Chapter 2895 Shocked Bettia, I have the fragments
Just when Betiya was confused, Zhu Wu opened the No. [-] space wormhole.

Looking at the huge wormhole that suddenly appeared, Betia was stunned again.

Then several huge battleships flew out of the wormhole.

Bethea's escape cabin is like an ant in front of these battleships. As long as the other side comes over, it can be easily crushed.

"Master, are these the ships of the Lord you mentioned?" The boy on the side looked at everything in front of him in shock and asked in disbelief.

Bethea nodded slightly: "It should be."

He had only heard Du Kang describe the situation of the Yi Ranpin Alliance, but he had never seen it with his own eyes.

Now that he saw these ships with his own eyes, he was greatly shocked.

At this moment, someone sent a friend request to Betiya's pouring cup.

It was the ID that Feng Menglong told him in advance.

Bettia immediately applied through the other party's friend request.

"Hello, Betiya, I am Feng Menglong of Yiranpin Alliance."

After seeing the other party's message, Bettia immediately replied: "Welcome to the Angel System, sir. Are these ships from our alliance?"

Before Xiao Yi clearly agreed to let Betiya join the Yi Ranpin Alliance, he began to consider himself an alliance member.

Feng Menglong didn't expose his little idea.

"That's right, these all belong to our alliance!" Feng Menglong responded, "It's time for dinner. Let's go to our alliance for a quick meal."

Bethea was stunned for a moment, and then responded: "Okay, can I bring my men with me?"

"Of course, you can dock the escape capsule directly to our largest warship, and the docking port will light up to remind you." Feng Menglong replied.

"Okay, thank you sir!" Bettia responded excitedly.

Soon Bettia saw a light on the docking port on the huge battleship.

"Master, do we really want to connect?" The men on the side hesitated.

"Of course! Get connected quickly and let's go to other galaxies to have dinner." Bettia replied immediately.

"Going to other galaxies for dinner?" The subordinate was stunned for a moment.

"Don't be stunned, hurry up and connect!" Bettia reminded.


Bethea's escape capsule quickly docked with the battleship of the Yiranpin Alliance.

After a series of disinfection inspections, Bettia finally entered the interior of the battleship.

The first thing Bettia felt after entering the battleship was that there was gravity here!

There is no gravity system on his escape pod yet.

This is why Bettia likes to stay in the trial space. Only in the trial space can she feel down-to-earth.

Bettia was taken to the cockpit of the battleship by the soldiers, where he finally saw acquaintances, Feng Menglong and Zhu Wu.

Bethea had seen them in the trial space.

Feng Menglong waved to him to come to the island monument.

There is no language barrier in the trial space, but there is still one in reality.

Betiya has not yet learned Xia Mandarin, and now they can only communicate through the island tablet.

"There are many other races in our alliance, but they all use the island owner's native language as their common language, so I still recommend that you learn the island owner's native language, Xia Guoyu." Feng Menglong said with a smile.

Betiya nodded: "Of course! I wonder if there are any Xia Mandarin tutorials in the alliance?"

"Yes, let's go back to the alliance first, we're a little hungry!" Feng Menglong said.

Following Feng Menglong's order, the battleship immediately flew back to the independent planet space No. [-].Bethea found herself in a dark universe without even starlight.

"Where is this? Why can't I see even a single star?" Bettia asked curiously.

"I wonder if you have ever heard of planet fragments?" Feng Menglong asked without answering.

"Planet fragments?" Bettia was stunned for a moment, "I think I have one!"

Feng Menglong, who was originally calm, immediately became excited.

"What? You have planet fragments!"

Seeing Feng Menglong being so excited, Betiya was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Yes, but I only have one piece, and it seems to be of no use!"

"It's useless to you, but it's of great use to our island owner!" Feng Menglong said excitedly, "Don't you want to join the Yiranpin Alliance? Dedicate this to the island owner, I guarantee you Definitely join.”

"Really?" Bethea asked excitedly.

Feng Menglong nodded affirmatively.

"Then turn around quickly, I have to go back!" Bettia said immediately, "The fragment is still on my escape cabin."

"Lao Zhu, I would like to trouble you to open the wormhole again." Feng Menglong turned around and said to Zhu Wu.

Zhu Wu nodded: "No problem, what's the trouble!"

At this time, the No. [-] space wormhole has been opened.

Zhu Wu spread his hands helplessly: "It seems that the island owner has opened it. Let's go back to the headquarters first."

They had contacted Xiao Yi before entering the third space. In 5 minutes, Xiao Yi would open a wormhole near the alliance headquarters.

"That's okay. Let our people go to your escape cabin later, take out the galaxy fragments and send them over!" Feng Menglong nodded slightly, "Betiya, do you think this is okay?"

"No problem at all!" Bettia replied.

They flew out from the space of independent planet No. [-].

Bethea actually saw a city floating in space.

"This is..." Betiya looked at the city in front of her in shock.

Feng Menglong introduced: "This is our alliance headquarters, a planet-level space city."

Betiya swallowed a mouthful of saliva and followed Feng Menglong and the others onto the space city.

"You guys can come directly to the restaurant!" Xiao Yi called Feng Menglong.

"Okay, Island Master."

By the time Feng Menglong and his party arrived at the restaurant, many people were already sitting there.

Du Kang and the others saw Betiya and immediately waved hello.

But now Bettia can't understand Du Kang's words of welcome.

Xiao Yi stood up and said: "Welcome to the Yiranpin Alliance headquarters."

Bethea was flattered and hurriedly bowed and said: "Thank you, it's my honor to be here!"

After saying this, Betiya suddenly realized that she and Xiao Yi didn't seem to speak the same language, but they could understand each other's words.

Xiao Yi seemed to understand his mind and explained: "This is a special ability of mine that allows me to communicate with any spiritual creature without any hindrance."

Bethea was startled again, and then nodded hurriedly.

"Stop standing, sit down!" Xiao Yi greeted.

Two seats were left for Betiya and the others at the dinner table, and Feng Menglong took them to sit down.

"Island Master, Betiya has good news to tell you!" Feng Menglong immediately motioned to Betiya to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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