Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2890 Not for sale to the outside world, deeply affected

"How is this possible?" Bai Yu's eyes widened.

One day ago, the Yiranpin Alliance was still worried about the nano-medical machines of the fourth-level civilization.

Did they overcome this problem in just one day?
You must know that the current Yiranpin Alliance is only a second-level civilization!

"Nothing is impossible!" Xiao Yi smiled slightly.

"Can you now make nano-medical machines for level four civilizations?" Bai Yu confirmed again and again.

Xiao Yi nodded again.

Bai Yu calmed down and asked, "How is the output of this advanced genetic medicine now?"

"It's not high yet. I know what you mean. It's not for sale yet." Xiao Yi replied.

"I understand, if you are planning to sell it, please tell us in time and we will buy it as soon as possible!" Bai Yu continued.

Xiao Yi's answer did not surprise him at all. If they developed an advanced genetic medicine, they would definitely give priority to their own insiders to use it first.

"Don't worry, we will definitely open it to you first!" Xiao Yi promised.

Bai Yu pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Do you want to get rid of the flying frog?"

At this time, Bai Yu finally gave up on Flying Frog completely.

Seeing Bai Yu's words, Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then replied: "Are you sure you can deal with him? He has your stellar battleship in hand."

"Even if he has a stellar battleship, it's just one, nothing to worry about!" Bai Yu said nonchalantly.

Xiao Yi was very curious and continued to ask: "What if he is determined to escape?"

"Without other equipment and just relying on speed, he wouldn't be able to escape." Bai Yu's tone was calm and extremely confident.

This made Xiao Yi even more curious: "Do you have any more advanced ships than stellar-class battleships?"

"Of course, who doesn't have some tricks up their sleeves?" Bai Yu asked with a smile.

Xiao Yi nodded: "That's true. If you catch a flying frog, don't forget to tell us."


After ending the chat, Bai Yu was still in shock.

Originally, he thought that changing with each passing day was just a slightly exaggerated idiom, but now that it is applied to the Yiranpin Alliance, it is stating the facts.

At this time, Lin Ling, who had been practicing for most of the day, came over.

Last night's competition allowed her to break through the kilometer mark, and she had been consolidating her mental strength all morning.

Seeing the shock on Bai Yu's face, Lin Ling asked: "Yu Shen, is there another breakthrough in the Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

Bai Yu laughed dumbly when he heard Lin Ling's question.

Since they became partners with Yi Ranpin Alliance, they have been shocked more often in the past few days than in the past year, and they were all about Yi Ranpin Alliance.

So when Lin Ling saw Bai Yu's face full of shock, he subconsciously thought that it was the Yi Ranpin Alliance that was responsible.

Seeing Bai Yu's reaction, Lin Ling asked curiously: "Isn't it the Yi Ranpin Alliance? Could it be that we ourselves have made some breakthrough?"

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "It's from the Yiranpin Alliance. They can already make advanced genetic medicines."

Lin Ling's eyes also widened.

"It feels like the Yiranpin Alliance is jumping a level every day. This development speed is too fast." Bai Yu sighed again.

Lin Ling nodded, then hesitated and asked, "Then should we tell the laboratory?"

Bai Yu understood what she meant. If the laboratory knew that the Yiranpin Alliance could start mass-producing advanced genetic medicines, they would definitely be deeply affected. So far, they have not even finished analyzing the information. "Tell them, let them face the gap and try to catch up!" Bai Yu's tone was full of helplessness.

Lin Ling shook her head, turned and walked towards the laboratory.

In the laboratory on the Bayio Star Fleet, the researchers are working hard to study the data.

Lin Ling's arrival did not affect everyone's research enthusiasm.

Seeing those researchers working so hard, Lin Ling couldn't bear to attack them.

The director of the research institute was the first to see Lin Ling. He stood up and asked in a low voice: "Master Lin, is something wrong?"

Lin Ling nodded slightly, then clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention, and then said: "The Yiranpin Alliance can now mass-produce advanced genetic medicines."

As soon as these words came out, all the researchers were stunned.

"How is this possible? Didn't they say yesterday that they couldn't make nano-medical machines for level four civilizations?" The director's face was filled with disbelief.

Lin Ling nodded and replied: "That was true before, but they have solved the problem now."

"The technological gap between different civilizations is like a chasm. How could they break through the shackles in one day?" The director's eyes widened.

"This is the difference between survivors and us. I have told you before." Lin Ling's tone was full of helplessness.

All the researchers in the research room were dejected.

Everyone had previously vowed to develop a method for manufacturing advanced genetic medicines faster than the Yiranpin Alliance.

It all seems like a joke now.

Lin Ling continued: "Feather God told you to face the gap and catch up. Don't be afraid of falling behind, just be afraid of giving up!"

When the researchers heard Lin Ling's words, they all raised their heads.

For them, Bai Yu is their spiritual support. With Bai Yu's support, they are full of confidence again.

"Master Lin, we understand. Don't worry, we will never give up!" the director said in a deep voice.

"Yes, they have plug-ins. We are developing in a down-to-earth manner. There is no need to compete with them."

"Yes, if their researchers are allowed to study the subject at the same time as us, they will definitely not be our opponents."

"They have already studied it, is there any point in us continuing to study it?"

"Of course there is. If we don't develop the advanced genetic medicine, we will always be controlled by the Yiranpin Alliance." The director said solemnly.

Everyone nodded.

If you don’t want to be stuck by others, having your own skills is the way to go.

If you keep using other people's stuff, if they don't sell it to you, then you can only stare blankly.

Lin Ling clapped her hands and said: "Okay, let's continue studying. Don't be so desperate and take your time. Director, you have to arrange for everyone's rest."

"Yes!" the director responded.

Lin Ling nodded slightly, turned and left the research institute.

The director thought for a moment and then said, "Everyone go back and rest immediately. There will be a meeting at eight o'clock tomorrow morning!"

"Team leader, we haven't finished analyzing the data yet, so there's no need to waste time on meetings!" A researcher asked with a frown.

"We are now too deeply influenced by the Yiranpin Alliance, and we cannot follow their rhythm." The director replied in a deep voice. (End of chapter)

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