Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2865: Ba Yiao’s scientific research is not convinced, it may be faster

Chapter 2865: Ba Yiao’s scientific research is not convinced, it may be faster
Feng Menglong shook his head: "The Research City needs too many raw materials, and it will be difficult to get them together in a short while!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "I understand this too, please do your best here."

"Yes, Island Master!"

At this time, on the Bayou star fleet in the Jeppion system, Bayou star researchers were nervously studying the information on the advanced genetic medicine.

"Director, I heard that Feather God has harvested an advanced genetic medicine. How about we come over and analyze it?" A researcher raised his head from his computer and said to the director of the research institute.

The director shook his head: "No, we must thoroughly understand the information before talking."

Advanced genetic medicines are still very rare, and they must not rush into it without studying the information!

"Okay then!" the researcher replied helplessly.

"Okay, everyone, let's go eat first. After dinner, come back and continue studying the materials!" The director clapped his hands and greeted.

Everyone got up, stretched, and then walked to the restaurant while chatting.

"Have you heard? Yushen seems to have said that the Yiranpin Alliance will develop a method for making advanced genetic medicines before us."

"Really? The Yiranpin Alliance seems to be just a second-level civilization alliance. Is it that powerful?"

"Yes, we are an out-and-out level three civilization, we can even be called a level four civilization. Will we be slower than them?"

"Feather God is trying to gain other people's ambition and destroy his own prestige!"

"Be careful!" the director shouted immediately, "Can you arrange the feather god?"

The researchers shrank their heads.

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

But there was still a comparative researcher who said: "I know Yu Shen is our authority, but I am not convinced by his judgment!"

The researchers who can be selected to join this research institute and come to the Jeppian system with the fleet are all among the best, and they naturally have a sense of arrogance.

Hearing Bai Yu say that their research would be slower than that of the Yiranpin Alliance, he was naturally a little unconvinced.

The director glanced at the researcher, frowned and said, "Since you are not convinced, then quickly research it and refute it with facts. Now it is just a rhetorical exercise. What's the point?"

"Okay, six months! Within six months, I will definitely research the method of making advanced genetic medicine." The researcher issued a military order, then turned and walked to the laboratory.

The other researchers looked at the director, who said: "Look at what I do, you must have such arrogance! Find someone to bring him lunch."

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

When these researchers came to the restaurant, they all chose to pack their lunches back to the laboratory. They planned to continue studying the materials while eating.

This scene was seen by Lin Ling.

"Feather God, what you said really stimulated our researchers!" Lin Ling said with a smile, "They are now working hard to compete with the Yiranpin Alliance."

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head: "If it were other civilizations that developed normally, I believe our researchers would be faster than their counterparts. However, the Yiranpin Alliance did not develop normally. They can rely on the island monument to implement Development by leaps and bounds.”

Lin Ling nodded.

"However, this is good, it can be regarded as motivating them to move forward!" Bai Yu said with a smile.

"A researcher has issued a military order to develop a method for making advanced genetic medicine within six months. Yushen, do you think the Yiranpin Alliance can develop it within six months?" Lin Ling continued to ask. .Bai Yu shook his head: "I don't know, but I feel it will be soon!"

At this time, Feyouqie said: "Maybe it's faster than you feel!"

After hearing his words, Bai Yu and both of them were stunned.

"What do you mean by this?" Bai Yu asked, "Have you already figured out what's going to happen in the future?"

"As long as Xiao Yi is concerned, the future has become complicated and confusing, and it is almost impossible to predict accurately." Feiuche said helplessly, "But I vaguely see that our own strength will soon usher in a wave of explosive growth!"

It can be said that since meeting Xiao Yi, Bai Yu's system and Fei Youqie's abilities have malfunctioned and are no longer as accurate and effective as before.

"Explosive growth?" Bai Yu frowned and asked, "You mean we will popularize advanced genetic medicines?"

Feiuche nodded slightly: "Currently, the only thing that can make our own strength explode is advanced genetic medicines, so I guess the Yiranpin Alliance may be able to develop methods for making advanced genetic medicines faster than you think."

"How long will it be soon?" Lin Ling asked the key point, "Three to five days? A month? Or a year?"

For those with powers whose physiques have reached the SSS level, one year is considered very fast.

"Maybe it won't even take three or five days!" Feiuche said vaguely.

"Oh, you prophets will say some ambiguous words." Lin Ling was a little helpless.

"The information I was able to provide before was relatively accurate. Wasn't it because of meeting Xiao Yi that Yu Shen's superpowers wouldn't work?" Fei Youqie spread his hands and replied.

"Since it's the last few days, let's wait and see!" Bai Yu said.

"Then shall we continue to acquire the ruins map?" Lin Ling continued to ask.

"Of course, if we can unearth more advanced genetic medicines, our research speed can also be increased." Bai Yu replied affirmatively, "And there may be some other good things in those civilization ruins. We must seize this opportunity. Improve yourself.”

"Okay, I understand!" Lin Ling responded.

Bai Yu turned on his phone and browsed the public chat room again.

Through chatting with survivors, he can get a deeper understanding of the group of survivors.

However, everyone has been discussing the intermediate genetic medicine recently, but not much information has been revealed.

"I can't wait. I really want to enter the trial space now."

"Don't be impulsive. If the breakthrough fails, it will be embarrassing!"

"That's right, just wait patiently for 24 hours!"

"Calm down, it's time in two or three hours, don't be in a hurry!"

"That's right, I've been waiting for it for so many days, and it's just a moment."

Zhu Wu saw the chats of these survivors in the public chat room, and he directly asked in the internal group chat: "Island owner, do you want to remind them?"

When Zhu Wu and others broke through today, they all had the same feeling, that is, they often took violent pills in the past, resulting in almost no fighting skills.

If there weren't daily internal competitions between them, there might not necessarily be any results.

(End of this chapter)

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