Chapter 2881 Interrogation, Tracking, Using Transfer Talisman

The captured survivors were taken to different rooms and began to be interrogated by Jiang Yuntian.

The questions asked in each room are the same, and after all rooms have been interrogated, the interrogation results will be compiled together.

Jiang Yuntian was anxiously waiting for the results of the interrogation in the cockpit.

The interrogators also knew that the situation was urgent, so they completed the interrogation quickly.

After some statistical comparison, it was found that all the prisoners' words were consistent.

"Instructor, it's true that they were the ones who transferred Mr. Qiu! But they said they didn't know exactly where he was transferred."

After hearing the report from his men, Jiang Yun came to the prisoners in a hurry and asked in a deep voice: "I'll ask one last time, where have the members of our alliance been transferred to?"

"Sir, we really don't know! The other party only contacted us through the island monument, and we just followed their requirements."

"Yes, sir, please forgive me. The other party loaned us an instrument. Your spacecraft was moved away by that instrument at that time!"

"Sir, please don't kill us. The other party will definitely contact us again. We will have a chance to ask for their location!"

Seeing Jiang Yuntian's killing intent, the survivor immediately developed his own value and just begged the other party not to kill him.

Originally, Jiang Yuntian was indeed prepared to deal with these prisoners, but when he heard the other party's words, he frowned.

The prisoners were given preferential treatment before because those prisoners did not really harm the members of the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

But now these prisoners have put the members of Yiranpin Alliance in danger.

Jiang Yuntian had already sentenced them to death in his heart.

"Bring the tracking device over." Jiang Yuntian ordered.

The subordinates on the side immediately sent an application to the headquarters, and the staff on duty immediately traded the tracker over.

Fortunately, this request for assistance was within the Chaos Galaxy, and these items could be delivered to Jiang Yuntian in time.

Jiang Yuntian installed a tracking device on the island monument of one of the survivors, and then ordered: "Contact your employer immediately!"

The survivor didn't hesitate at all and immediately contacted his employer.

"We completed the mission well this time. When will the reward be given to us? When will we do it again?"

The other side immediately replied: "The reward will be given to you soon. Do you want to do it again? It's a very lucky thing that you succeeded this time! You should think about how to avoid the pursuit of Yi Ranpin Alliance in the future!"

The other party replied to the message, and the tracker immediately tracked the other party's location coordinates.

The survivor was extremely shocked when he saw a coordinate position displayed on the nearby instrument.

He knew that this coordinate location must be where their employer was.

After seeing the coordinates, Jiang Yuntian immediately opened the wormhole in Space [-], and all ships immediately entered Space [-].

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuntian teleported through the portal in Space [-] to the coordinates he had just obtained.

When he arrived at that location, he opened the No. [-] space wormhole while releasing the metal supernatural defense.

A large spacecraft nearby seemed to be stunned for a moment before quickly escaping into the distance.

The stellar-class stealth battleship flying out of Space [-] followed closely.

After the large spacecraft escaped for a while, they found that no ship was following behind, and they began to become confused.

"Captain, what's going on?"

The captain shook his head: "I don't know, keep the speed and keep driving forward!" "Yes!"

The captain frowned tightly as he looked at the empty space behind his spaceship.

He had just contacted the hired survivors, and the Yiranpin Alliance came over.

"Did they collude with the Yi Ranpin Alliance?" The captain's heart suddenly lurched.

But he quickly rejected his idea. Even if those survivors colluded with the Yi Ranpin Alliance, they shouldn't know their location!
"Or maybe the wormhole that just appeared was not created by the Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

The captain had a lot of questions, but he didn't know who to ask.

After sorting it out for a while, he immediately reported to General Bilu.

This spaceship is one of the Kasuo Xingbilu fleet.

Bi Lu has been lurking in a corner of the chaotic galaxy. This time, taking advantage of the Yi Ran Pin Alliance's inter-galactic transfer service, Bi Lu's team immediately suggested contacting the survivors in the galaxies that had just joined the Yi Ran Pin Alliance network.

Before they were particularly familiar with the Yi Ranpin Alliance, they proposed the idea of ​​robbing the Yi Ranpin Alliance and gave them high rewards.

The rewards offered by the Kasuo Star Fleet were irresistible to those survivors.

Those survivors only need to operate according to their requirements, and they will be able to harvest a large amount of high-end equipment!
The survivors who had just been transferred from the Jeppian system were moved, and after leaving the transfer site, they planned to call for help together.

After listening to the captain's report, Bilu thought for a moment and immediately said: "You just use the transfer talisman to leave, and use those hostages to delay the time!"

The captain's face was full of questions: "Why use the precious transfer talisman? The other party doesn't seem to be following up."

Bi Lu shook his head: "No, since the Yi Ranpin Alliance has found you, it will definitely not arrange ships to follow you!"

"But there doesn't seem to be any other ships behind me?" The captain frowned.

"Even if there are no ships following you, they will definitely arrange some instruments to track you." Bi Lu said with certainty.

"Yes, I understand!" The captain gave the order to use the transfer talisman in a deep voice.

At the same time, the captain ordered: "Pull out all those prisoners!"

"Yes, Captain!" the soldier on the side responded. Then he hesitated and asked again, "Are you going to throw them out directly? Do you want to put them in spacesuits?"

"Of course we have to put on spacesuits, otherwise we may not be able to leave!" the captain replied helplessly.

If Qiu Sheng and the others were really thrown out of the spacecraft, they would be buried in space immediately.

If Qiu Sheng and the others died, Yi Ranpin Alliance would definitely be furious, and he might not have time to use the transfer talisman.

Soon a series of people were thrown out of the large spacecraft, but they were all wearing extravehicular space suits.

Jiang Yuntian was stunned when he saw that the other party had thrown out so many people.

"Instructor, what are they doing?"

Jiang Yuntian narrowed his eyes slightly: "These people are most likely our companions, and they want to use our companions to threaten us."

Before he finished speaking, the other party sent a message.

"Don't move, otherwise we will execute these prisoners immediately!"

After receiving the news, the soldiers looked at Jiang Yuntian in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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