Chapter 2875: Home court, so similar, greetings
As for the reason why it is not recommended for everyone to use advanced genetic medicine directly, Xiao Yi has already explained it before.

Su Wan nodded slightly, and then said with some worry: "Ba Yi'ao Star's invitation to the battle this time must be to test the strength of our superpowers. The other party has already had intermediate gene potions, and the overall strength of their superpowers should be is stronger than us, so we will most likely lose in this competition.”

"It's just a friendly exchange. If you lose, you lose." Xiao Yi replied nonchalantly.

"Then if the other party sees that our strength is low, will they eat us directly?" Su Wan asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi waved his hand: "No, if the other party really wants to eat us, they won't wait until now."

"What if?" Su Wan replied.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied: "Then let them come to our home court to compete!"

Su Wan was slightly startled: "Then will they really come?"

"It should be possible!" Xiao Yi replied with narrowed eyes.

Time soon came to night. Jiang Yuntian searched for several hours in the Munken galaxy, but found nothing.

This situation once again illustrates that the space of a galaxy is too large. If a fleet really hides, finding it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Jiang Yuntian returned to the Yiranpin Alliance headquarters and said with some helplessness: "These pirates are hiding in some nook and cranny, and there is no trace at all!"

Hearing Jiang Yuntian's complaints, Xiao Yi said with a smile: "This is normal. After all, a galaxy is still too big for us!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian nodded, then changed the subject and asked, "Where are we going to prepare for the competition with Bayiao Star?"

Xiao Yi replied: "I have already communicated with them. They are on our stationed spaceship in the Jeppian galaxy."

When Xiao Yi proposed this competition position to Bai Yu, Bai Yu agreed without any hesitation.

This surprised Xiao Yi.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian was even more surprised: "They agreed to come to our spaceship to compete?"

"Agree! When I made this request, they didn't hesitate at all." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Aren't they afraid that we will detain them?" Jiang Yuntian was a little confused.

"I don't know, let's be more careful!" Xiao Yi shook his head.

After dinner, Xiao Yi took Jiang Yuntian and others and teleported to the Jeppien galaxy.

According to Xiao Yi's order, a cabin has been vacated on the spaceship stationed in the Jeppian system as a venue for the competition.

At this time, on the Bayi'ao Star Fleet, Lin Ling was trying his best to prevent Bai Yu from leading the team to compete on the Yiranpin Alliance Fleet.

"Feather God, this is too dangerous!"

Bai Yu smiled and replied: "Don't worry, they need us and we need them, there will be no problem!"

Feiuche also said: "There is no danger in this trip, I will follow you there too!"

Lin Ling still frowned.

"Don't hesitate. The advanced genetic medicine you need will probably be purchased from the Yiranpin Alliance." Bai Yu said with a smile.

"If you want to take such a risk, then I don't want to!" Lin Ling said firmly.

"Don't you also want to know the strength of the superpowers in the Yiranpin Alliance? Just go there together." Bai Yu continued, "The civilization level of our planet is higher than that of the Yiranpin Alliance, and they will not attack easily."

Seeing Bai Yu's firm attitude, Lin Ling sighed helplessly.

Bai Yu found four soldiers from the army who were at the forefront of spiritual power, and took them on a miniature spaceship to fly to the spaceship where the Yi Ranpin Alliance was stationed.

"Island owner, the miniature spacecraft of the Palestinian-Israeli Star Fleet is requesting docking." A soldier reported to Xiao Yihui. "Agree to docking!" Xiao Yi replied.

The miniature spaceship of the Bayio Star Fleet quickly docked with the Yi Ranpin Alliance's spacecraft.

After Bai Yu and his party passed a series of inspections and disinfections, they were taken to the competition cabin.

When both sides saw each other, they were both stunned.

Xiao Yi and the others are very similar in appearance to Bai Yu Linling!
Of course, the Feiuche and Bayio people are very different from them!

"Welcome to the allies of Planet Bayio!" Xiao Yi said first.

Although Bai Yu and the others have already learned Xia Guoyu, they have a feeling that even if they have never learned it, they can definitely understand Xiao Yi's words.

Bai Yu was just stunned for a moment, and then immediately reacted and said, "You're welcome, Alliance Leader Xiao. I just didn't expect that we are so similar!"

Bai Yu has also seen advanced intelligent beings from no less than three different civilizations, but he has never seen a race that is as similar to him as Xiao Yi.

"I'm surprised too." Xiao Yi said with a smile, "Seeing your appearance makes me want to go to your planet to have a look!"

Amelia Su beside her gently pulled Xiao Yi.

But Bai Yu followed Xiao Yi's words and directly issued an invitation: "We very much welcome Alliance Leader Xiao to come to our planet for guidance."

"I will definitely go over and take a look if I have the chance!" Xiao Yi responded with a smile.

"However, let me state in advance that my home planet is not Bayio." Bai Yu continued.

At this time, Xiao Yi and his party were all stunned.

"Bayi'ao star is not your home star?" Xiao Yi asked everyone's doubts on behalf of everyone.

Bai Yu nodded: "My home star is Blue Star, which is about 2.5 light years away from Bayio Star."

"Then what's going on with this Ba Yi'ao star?" Xiao Yi asked.

"It can be regarded as an affiliated planet of our Blue Star." Bai Yu replied.

Xiao Yi gave a thumbs up: "Awesome!"

Bai Yu glanced at the Yi Ranpin Alliance soldiers around him and replied, "Aren't you just as powerful?"

It was obvious that there was a big difference in appearance between the surrounding Yi Ranpin Alliance soldiers and Xiao Yi.

This means that Xiao Yi has also conquered other races.

Xiao Yi was startled for a moment, then immediately understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "They are homeless people just like me. We are holding together to keep warm."

Now the guards within the Yiranpin Alliance are all Chaos Stars. The original galaxy where the Chaos Star is located has been swallowed up due to the death of the star.

Coupled with the subsequent black hole crisis and galaxy collision, the Chaos Stars are indeed homeless.

And Xiao Yi was sent here and there by the rules of the world. He estimated that he would never be able to return to his original earth.

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Bai Yu nodded slightly: "As long as friends and relatives are together, we are home wherever we are!"

"It's a pity that my relatives are not with me!" Xiao Yi thought of An Ran who stayed in the first stage.

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment.

Xiao Yi waved his hand: "No more, how can we compete?"

(End of this chapter)

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