Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2869 There is still a chance, inter-galactic transfer service

Chapter 2869 There is still a chance, inter-galactic transfer service
Seeing the disappointed expression on Lin Ling's face, Bai Yu continued: "The Yiranpin Alliance has promised us that if they really create advanced genetic medicine, they will sell some to us."

Lin Ling nodded and asked, "Can they make it now?"

Bai Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Not yet. According to Xiao Yi, this advanced genetic medicine requires the use of nano-medical machines from a fourth-level civilization."

"Used together?" Lin Ling was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, to put it simply, every advanced genetic medicine contains a nano-medical machine." Bai Yu explained.

Lin Ling suddenly realized it, and then frowned tightly: "As far as I know, we should not be able to create nano-medical machines for level four civilizations."

"Yes, so the Yiranpin Alliance is unable to produce advanced genetic medicine for the time being." Bai Yu nodded helplessly.

"It seems that advanced genetic medicine is still a long way off!" Lin Qingxin exclaimed.

"Yeah, but we can't rush this matter." Bai Yu replied.

Lin Ling nodded and continued to ask: "Feather God, do you want to tell our research team here about this news?"

Bai Yu was startled for a moment, and then replied: "Tell them, let them also understand the strength of Yi Ranpin Alliance."

Bai Yu knew that those researchers from Bayi'ao Star were not convinced by the Yiranpin Alliance at all. They would only be convinced if they defeated them in the areas they were good at.

He also did this to keep the researchers of Bayio Star in awe of the personnel of Yiranpin Alliance.

Otherwise, these high-minded researchers might really ignore the members of the Yiranpin Alliance.

It is still necessary to give them a beating.

"Yes!" Lin Ling turned and left.

She came to the laboratory on the spacecraft, where the researchers were concentrating on studying information on advanced genetic medicines.

"Clap clap clap!"

Lin Ling clapped her hands, attracting everyone's attention, and then said, "Let me tell you some news. The Yiranpin Alliance has developed a method for making advanced genetic medicines."

"What? How is this possible?" a researcher cried out in shock.

Lin Ling glanced at him and replied: "Nothing is impossible. The Yiranpin Alliance has completely analyzed the information for making advanced genetic medicines."

"But we have just harvested this information in one day! Aren't they a second-level civilization? How could they analyze it so quickly?"

"This is the difference between survivors and us!" Lin Ling continued, "They have a special method of accelerated research."

The researcher felt very frustrated. They hadn't even finished reading the information until now, but the other party had already studied all the information!

"However, don't give up. The other party is still unable to produce advanced genetic medicine!" Seeing the frustrated expressions on the faces of the researchers, Lin Ling said again.

"Can't be produced? What does this mean? Haven't they already finished analyzing it?" the director of the institute asked doubtfully.

"Because advanced genetic medicine requires a fourth-level civilization nano-medical machine, and now neither we nor the Yiranpin Alliance can produce this machine." Lin Ling explained.

"In this case, we still have a chance. I don't believe that our planet at the pinnacle of the third-level civilization is not as good as an alliance of second-level civilization." The researcher regained confidence and said firmly.

"Well, as long as you have this confidence, come on!" Lin Ling turned and left the research institute.

At this time, the second batch of survivors injected with intermediate genetic medicine had already come out of the trial space.

The probability of passing the second batch is much higher than the first batch.Having learned from past mistakes, they naturally have a long memory.

Choosing the second batch to inject the final genetic agent is enough to illustrate their caution.

"Fortunately, there was a reminder from the Yiranpin Alliance and the first batch of failed survivors came forward to give their own testimony. I even went to the Zerg to train for a while, otherwise it would be hard to say what the outcome would be."

"Yes, originally I only had more than 70 meters of mental power, but it was raised to nearly 20 meters by the ultimate gene potion. The extra [-] meters are not so easy to control. When I entered the trial space, I encountered people who were also close to [-] meters. Wild monster, this is really difficult!”

"Fortunately, I passed, otherwise it would be difficult in the future!"

"Oh, if I had known that I would also receive the second batch of injections, why should I rush to get the first batch of injections? I don't care how many hours earlier."

"Looks like you can't be too impatient!"

"I don't think it's a matter of impatience, but that you didn't listen carefully to the opinions of the Yiranpin Alliance. As long as you listen carefully to their opinions, the passing rate is still very high!"

"That's right, the Yiranpin Alliance has made it so obvious, but you still insist on trying the law. Who is to blame?"

"Oh, I already knew I was wrong, but it's too late now!"

"It's not too late. While practicing, everyone will slowly improve their mental strength, including combat skills, and wait for the popularization of advanced genetic medicines."

"I wonder if it will be the Year of the Monkey or the Horse!"

"I don't think so. Think about it, how many days has it passed from primary genetic medicine to intermediate genetic medicine? And there are survivors in other galaxies who have harvested high-level genetic medicine, so I think high-level genetic medicine is not far away from us. Not far away!”

Xiao Yi had said this on the Internet before, so everyone knew that there were survivors who had harvested advanced genetic medicine.

"Yes, someone in our galaxy has indeed harvested advanced genetic medicine."

Seeing this sentence, other survivors looked at this person's IP address.

"Jepion Galaxy? Is this a newly discovered galaxy by the Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

"It feels like the network of Yiranpin Alliance is getting bigger and bigger."

"Yes, this survivor from the Jeppion Galaxy, can you really harvest advanced genetic medicine?"

"There's nothing to doubt about this at all, I'll take a screenshot and show it to you!"

The survivor immediately took a picture from the island monument and posted it in the public chat room.

There was indeed a survivor who sent out an advanced gene potion.

"Why haven't advanced genetic agents been discovered in other galaxies of ours?"

"Yes, I really envy the survivors of the Jeppian Galaxy!"

"Apply to the Yiranpin Alliance again for inter-galactic travel!"

"Yes, let us survivors among the galaxies move around. Only with the flow of people can our market become more prosperous."

Seeing this, Feng Menglong sent a message to Xiao Yi.

"Island owner, I think it is indeed possible to activate inter-galactic transfer services now." Feng Menglong said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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