element.

Seeing that everyone was concentrating on training, Bettia naturally didn't ask any questions and immediately entered the cultivation state.

When he first started practicing, he noticed a difference. He entered the cultivation state much faster than before.

Moreover, the universal training manual operates more smoothly and quickly.

Betiya knew that now was not the time to dwell on these things, but began to practice seriously.

When you practice, time flies very fast.

Bettia felt as if she had only been practicing for 10 minutes when everyone around her stopped practicing.

This moment is worth the three days of practice I had before.

"Is this the end?" Bettia was still a little unfinished.

Xiao Yi looked at him and said with a smile: "It's been two hours. Let's take a rest. Cultivation also pays attention to the balance between work and rest."

Bethea was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Xiao Yi continued: "At 11:30, everyone will trade all the newly harvested items to me. Now everyone can move freely."

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

"Let's go have a drink." Du Kang came to Betiya and suggested.

Unexpectedly, Betiya shook her head: "No, I'd better go back and learn Xia Guoyu first. There will be many opportunities in the future."

Du Kang nodded and used the island tablet to communicate, but it didn't feel so smooth.

After proposing to leave, Bettia took her younger brother and followed Zhu Wu back to the Angel system.

On the way back, Betiya asked: "Brother Zhu, how often can we return to the headquarters?"

The survivors now all have SSS-level physiques. It's impossible to tell their age just by looking at their appearance, so they can only follow the order of joining the Yiranpin Alliance. Anyone who entered the Yiranpin Alliance before Bettia will be called brother.

Zhu Wu smiled and replied: "Every day is fine. Now our alliance has launched inter-galactic transfer services, so there will be one trip every day."

Bethea nodded.

Zhu Wu continued: "Actually, as long as you arrange your work in the Angel Galaxy, you can also stay at the headquarters. Many brothers are working remotely now."

"Okay, I understand!" Bethea responded.

Returning to the Angel System, Bettia immediately transferred his island monument to the planet-level space battleship that Xiao Yi rewarded him with.

The planet-class space battleship is very large, and Bettia and his men alone cannot control the entire battleship.

So Xiao Yi has already arranged a team on it.

Bethea had a rough understanding of the situation of his battleship, and then said to his men: "Arn, you should study Xia Guoyu carefully. You will be needed to manage this place in the future."

His subordinate's name is Arn.Arn nodded excitedly. He himself was an astronaut from a low-class civilization. After seeing so many advanced ships and technologies in the Yiranpin Alliance, Arn knew that this was his opportunity, and he would definitely seize it. living.

Bethea nodded slightly, turned and walked towards the captain's bedroom. He wanted to learn Xia Guoyu as soon as possible.

In the alchemy room at the Yiranpin Alliance headquarters, Sun Yao and Wei Bo were testing real-life alchemy.

Wei Bo quickly produced a furnace of elixirs. He said in surprise: "This Shennong alchemy furnace is indeed extraordinary. It has a higher elixir-forming rate and faster speed than in the trial space."

Sun Yao nodded slightly: "Yes, from now on we will allocate half a day to make alchemy in reality."

"It's natural. We work hard on alchemy skills, isn't it just to relieve the island owner's worries?" Wei Bo responded, "We'd better make another one quickly to make full use of the island owner's quadruple state."


Sun Yao and Wei Bo started to work.

At this time, in the Domi Hot Galaxy, who was collecting resources, he suddenly received a prompt from his own detection satellite.

"Discovered a strange battleship..."

Upon hearing this reminder, Xiang Zhen suddenly became nervous.

She immediately came to the terminal display of the detection satellite and checked the images transmitted back.

"It's so big, this shouldn't be just a planet-class battleship, right?" Xiang Zhen frowned and thought.

She observed it and suddenly realized that even if this battleship was only a planet-level battleship, it should have discovered her detection satellite long ago, but why did it let herself detect it without making any movement?
Has this battleship been damaged?
"It can't be such a coincidence, right?" Xiang Zhen suddenly became excited.

The suspected stellar-class battleship in front of me might be the one belonging to Flying Frog.

The star-class battleship is damaged and fully meets the conditions for the Yi Ranpin Alliance's bounty.

If it was really Flying Frog's ship, then her chance would come.

Thinking like this, Xiang Zhen immediately brought his detection satellite closer to the opponent again.

Suddenly, a miniature spaceship flew out from the battleship and attacked its own detection satellite.

Xiang Zhen controlled the detection satellite to dodge to one side, avoiding several attacks from the opponent.

But after all, the detection satellite was not agile enough and was eventually hit by the opponent.

Although his detection satellite was shot down, Xiang Zhen became happy.

Judging from the opponent's attack methods, he is a complete rookie.

And guarding such a damaged battleship that was suspected to be a stellar class, even if the opponent was not a flying frog, Xiang Zhen would still take down the opponent.

The detection satellite suddenly appeared, and Fei Frog knew that he had been exposed.

But he has no way to escape now. The island monument is still damaged on the stellar battleship and cannot be transferred to the micro spaceship.

The island monument transfer rules can only be transferred from low-level to high-level.

"Why don't you just announce your location and let more survivors come together to fight?" Fei Frog suddenly came up with such an idea.

But he quickly shook his head. In this case, he still couldn't survive.

"It's better to give it a try first, what if the other party is a rookie?"

Fei Frog thought this way, and then looked at the direction of the detection satellite vigilantly, waiting for it.

At this time, Xiang Zhen was already on the way quickly.

Her detection satellite was originally detecting the surroundings, so she arrived here quickly.

Flying Frog saw a miniature spaceship flying in the distance and immediately launched an attack without any hesitation. (End of chapter)

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