"With the improvement of technological level, the improvement of strength is indeed that simple."

"That's right, when we can fully understand the mystery of life, we can adjust our genes at will to make ourselves more beautiful, healthier, and stronger!"

"Yeah, I wonder when we can get high-level genetic medicine?"

"The effect of this intermediate genetic medicine has not yet been reflected, so you are thinking of using high-level medicine?"

"Don't take too big a step, you might pull your balls. Take your time!"

"That's right, didn't you see that the Yiranpin Alliance reminded us that if you improve it like this, you will not be able to exert the corresponding combat effectiveness at all. You should just hone your combat effectiveness honestly!"

"That's right, it would be embarrassing if you, a superpower with over [-] mental powers, can't even defeat someone with [-] or [-] mental powers."

"It's okay, I can bully those who only have one or twenty mental powers! I just like the feeling of crushing them!"

"By the way, where should I go to hone my fighting power now?"

"It must be a trial space!"

"You can't stay in the trial space forever. You're always worried about what will happen in reality!"

"That's easy, just find a location where the density of the insect swarm is not that high and hone your combat effectiveness against the insect swarm!"

"Speaking of bugs, it feels like the bugs have been very quiet recently!"

"Quiet? Not quiet at all! It's just that everyone's strength has increased now, and it has become easier to deal with the bugs, that's all."

"It seems so. With the improvement of our weapon levels, cleaning up those bugs is much easier than before."

"The most important thing is that the energy problem has been solved. Otherwise, with the endless situation of the Zerg, it will still be very troublesome to clean up!"

"Indeed, the nuclear fusion power station developed by Yiranpin Alliance is still very powerful!"

"I wonder if you have harvested any good creature-making drawings from your recent cleanup of the Zerg?"

"Yes, they are all useless things!"

"If you feel it's useless, then sell it to me, and I'll buy it. I'll charge you as much as you want. The price is slightly higher than that of Yiranpin Alliance."

"Brother upstairs, have you discovered the use of these creature-making diagrams?"

"That's not true, but I think since the rules of the world allow us to reveal these manufacturing plans, it must be useful."

"No, just because of this reason, you dare to buy unlimited copies of those biological manufacturing drawings, and you are not afraid of losing money."

"It's rare to have a chance in life! Give it a try and your bicycle will turn into a motorcycle!"

Xiao Yi was slightly startled when he saw their chat.

He didn't believe that the survivor who acquired the biological manufacturing map was just for a chance.

Thinking of this, he sent a message to the group: "Ask the biological research laboratory on the Chaos Star in Space [-]. Is there anything special about the items produced by the biological manufacturing drawings?"

Seeing this news from Xiao Yi, Su Wan immediately took the spaceship and entered the independent planet space No. [-] through Space No. [-].

Communicated Xiao Yi's question to Wang Yang.

Hearing this, Wang Yang was slightly stunned, and then immediately called the biology laboratory.

"Regarding those biological equipment, is there any progress in research?" Wang Yang asked straight to the point.

The person in charge of the biological laboratory replied: "Star Lord, I haven't found anything special yet!"

"Okay, I get it!" Wang Yang nodded slightly.

After hanging up the phone, he truthfully told Amelia Su the matter. "Okay, I will report it to the island owner truthfully. You still have to put some pressure on the laboratory." Su Wan responded.

"Yes!" Wang Yang replied respectfully.

Amelia Su brought the news back to Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi frowned slightly: "Am I really overthinking?"

"Island owner, the other party actually purchased so many biological production plans. It is most likely not because of the power of a single piece of equipment!" Su Wan said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, that should be the case! Does he have a synthesis device?"

"Regardless of whether he has a synthesis device or not, I think we can try to synthesize it!" Su Wan suggested.

"That's right, you can just get some biological equipment here and try to synthesize it with a super synthesizer." Xiao Yi ordered.


With the island owner's approval, Su Wan immediately went to the logistics department to get eight sets of caterpillar leather armors.

After getting these eight sets of caterpillar leather armors, Su Wan immediately used a super synthesizer to synthesize them.

After combining eight sets of caterpillar leather armor into one set, the leather armor even glowed with light fluorescence.

Su Wan immediately sent the newly synthesized wallet to the laboratory. He needed to know what the various values ​​of the synthesized wallet reached!
The experimental test data soon came out, and its defense power was five times higher than the original leather armor!
And the synthesized leather armor is more compatible with mental power.

Biological equipment has a characteristic, as long as spiritual power is injected into it, its attributes will be strengthened.

A high degree of compatibility means that after using mental power, the attributes will be enhanced to a greater extent.

When Amelia Su told Xiao Yi the test results, Xiao Yi was slightly stunned.

"I didn't expect it to have such an effect!"

Su Wan nodded slightly: "Maybe that's why the survivor purchased the biological equipment manufacturing diagram."

"It's most likely the reason!" Xiao Yi replied, "Let Wang Yang continue to conduct experiments based on this idea."

"Okay!" Su Wan responded. She turned around and was about to leave when she was stopped by Xiao Yi again.

"Remind him to find a few awakened psychics with certain mental powers to test the equipment." Xiao Yi continued.


After Amelia Su left, Xiao Yi looked at the public chat room again.

"How did I find out that there were several deals to acquire biological equipment?"

"Yes, I dare say that the biological equipment must contain some secrets. This is bullying us for not knowing!"

"I already know the secrets of those biological equipment. If you want to know, just trade a cornerstone and a unit of dark gold with me directly on the island monument, and I will tell you all the secrets."

"Is it true or false? I feel it is more reliable to go to the Yiranpin Alliance online market. At least the Yiranpin Alliance can help us confirm the authenticity of this information."

"Wancao, why didn't you tell me earlier? I fucking bought it all!"

"You're going too fast! Didn't someone else send this message right after you?"

"Don't buy it, it's a liar! What he sent us is a secret that everyone knows!"

"No, is it true? Is anyone really fooled like this?"

"The main reason is that the price of a foundation stone and a unit of dark gold is too cheap. People think that they can't suffer a loss or be cheated when buying these things." (End of Chapter)

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